on the internet

@eoan66 (18)
December 3, 2006 3:55am CST
there are so many things that you can do on the internet, seems logical to make a list of them. Lets start listing out, we can have a collated list for reference to all people like us
3 responses
@zyrxdark (128)
• Indonesia
3 Dec 06
we can have friends, I live on the small town, after finish my study on high school I didn't know where I would continue my sutdy and then my friend on the internet present to me a college on his cities. so I went into a cities that unknown for me . until now I live on that cities and I enjoy it ^_^
@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
3 Dec 06
You chat in internet yea
@matlux (217)
• France
3 Dec 06
you can earn money!