Shopping in Welsh.
By Sharon Elton
@sharonelton (30245)
Lichfield, England
March 17, 2025 10:28am CST
You all know how much I like shopping. So I thought I'd do a Welsh lesson on shopping!
Shopping in Welsh is siopa and it's pronounced sh-oh-pah
The shop in Welsh is y siop and it's pronounced uh sh-yop
Here are some sentences using these words:-
I went shopping today = Es i siopa heddiw ess ee sh-op-pah heth-you
I went shopping yesterday = Es i siopa ddoe ess ee sh-oh-pah thoy
I'm going shopping tomorrow = Dw i'n mynd i siopa yfory doo een mind ee sh-op-pah uh-vorr-ee
I didn't go shopping yesterday because of the weather = Wnes i ddim mynd i siopa ddoe oherwydd y tywydd Wness ee thim mind ee sh-op-pah thoy o-ker-eth uh tuh-with
I didn't go shopping today because of the weather = Wnes i ddim mynd i siopa heddiw oherwydd y tywydd Wness i thim mind ee sh-op-pah heth-you o-ker-eth uh tuh-with
I'm not going shopping tomorrow because of the weather = Dw i ddim yn mynd i siopa yfory oherwydd y tywydd doo ee thim un mind ee sh-op-pah uh-vorr- o-ker-eth uh tuh-with
I'm off to the shop = Dw i'n mynd i'r siopa doo ee mind eer sh-yop
Supermarket in Welsh is archfarchnad and it's pronounced arkh-var-khnad (the ch is pronounced like the ch in the Scottish word loch).
Green grocer in Welsh is Llysieuwr and it's pronounced hluh-shay-oor
I'm going to the supermarket later = Dw i'n mynd i'r archfarchnad yn hwyrach doo een mind eer arkh-var-khnad un hoy-rach (Remember the ch is pronounced like the ch in the Scottish word loch).
I bought some fresh vegetables at the green grocery = Prynais i lysiau ffres yn y llysieuwr prin-ice ee hluh-shy-eye fres un uh hluh-shay-oor
The green grocery sells great strawberries = Mae'r llysieuwr yn gwerthu mefus gwych myr hluh-shay-oor un gwerth-ee mev-iss goo-eech
The supermarket has a special offer on pizzas = Mae cynnig arbennig ar bytsas yn yr archfarchnad mye kunn-ig ar-ben-ig ar bitt-sas un ur arkh-var-khnad
Market = marchnad markh-nad
I'm going to the market tomorrow = Dw i'n mynd i'r farchnad yfory doo een mind eer varkh-nad uh-vorr-ee
(Notice the change to an f in the sentence
The original word:- marchnad = Market
After i'r (to the) it becomes farchnad because of the soft mutation).
I bought a cucumber from the supermarket = Prynais i giwcymbr o'r archfarchnad prin-ice ee kyoo-kim-br or arkh-van-khnad
Here are a list of some of the things I might get from the shops:-
Magazines = Cylchgronau kilkj-gron-eye
Bottle of water = Potel ddwr pot-el thour (Mini upside down v over the w)
Blueberries = Llus hlees
Strawberries = mefus mev-iss
Edamame beans = Ffa edamane fah ed-am-ah-meh
Spring onions = Winwns gwanwyn ween-oons gwan-wyn
Lettuce = Letys let-iss
Carrots = moron mor-on
Tomatoes = Tomatos toe-mat-oss
Red pepper = Pupur coch pip-ir kohkh
Cucumber = ciwcymbr kyoo-kim-br
Grapefruit = Grawnffrwyth grawn-fr-with
Bananas = Bananas ban-an-ass
Walnuts = Cnau Ffrengig cna-eye freng-ig
Easy peelers = Clementinau klem-en-teen-eye
Onion = winwnsyn ween-oon-sin
Milk = Llaeth hl-ah-yth
Vegan yoghurt = logwrt llysieuol yog-oort hluh-sheye-oll
Puddings = Pwdinau pood-een-eye
Grated cheese = Caws wedi'i gratio cows wed-ee-ee grat-yo
Danish blue cheese = Caws glas Denmarc cows glass den-mark
Mini pork pies = Pice bach porc peek-eh bah-k pork
Ready meals = Prydau parod preed-eye par-od
Tofu = Tofu toe-foo
Pizza = Pizza peet-sah
Canned vegetable soup Cawl llysiau tun kowl hluh-sh-eye tin
Olive oil = Olew olewydd oll-eh-oh oll-eh-with
Pot noodles = Pot nwdls pot noodles
Cake/cakes = cacen/cacennau ka-ken/ka-ken-eye
Crisps = creision krey-shon
Breakfast cereal = Grawnfwyd brecwast grawn-voo-eed breck-wast
Frozen peas = Pys wedi'u rhewi pees wed-ee-ee rreh-wee
Those meatball things that I can't say the name of! = Ffagots fa-g-otts
Fish fingers = Bysedd pysgod bis-eth piss-god
Battered fish = Pysgod wedi'u gorchuddio piss-god wed-ee-ee gor-khuth-yo
Mushrooms = madarch mad-arkh
Biscuits = bisgedi bis-ged-ee
Tea bags = bagiau te bag-ee-eye tay
Toilet paper = Papur ty bach pap-ear tee bah-kh (A little upside down v over the t)
Washing up liquid = Hylif golchi llestri huh-liv gol-khee hlesh-tree
Bird seed = Hadau adar ha-dye ah dar
Now see if you can make some sentences using these words and the words for shopping/shop/supermarket/market or green grocer.
I hope you enjoyed this lesson about shopping in Welsh.
Have a nice day. 

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2 responses
@sharonelton (30245)
• Lichfield, England
18 Mar
Of cause. The Welsh word for chocolate is siocled and it's pronounced shok-led 

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@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
18 Mar
@sharonelton .......How interesting.
1 person likes this
@sharonelton (30245)
• Lichfield, England
24 Mar
@celticeagle You're welcome and thank you. I'm glad you think so. 

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@Shivram59 (39955)
• India
19 Mar
Thanks for the post; but it's not possible for me to keep the sentences in mind. I would have to learn Welsh from basics to understand sentence structures.

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@Shivram59 (39955)
• India
24 Mar
@sharonelton Thank you. I'll try. I can now write short articles and stories in Sanskrit.
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@sharonelton (30245)
• Lichfield, England
@Shivram59 That's good. Congratulations on that. 

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@sharonelton (30245)
• Lichfield, England
24 Mar
Ah, I understand you. I'll try and make it simpler next time. 

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