You need a magnifying glass to buy veggies at the supermarket.

@marguicha (221915)
October 24, 2024 4:50pm CST
The last time I bought groceries, Anita helped me put away some of them. So I had´d seen the eggplant the shopper had brought. It was TINY!!! I remembered that last time I went to a shop with Dixie. They had veggies and bread and she wanted to buy some bread. I asked the boy if they had eggplants and he excused himself saying that he thought that they only had one left. I told him to bring it. And he brought a giant yet tender eggplant. I bought it. If I hadn´t been so lazy, I would have made a moussaka with that eggplant. As it was, I cut it in hald and had it breaded it . They were enough for 2 lunches. The eggplants at the supermarket are so tiny that I am hungry after eating a whole one. And they are a lot more expensive. How is it where you live?
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9 responses
@RasmaSandra (79026)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
I only buy groceries online so I wouldn't know
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@marguicha (221915)
• Chile
I saw the difference when I went with Dixie to a real market.
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@sallypup (60560)
• Centralia, Washington
I'm notcing prices and where things are grown more than smaller sizes. I bought blueberries yesterday and found that they were grown in Peru.
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@AmbiePam (91269)
• United States
It’s been awhile since I’ve shopped in person so I don’t really know what all the fruits and veggies look like in person. Of course, I saw an onion my stepmom was slicing the other day, and it was huge. But she gets her groceries at a different store than I do.
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• Philippines
The veggies are fine, but I don't know for the coming months because of the Typhoon many farm are affected again.
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@wolfgirl569 (104582)
• Marion, Ohio
It depends on the season here. Its coming the time of year here where most fresh produce is shipped in.
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@LindaOHio (175471)
• United States
I buy my groceries online. Have a good day.
@rakski (119316)
• Philippines
sometimes, even when the produce are still small, the farmers already harvest it to sell
@JudyEv (338119)
• Rockingham, Australia
Years ago, we lived on the coast and were able to get crayfish from time to time. They were monsters compared to what you get nowadays - not that we ever get them now. They are too expensive.
• Bosnia And Herzegovina
i always thought there are like two sorts of eggplants and ones are big and the other are big. big ones are better and easier to prepare. i like them breaded too, but i make more slices, not just halves