Some days, it's just hard to shake off the bad stuff, isn't it?

@MarieCoyle (36141)
October 24, 2024 2:39pm CST
Did you ever wake up to a really terrible day? I didn't sleep very much. My son hasn't been well at all, and I feel like we are living life on the edge, at least this week. No, he isn't dying (well, in a way, we all die a little every day, but you know what I mean here) but he has not been well at all. We've had snarled appointments, had to change plans, etc. for over a week. It's all seemed to affect me more than I thought it would. Woke up today to a really bad migraine. Did the med thing, then waited, time for another round in a few hours, did that. My head had a heartbeat of it's own. Finally, it's calming down, I am so thankful. The phone rang. A cousin/wonderful friends (older couple) live not far from me, and we are close, we always have been. They are wonderful people, elderly and retired, but so nice. He is a retired state policeman, and loves to tell his stories, which we all enjoy. He called and I could hardly understand him, he was so choked up and crying. His sweet wife has advanced kidney cancer. They gave them the news today, and she will not survive long at all. He is gutted. She is just such a dear...I hate it that she has to depart this life in this manner, and he is just beyond devasted. His phone call hit hard. It brought to mind the age-old question we have all heard, over and over again--why do bad things happen to good people? People who try so hard to do the right things at the right time, help others, follow the laws to the T, and literally are some of the nicest people I have ever known...of course, we all hear stories like this every day, and we explain it to ourselves and to others with a ''well, that's life'' and then we shake it off and go on. But I still have to wonder. I know it's just the way things go. But it still hurts to watch or to go through. All there is to do is to know that tomorrow will be a new start, and hopefully a better day. If you are sad today, or in pain, or just have heartache...well, we've all been through bad things. Sometimes, they just hit harder and it hurts more. It's hard to see people you love hurt so much, isn't it? We've come too far here in this journey for wellness and happiness, my saying of ''Never, ever give up--EVER'' is repeated, every day. Enjoy your people, your friends and loved ones, and make the moments truly count!
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12 responses
@AmbiePam (91269)
• United States
Bless their hearts. The pain they are both going to go through is just wrong. You know a lot of struggling people too. Between them and your ill son, I imagine you held off that migraine for as long as you could!
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@MarieCoyle (36141)
I can truthfully say that I am doing my very best, but you know that...thanks, Amber.
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@kaylachan (67831)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
I had a day like that yesterday. George was not well at all. Getting him to take medicine was an exercises in patience. He did not want to go outside or put on pants. He didn't want to move. When he did, he was short of breath because he hadn't taken his asthma medicine. It's on me for not religiously checking the inhaler. Today he's doing much better. But, yes I know how it feels. I know how you friend feels too. It was lung cancer that finally took my dad. Worse, he refused any kind of treatment. Gone within a month of the diagnosis.
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@kaylachan (67831)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
@MarieCoyle I was barely 19 at the time and lost my mother to conjestive heart failure a year and a half prior.
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@MarieCoyle (36141)
@kaylachan Oh, my. That was a double whammy, for sure.
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@MarieCoyle (36141)
I am glad to hear George is having a much better day today, Kayla. It’s hard to accept when someone does not want any treatments for a severe illness, I’m sorry.
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@GardenGerty (160339)
• United States
That is absolutely the truth.
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@MarieCoyle (36141)
Thank you, Heather.
@snowy22315 (179131)
• United States
Sorry you have been having such a rough time of it lately. All we can do I think is to live life the best way we know how, because we never know how long we or loved ones have.
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@MarieCoyle (36141)
I know...we all need to truly treasure the time we spend with the people we love and care about. No one knows what the future holds.
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@JudyEv (338119)
• Rockingham, Australia
I'm so sorry to hear about your friends. That would be so devastating. You do have to wonder about these things sometimes but what can you do? Just about nothing but keep on keeping on.
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@MarieCoyle (36141)
Nothing I can do, but I will be there for them whenever I can. Thank you, Judy.
I will pray for you. And thank you for the words of encouragement. Life hasn't been so well lately. I will try to keep up the hope that when I get my new injection it will make me feel emotionally better. You made me realize I don't know what I would do if I didn't get some hope. I will pray for you
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@MarieCoyle (36141)
Thank you so much. All hard journeys don't have to end badly. I am determined this one won't, and your won't, either. You can't ever give up, Jennifer!
@much2say (55186)
• Los Angeles, California
We know "that's life", but sometimes I just want to kick life in the butt . . . especially when it does this to us. Somehow we have to keep on going, but it's easier said than done. I feel for you, your son, and your cousin friends . . . different degrees of the difficult stuff in which we wish we could swoosh away with a magic wand .
@wolfgirl569 (104582)
• Marion, Ohio
So sorry for them. They sound like wonderful people.
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@MarieCoyle (36141)
They truly are just so special. Thank you, Eva.
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@RasmaSandra (79026)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
That is the one thing I always keep in mind when I pray each day that someone somewhere definitely has it worse than me. I ask for what I wish and tell the Lord it might not be so important but it is to me and I also put in special prayers for others,
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@MarieCoyle (36141)
Most definitely there is always someone who has it much worse than we do, you are so right. You follow a good path, Rasma.
@sallypup (60560)
• Centralia, Washington
My heart hurtsfor the entire sadness that you are wrapped in. Do you have a person who can take over your duties with your son for even an hour? You could go do something relaxing in that hour- a hot shower, eyes closed, a walk. Just for you.
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@MarieCoyle (36141)
Sometimes, I have someone, he has a friend who will come but the friend currently has Covid, so that's not going to work. I have a close friend here who is great to pinch-hit for me sometimes, too. She had a virus that turned into pneumonia, so we are, and we will be Ok. I just dig in and do it, and make it work. Thank you!
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@LindaOHio (175473)
• United States
I'm so sorry for the bad news. No one ever said that life is fair. But we have to muddle through and survive. I hope you have a better day; and I hope your son feels better.
• India
Life is mystical in many ways. There are days I wake up from a nightmare or read something bad in the morning , only to spoil the morning mood. The media is good in giving us the bad news first , atleast where I live- so I decided not to look at news first thing in morning instead after finishing my breakfast or after reaching office. And as far as near and dear ones are concerned, yes news such as the one you shared are devastating and it may take a day or two to even come to terms. I can understand what you are going through. There are times we are helpless and vulnerable. And why bad things happen to good people , I have no answers and perhaps we may get the answer if we all have a afterlife. Take care!