Cold Winters
By Jeff Moffitt
@moffittjc (123204)
Gainesville, Florida
January 25, 2025 9:01am CST
There are cold winters, and then there are cold winters.
I was born and raised in Florida, and choose to continue to live here partly so I don't have to deal with frigid winter temperatures. I know millions of northerners transplant themselves temporarily to Florida in the winter every year for that very same reason.
Where I live in Florida, historically we average only 13 days per year where the temperature drops below freezing. Not too bad I must say, and I think I can handle a mere 2 weeks a year of sub-freezing temperatures.
But this year has been different, it seems. I haven't looked up any official stats or anything like that, but it feels like it's been a much colder winter than normal. And I'm not just talking about the blizzard that just hit Florida this past week. I feel like we've had more days below freezing this winter than we've had in the last 10 years combined. That might be a slight exaggeration, but the point is it's been much colder than usual. More than I care for, that's for sure.
I never thought I'd say this, but I can't wait for summer to get here so I can complain on myLot how hot and humid it is! lol
How has your winter season shaped up so far? Warmer or colder than usual?
Interesting fact: In the past week, Florida has received more snow than Anchorage, Alaska!
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17 responses

@akalinus (44234)
• United States
25 Jan
@MarieCoyle Normal means the temps are not grueling cold for extended periods. It means we get breaks with periods of warm weather Add the wind and this cold is brutal.
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
25 Jan
I don't mind a polar vortex here and there, but it hasn't just been this past week. Our entire winter so far has been much colder than normal. And I like normal. Please bring back normal. LOL
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@MarieCoyle (42051)
25 Jan
Jeff, please define ''normal'' for me? I just don't think there is a normal anymore for many things, but maybe I'm wrong.
We have had a cold winter, but then this is Illinois, so that's not unexpected. I like living where there are seasons. (yes, I am aware that isn't ''normal'' to many people!) Like most, I don't enjoy big extremes, like minus 20 degrees or 115 in the summers, but we get everything here, so a person has to take what comes and deal with it all. I sympathize...but the weather is just out of our control. Hang in there, buddy!
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@Tampa_girl7 (52217)
• United States
25 Jan
Mississippi has been unseasonably cold this year.
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
25 Jan
How much snow did you get in the blizzard this week?
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
25 Jan
@akalinus We had beautiful clear skies and plenty of sunshine today, so it should have been a good day to get outside and enjoy life; but no, with a high of only 55, nobody wanted to go out and do anything. I used the opportunity to stay inside and start binge-watching the show Severance. My kids have been raving about the show and finally convinced me to watch it.

@GardenGerty (162787)
• United States
25 Jan
I believe it is colder in Kansas than it has been in the last five or so years. I am ready to be done with it.
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
25 Jan
I do suspect that you are somewhat used to such cold weather, even if this year is colder than usual. But us wimps in Florida can't handle any cold whatsoever, so this has been absolutely brutal for us down here in the sunshine state.
@snowy22315 (186969)
• United States
25 Jan
Very much colder than usual I am just thrilled our power stayed on the whole time Thankfully, no big winds along with the cold least not here
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@snowy22315 (186969)
• United States
25 Jan
@moffittjc Yeah, I was a bit nervous to hear nothing from the power company, but no problems around here
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
25 Jan
I was just thinking the same thing! Our pawer managed to stay on the entire time; we never even had it flicker during the coldest of times. Maybe getting hit with those two hurricanes this year was a blessing in disguise, as the utility companies had to replace a lot of our power lines, poles and transformers. So maybe all that new equipment helped us manage the brutal winter temps better.
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
25 Jan
@snowy22315 We have 4 power plants in our area: 2 coal, 1 natural gas, and 1 wood burning (biomass). The power company only usually keeps two running at any given time, but they had all 4 running during this past week to try and ensure that there were no power outages. It seemed to work.
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@FourWalls (72764)
• United States
25 Jan
We’ve had a BRUTAL cold snap, and “they” say this should be the worst of it. I remember it getting down to 10F and sn*wing in Jacksonville in 1981, right before I got transferred to Norfolk. I’m happy to see 70s and 80s in the extended forecast for y’all, which means I can head your way!!!!
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@FourWalls (72764)
• United States
25 Jan
@moffittjc — it’s in the 40s here, and it feels terrific after the bitterly cold we’ve had.
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
25 Jan
@FourWalls This Florida boy would probably be freezing with your temps in the 40s, but to you it probably feels good. Just like right now these temps in the mid and upper 50s feels pretty good to me right now. Cold, yes, but still feels good in the sunshine.
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
25 Jan
As much as I am complaining about this frigid cold, I really don't want it to warm up to the 80s. I would feel like the mid to upper 60s would be the sweet spot for me. It's 56 outside right now, and it feels pretty good when standing in the sunshine (but cold when standing in the shade)
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@andriaperry (118554)
• Anniston, Alabama
25 Jan
Same here! I had to buy a heater.....
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
25 Jan
I refuse to turn on my central heat in my house. Never have. it's a matter of principal. I live in Florida, damn it, I shouldn't have to run the heat in my house!
But like you, I did by a space heater to use on occasion.
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
25 Jan
@akalinus I had 5 blankets on me last night and still was cold. So this morning I dug my thermal sleeping bag out of my camping gear. It is rated for 19 F. I will sleep in my sleeping bag tonight in my bed to keep warm and enjoy a snug and cozy good night's sleep!
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
29 Jan
@dodo19 So it's only cold there 11 months out of the year? LOL
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
27 Jan
Isn’t it cold there all year long? 

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@RebeccasFarm (93175)
• United States
25 Jan
Yes climate is a changing Jeff.
It's bitter here. Yes the climate is ruined here.
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
25 Jan
Our climate is definitely changing, going from one that was predictable and steady to one that is full of extremes and unpredictability. I don't like it one bit.
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@Juliaacv (52786)
• Canada
25 Jan
Given that we are just coming out of a polar vortex, and expecting another during early February, I would say that this is 'quite' a winter. We have had plenty of snow, and then some.
Usually when we have a winter like this, it is followed by a cooler and wetter summer-I hope not this time around.
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
25 Jan
By all means I do not want a hot and humid summer, so I hope this means we (meaning Florida) will at least have a mild summer. I don't mind the rain so much, or the heat, but the humidity is just too unbearable.
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@DaddyEvil (144398)
• United States
25 Jan
My part of Missouri has been much colder than usual... I'm not enjoying it! Pretty has been forcing me out into the cold as often as I can see to drive. *sigh* She wasn't feeling well when we went shopping a few days ago and only bought half the normal amount of groceries. (I had to have a jumpstart before we could go shopping so stayed in the car while it ran in front of Walmart.)
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@DaddyEvil (144398)
• United States
25 Jan
@moffittjc There is no Instacart or Shipt here. I keep saying nothing delivers here...
My eyes are either swollen shut or my vision is blurry. When I can see clearly is the only time I'll drive.

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@akalinus (44234)
• United States
25 Jan
@DaddyEvil Wow, I thought your eyes were doing better. That sounds bad. How do you get groceries if there is no delivery available.
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
25 Jan
I'm surprised you don't use Instacart or Shipt for your groceries so that you don' have to drive! How hard is it for you to see when you drive?
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@wolfgirl569 (113643)
• Marion, Ohio
25 Jan
It's been a cold winter here. It's not unusual for my area to be colder than Alaska this time of year
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@wolfgirl569 (113643)
• Marion, Ohio
26 Jan
@moffittjc It can seem strange when you think of how far north they are
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
26 Jan
Every once in a while, during a polar vortex, we'll have lower temperatures here in Florida than up in Canada. I always think it's funny when that happens. I don't know why, I just think it's funny,
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
27 Jan
@wolfgirl569 When it comes to weather, everything is strange! Sometimes, it is hotter there than in Florida.
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@akalinus (44234)
• United States
25 Jan
@moffittjc You live in northern Florida, right? How much snow did you get? I heard one report of 9 inches. That's crazy for Florida.
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
25 Jan
@akalinus I do live in northern Florida, but I was about 10 miles south of where the snow line stopped. Most of the heavy snow was in the panhandle of the state. The northern interior part of the state where I live only saw sporadic snow and not much accumulation.
I didn't realize this, but the previous record snowfall for Florida was 4 inches, which occurred in March, 1954. Clearly, we shattered that record with this most recent snowfall.
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
25 Jan
I used to enjoy the cold, probably because I live in Florida and never had to deal with it for more than 2-3 days at a time. But this past week has been absolutely brutal, and after only just one week I have decided that prolonged cold weather is not for me. I need my temps to stay above freezing, thank you!

@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
27 Jan
Do you ever get snow where you live?
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
3 Feb
@JudyEv well, at least there’s a little bit of snow, even if it’s on the top of a mountain!
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@JudyEv (349297)
• Rockingham, Australia
28 Jan
@moffittjc No. There is one mountain (more a very big hill) that sometimes gets snow on the top.
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@porwest (98210)
• United States
26 Jan
I have been complaining about our recent cold snap, but I would have to say that in terms of days, it's been warmer overall. We didn't really get a cold snap until around late January and normally it would have been much colder much sooner. We were damn near 60s on Christmas Day.
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
27 Jan
It was warm here on Christmas Day as well. I’ve noticed that the later our winter weather starts, the colder it ends up being.
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
3 Feb
@porwest Yeah, February is the coldest month for us here in Florida.
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@porwest (98210)
• United States
28 Jan
@moffittjc Usually around here February is the worst month. We'll see.
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@id_peace (15268)
• Singapore
26 Jan
It is an interesting fact indeed. How could Florida have more snow than Anchorage.
I dream of visiting a place in cold winter to experience winter but I do not really have the chance to do so as no one around me want to do so. They are scared of the coldness.
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@JESSY3236 (20327)
• United States
28 Jan
I only got an inch of snow a few weeks ago, but not recently. It has been cold though. Right now it's 55 according to the computer.
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@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
29 Jan
Although it's much warmer today than it has been for like the last 10 days, it's still cold by Florida standards. It's 66 right now.
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@RevivedWarrior (3749)
• India
26 Jan
I feel it is more or less same across the world. Where I am residing, it is cool though not coild. Usually it should get little warm , but then the temperature range is 19C to 25C .Ideally that should have been the temperature 4 months ago. Also , the summer was long and horrible last time with water scarcity as well. So, I cannot state for now that I am looking forward to summer. I hope it is better than last time. I did real about Florida and yes , it has been cold and certain parts received even snow. Well, climate change is definitely impacting different parts of the world. And Florida has become the biggest example. Take care!