A Day Without Coffee Would Be Like A Day Without Sunshine

United States
March 4, 2025 10:33am CST
Happy Tuesday Everyone! it's sunny here right now but lots of rain coming overnight and tomorrow. Looks like a damp and dismal day ahead. I just sat down to relax for a little bit. I had my first cup of coffee hours ago and now I'm having cup #2 with my breakfast (honey wheat English muffin with peanut butter and a banana). I felt pretty good when I got up this morning so I took advantage and got some of those household chores done. There's always laundry to do even though there's only 2 of us. Brings back memories of days gone by when my kids were young and there were 5 of us. I don't think our washing machine ever got a rest I'm waiting for Amazon to bring a new battery for my Dyson vacuum. It hasn't been holding the charge and it's frustrating when it constantly dies after a short period of time. I used to be able to vacuum the whole downstairs without needing a charge but now it dies before it's halfway done. I'm not overly anxious for my package to arrive because I am willing to procrastinate as long as possible without having to vacuum Since tonight is "Fat Tuesday" (day before Ash Wednesday) we'll be having leftovers from Sundays family dinner (lasagna, meatballs and salad). With tomorrow being the start of Lent we'll aim for lighter meals and/or meatless meals a few times a week. That about sums up my day so far. How's your day shaping up?
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15 responses
@DaddyEvil (142610)
• United States
4 Mar
Yeah... I don't like coffee so it's just a cold and rainy day here so far. (I feel a little chilly but the thermometer in my bedroom says it's 71F in here. I just put an extra blanket over me. ) My brother called and woke me up. He said he was just checking in on us and acted surprised that I was asleep. I KNOW we've told him Pretty and I sleep during the daytime and are awake at night. He's just forgotten that. Nothing happening here today. I'm just listening to the rain fall and the occasional thunder rattling the house. I hope you're enjoying your day. Edit to add the forecast for today. I thought you'd enjoy seeing this... screenshot is mine.
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@DaddyEvil (142610)
• United States
5 Mar
@Marilynda1225 Thanks. At least it wasn't needing the bathroom that woke me up this time. It didn't take long before I went back to sleep. I don't want more winter, either... But it's not even spring in my part of Missouri yet. We can get snow even in early May if Mother Nature feels like it.
• United States
@DaddyEvil this morning news was showing that severe weather was coming across the states with some getting ice and snow and tornadoes in other parts. Guess Mother Nature isn't going to give up easy and just go away. Hope it doesn't get too bad there.
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• United States
4 Mar
Hope you keep your wonderful weather there!!! I've had enough winter. Sorry that your brother forgot you sleep during the day and woke you up.
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@Juliaacv (52375)
• Canada
4 Mar
I have a coffee when I wake up and then a mid-morning cup on my break from work as well as a mid-afternoon cup on my afternoon break. I love the calming effect coffee has on me. My day went really well today, I finished work and went over to play with the twins for an hour before their Dad finished working. I have an Asian party pack of appetizers that I plan on doing some up for supper tonight, we love to pick away at those.
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• United States
4 Mar
Seeing the twins would brighten my day too. Glad your work hours went well. Your dinner of Asian appetizers sounds really good and something different. Enjoy!
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@Juliaacv (52375)
• Canada
4 Mar
@Marilynda1225 It was a nice little supper, we don't need the big heavy meals, and picking a few little things, chicken, pork and vegetable items was delicious. Those little girls are so darned cute, they keep us laughing and on our toes. Grandpa sees that Harper mimics me often during the day. If he mentions me, she tears through her drawers looking for her watch, or clock as she calls it. She has always liked my wrist watch and I often have to take it off so that she can wear it. Today was such a day.
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• United States
@Juliaacv hearing about your girls makes me smile. Life is just so much better with grandkids. Even though mine are big now they still bring joy to my heart. It's so funny that Harper mimics you and associates you with your wrist watch. Those girls are going to grow up knowing the love of grandparents.
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@BarBaraPrz (48732)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
4 Mar
No... A day without coffee is a day without coffee. But I don't drink coffee, so you may be right as it's not a sunny day here in the Garden City. 8°C/48°F though.
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• United States
4 Mar
I don't know how i would get through a day without coffee. Do you not drink it for health reasons or you just don't like it?
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@BarBaraPrz (48732)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
4 Mar
@Marilynda1225 I just don't like it. I much prefer tea.
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• United States
@BarBaraPrz I come from a family of tea drinkers and yet I love coffee. I like tea occasionally
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@snowy22315 (186009)
• United States
4 Mar
Its been OK, doctor appointment went fine, although I am getting a referral to the dermatologist. Hopefully it is covered.
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@snowy22315 (186009)
• United States
4 Mar
@Marilynda1225 Yeah, I know that I had to pay a certain amount last time I went. I think it was just the specialist fee.
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• United States
4 Mar
Hope your referral is covered
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@BelleStarr (61338)
• United States
I didn't have breakfast today I had a salad for lunch. I don't eat meat on Ash Wednesday so I think it's Mac and cheese for dinner. That rain along with thunder and winds is headed our way.
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@BelleStarr (61338)
• United States
@Marilynda1225 so far only heavy rain and a little wind no thunder. I ended up having fettuccine Alfredo with spinach and mushrooms.
• United States
I don't eat meat on Ash Wednesday either and we had eggplant cutlets air fried with pasta Hope the storm doesn't get bad there
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@wolfgirl569 (112414)
• Marion, Ohio
5 Mar
I hate vacuuming but I use a corded one.
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@wolfgirl569 (112414)
• Marion, Ohio
@Marilynda1225 I only have carpet in 2 rooms and the bedroom doesn't need it often. I have my old one in there
• United States
I gave up my corded vacuum years ago and love the freedom to zip through the house without having to plug in a different outlet when you run out of room.
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@STOUTjodee (3583)
• United States
4 Mar
Staying inside as it is cold and rainy with a lot of wind!!! I, too, did some laundry and yes, with only two people it seems all I get done is laundry and washing dishes (by hand.) Got supper in the crock pot, pulled pork for sandwiches.
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• United States
4 Mar
I love crockpot meals and pulled pork sounds so good. We're getting that rain and wind tomorrow. Isn't it crazy how much laundry 2 people use
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@FourWalls (71879)
• United States
4 Mar
I’m having lunch…actually, just finished lunch and now I’m drinking some hot tea for dessert. I don’t drink coffee, so you’ll have to have mine.
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• United States
I'll gladly have your coffee and hope you enjoyed your day.
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@Tampa_girl7 (51776)
• United States
4 Mar
I did a few chores and now I’m listening to the strong winds and praying the coming storm isn’t too bad.
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• United States
I see that some severe weather is coming across the states and I hope you don't get hit hard.
@RasmaSandra (82887)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
4 Mar
My drink is iced tea. I hope you have a relaxing evening,
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• United States
I like iced tea too especially in the warm weather.
@TheHorse (223964)
• Walnut Creek, California
4 Mar
Brewed some coffee. Did a post here. Relaxing right now. Long day ahead.
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• United States
Hope you survived your long day yesterday. I got sidetracked and didn't get to spend as much time here as I had planned.
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@TheHorse (223964)
• Walnut Creek, California
@Marilynda1225 I "got 'er done." Tuesdays can be a bit rough.
@JudyEv (347485)
• Rockingham, Australia
5 Mar
I'm afraid we don't really take much notice of Lent but we did have pancakes last night.
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• United States
Pancakes are good any night
@andriaperry (118393)
• Anniston, Alabama
Work and work.
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• United States
You're always busy, busy, busy
@Beestring (14972)
• Hong Kong
5 Mar
The weather in this morning is not very pleasant. Raining and cold.
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• United States
That's the same weather we have here today along with strong winds.
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@grenery8 (14203)
• Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
i'm glad you had your cup of coffeee. yes, yesterday was fat tuesday, so far away
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