How much do u pay for your cell phone?

@Sikh_Boy (230)
United States
December 3, 2006 3:50am CST
I pay round 65$ per month and u?..;)
5 responses
• India
4 Dec 06
i pay nothing... because i don't have one. lolzz :D I use Local fone
@Sikh_Boy (230)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Thx For replying everyone !!! :)
3 Dec 06
My mobile phone is pay as you go, so I have no set cossts. I do nto really ever buy credit, so I would say £0 per month.
@Sikh_Boy (230)
• United States
4 Dec 06
thx for replying !!!... smart move !!!
@jaginfo2006 (1757)
• India
3 Dec 06
well its cheap here around 10$
@Sikh_Boy (230)
• United States
4 Dec 06
cool...thx for replying !
• India
28 Dec 06
well presently its 50$ cell phone i have !
@crankycool (1052)
• India
4 Dec 06
It is very less for me... I pay around $15- 425... not very costly