Freeze Warning

@wolfgirl569 (103998)
Marion, Ohio
October 15, 2024 9:04am CST
For tonight. So I am glad I got my plants in yesterday. I can't keep the roots from freezing when that happens bu covering them. Also glad because I think I will do my walking inside today. It's very blah outside. I only need to wash dishes today. And maybe vacuum tonight. Might find some stuff to declutter if I get ambitious. Also trying to decide where to set the treadmill up at. Still thinking about buying an exercise bike instead. Hope you have a good day.
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10 responses
@FourWalls (66639)
• United States
I know it’s bad for some but freeze warning means GOODBYE RAGWEED!!!!!
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@MarieCoyle (35603)
And I will join you in saying goodbye to it. The allergies are making me miserable.
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@LadyDuck (469330)
• Switzerland
They announced rain for the afternoon. I rushed out early this morning for some errands and this afternoon is a lot warmer and sunny.
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@Juliaacv (50702)
• Canada
There is a frost warning for here tonight also, and based on the feel of the air now, and it isn't dark out yet, it could happen, if it does it will be our first of the season.
@RasmaSandra (78730)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
I hope you had a good day and will have a relaxing evening,
As I predicted yesterday, my heater kicked on shortly before 11 this morning for the first time this season.
@MarieCoyle (35603)
We had a light frost last night, it was 30. It may be a bit colder than that tonight.
@AmbiePam (90471)
• United States
I think I would like an exercise bike more than a treadmill.
@JudyEv (337352)
• Rockingham, Australia
No frosts here thank goodness and none of the showers they promised us either.
• Cloverdale, Indiana
I got all my plants in the other day, I still have some in water that I need to figure out what to do with.
@somewitch (833)
Good luck with the walking inside. But I guess your house is large enough, so it shouldn't be hard. Vacuuming also adds some steps, and every little step counts. My watch gives me a few steps for my indoor biking too. Feels like cheating but I don't mind. I hope it'll be the same for you if you decide to get the bike.