How to help my 6yr old
By dizneydee
@dizneydee (79)
United States
December 3, 2006 2:09pm CST
Ok I hope that this isn't too long but here goes. For the past 2 years I have not been able to eat solid food. I have gone through tests and they still cannot find the problem. They found out my gallbladder was bad and took that out hoping it was that but it wasn't. Here is the thing. I get dizzy and pass out from the lack of nutrition. My 6yr old daughter came home from school the other day to find me on the floor. When I came to she was hysterical crying saying that she thought I was dead. She is so worried that something is going to happen to me that everyday the school nurse is calling me saying that my daughter has pains in her stomach. I know that this is effecting her big time, but I don't know how to handle it. I try not to let her know what is going on with me but I am in the hospital alot and other things so she sees it. Any advice on this subject would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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90 responses
@rosey2006 (945)
• United States
3 Dec 06
Go to a homeopathic doctor. Why aren't the regular doctors feeding you through a Peg Tube. When my dad couldn't eat or drink they put in a Peg- Tube so that he would get fed.
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@dizneydee (79)
• United States
3 Dec 06
I have had pic lines and the feeding tubes but I keep getting infections from them so they stopped it. I don't really know enough about homeopathic doctors but I guess it is worth looking into. Thanks
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@dhicks30 (1948)
• United States
4 Dec 06
I have to agree with her go see a homeopathic doctor. I had diaherra for 2 months,as soon as I eat I was going to the bathroom and pain gas. Doctors didn't know why, they did a cat scan, blood test, doctors thought maybe IBS. Then I started taking Aloe vera pills and digestive enzymes. One week later, It was over and I was fine. Not I'm not saying you will be fine. But It can't hurt to see a homeopathic doctor. If you don't go to see one, please go to a different doctor, and a different one, and a different one till someone finds out what is wrong.
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@teddyberry82 (654)
• United States
4 Dec 06
i had the same problem and I got my gall bladder out. I feel great after that. Maybe you have acid reflux. Maybe you are anemic. You really need them to do an ultasound and x-rays and tons of blood work and anything else you can think of. I have a 6 year old daughter also and she would be worried about me like that too. She was worried when she was 4 and I passed out from my gall bladder. I was in and out of hospitals till they found out that my gall bladder was real sick and I had panceradis and my liver was swollen because of it!
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@dizneydee (79)
• United States
5 Dec 06
They have done ultrasounds, mri's, catscans, I have blood work done every two weeks and I am a anemic. They also found an ulcer (surprise there). I don't think that they have checked my panceras through...Gonna tell them to do that. Thanks for taking the time to write.
@remaster74 (4064)
• Greece
4 Dec 06
If regular doctors find nothing then visit other kind of doctors. But please have help for your daughter. Don't try to solve this alone.
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@wahmoftwo (1296)
• United States
4 Dec 06
I think you need help caring for her and a new doctor. Hope you get both. Good luck.
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@autohitsnow (453)
• Argentina
4 Dec 06
terrible stoty
i hope your helth get better
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@beckylynn (141)
• United States
3 Dec 06
Maybe she could go with you to the doctor sometime and learn about what is wrong with you. It might make it less scary. Also, they do have counselors she could go to, to help her deal with these scary feelings. Hope this helps.
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@dizneydee (79)
• United States
3 Dec 06
It's just that these doctors are so unclear about what's going on and what to do next that I don't think they would be much help to her. I see a counselor and she sometimes comes with me and talks to them but it doesn't seem to be helping cope. Thanks for the suggestions though.
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
4 Dec 06
My heart goes out to you dizneydee! You've sure been having a rough two years. A lot of the posters have given you some good answers. Please, if you haven't, get a second opinion. Maybe you should see a gastroenterologist about this. Two years is a long time for no answers, and no solution. While it's good that they found out about the gallbladder problem, the underlying problem, whatever is causing your symptoms, is still not being addressed.
Prior to all of this, were you on any sort of antibiotics for anything? My one Aunt had a similar thing to this, and it turned out that the one antibiotic she had taken killed off all the natural bacteria that was in her intestinal tract. Once the Dr's finally put two and two together, they found a medicine to restore the natural flora in the intestinal tract and she gradually got better.
If you have not been doing so, please drink Ensure, or Boost, or something (store brand) that is equivalent. When I was a home hospice nurse, we used these extensively on people who could not get any good nutrition into them. I drank these when I was going through chemo when I couldn't keep food down, and they made such a big difference. If we don't have the proper fuel in our bodies our systems can't work to help us get better. I too used to pass out from dizziness when I got down to 88#. Boost, Ensure, etc will not hurt you in any way, but will replenish your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals and trace minerals that you need so badly. Pic lines and feeding tubes are good for most people, but for some, they cause repeated problems; but you still need to get in some good nutrition from somewhere!
I had IBS for a total of 7 years. My regular Dr, and gastroenterologist were no help. Neither were any other Dr's I was sent to. My normal weight was 120#, but after years of problems and poor nutrition (from being unable to eat right) I dropped down to 88#. I went to a Dr who was also a homeopathic Dr and it made the biggest change in my life! We found that traditional 'chemical based' medicines were too strong for my system; the side effects were so much worse, and they really didn't do a lot to correct my problems. It took 5 of those years with taking homeopatic medicines to get my system back into control. I now am symptom free and able to eat anything again...I'm even up to 95#!! There's a lot of traditional Dr's who think homeopathy is bull, but you know, when I was a child in the 50's that's pretty much what most Dr's were. Once the age of 'miracle medicines' came around, homeopathy was looked at as old-fashioned. I've been really pleased at how much I've progressed, and how much better I am, it's like I got a brand new life! You know, maybe it's worth a shot to try, especially since traditional medicine isn't doing much for you, imho.
I agree with the posters too, that you should let your daughter know what's going on. There is so much more fear of the unknown, than there is with knowing things. She just loves her mommy, and not knowing what's going on must be hard to bear. While you don't have to fully explain everything to her, she does need to know that if Mommy doesn't get to eat properly it makes you weak, and sometimes you pass out from being weak. Start simple with the basics, and then let her ask the questions that she wants to know. Six year olds are a whole lot smarter than we give them credit for.
Please feel free to write via myLot mail if you want. I have a list of medical sites with explanations of homeopathic medicines (since my family and I have had to take them for so long), and any kind of thing you need researched to help you. Since I've had cancer and am homebound (6 years cancer free now) I do all the medical searches for people in my neighborhood when they ask. I've been a nurse since 1969, so if you ever need something explained, just holler and I can point you to answers. Hope you get to feeling better soon and find out what's causing all your problems! God Bless!
@lilttownmommie (1473)
• United States
4 Dec 06
i would do like someone else had said and make a plan with her and a neighbor or a really close family friend who knows about the situation. Also I would talk to the school counselor and see if the school nurse can let her talk to the counselor when she starts having her "pains" this may help her some, and dont hide things from her, just be upfront and honest with her that you are sick and there maybe times when you dont feel good, my son is 4.5 and last year when he was 3.5 he saw me pass out while i was pregnant with my daughter (high blood preassure + pregnancy dont mix well ) but he got really upset, I sat down and explained things to him and he was fine. I tend to tell my son the truth about things that effect our family and he does quite well with things, better than I did when I was a kid and my mom tried to hide everything from me. But I also feel that each child is different. But maybe you can try it and see if it works with your daughter, it really can't hurt aything.
@cowgirl2701 (2079)
• United States
4 Dec 06
You really shoud be honest with her and tell her what is wrong. Children understand more than you think. You should also teach her to call 911 in case she ever comes home to find you laying on the floor again.
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@shellyjohnson (11)
• India
4 Dec 06
Tell your daughter that u are ill because of intakin of a non healthy diet and encourage her in taking proprer nutritious food. Talk to her.
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@meghnadbodh (35)
• Bangladesh
4 Dec 06
i think its not so easy to make a 6yr old baby to understand what actually happened to her mother.if she have the ability then she might not act as she did.
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@dizneydee (79)
• United States
4 Dec 06
A healthy diet is not my problem. I have always eaten healthy and my daughter does as well. Her eating habits are fine. Her problem is the stress with me.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
3 Dec 06
First I would like to say that I am sorry you are going through this. I don't know if it will help but maybe you can make a plan with her as to what she should do if that happens again, like have a neighbor or friend on standby that she can call so she is not alone. Include her in making the plan, let her come up with some ideas. By involving her maybe she will feel more comfortable with the situation. Next, can you eat the liquid nutrition drinks. I'm not sure what they are called but they are similar to kid's pediasure. I worked in a health care facility and there were patients that could not eat solid food so they had special drinks that provided them with the nutrients they needed. Good luck to you.
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@vickilee (136)
• United States
4 Dec 06
I agree, don't hide things from her. She will imagine the worst. Everyone has given some great advice. I would just add that she also needs to hear that you and the doctors are working on making you well. Even though they haven't found the cause yet, she needs some reassurance.
I really feel for both of you, and I hope you find some answers very soon.
@IshidaMitsunari (1026)
• China
4 Dec 06
You just need to stop hiding everything, that isn't helping. She is six now, so start being honest. If you hide things from her she is going to start hiding things from you. You don't want that do you?
@dizneydee (79)
• United States
3 Dec 06
Thanks that is a good idea and I know that I should have some sort of plan for her to do. I just try to hide it from her so much so that I don't upset her. But I guess that isn't the right thing to do. I do drink the ensure but most of the time that doesn't sit well either. Thanks for the suggestion I am going to sit down with her tonight.
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@rms2727 (815)
• India
4 Dec 06
it is very natural for a child to react like this is when they find that their mother is not keeping well. but you have to provide her with enough reassurance that your illness is not grave and you won't pass away because of your illness. to remove the insecurity that has built up in the child's mind you will have to devote a bit more of your time and explain how things in a way that IE easy for a child to comprehend.
I know it won't be easy to specially because you're going through a very weird kind of illness, but still you have to make sure and take that extra effort to lead the child feel safe.
hopes that your actual problem was discovered soon and you get well with proper treatment
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@pravibabu (135)
• India
4 Dec 06
@sweetcakes (3504)
• United States
4 Dec 06
Fainting occurs when the blood supply to your brain is momentarily inadequate, causing you to lose consciousness. This loss of consciousness is usually brief.
Fainting can have no medical significance, or the cause can be a serious disorder. Therefore, treat loss of consciousness as a medical emergency until the signs and symptoms are relieved and the cause is known.
If you feel faint:
Lie down or sit down.
If you sit down, place your head between your knees.
Discuss recurrent fainting spells with your doctor.
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@humaaaa (1386)
• Pakistan
4 Dec 06
solution to all the problems is talk.
just talk to her nicely and tell her that you are perfectly fine, the action was cause by a little frustration of work you got tired and felt down on the floor..
tell her everything is going to be fine don't worry. mommy is going through some ruitine tests.
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
4 Dec 06
I do think that you need to share with your daughter calmly the basics of what is going on with you. She is quite old enough to understand and the knowledge that you have shared grown-up things with her will make her feel very grown-up herself. The worry that she has NOT knowing about you is far more damaging than the fear you might have that most of the knowledge will go over her head and confuse her. I don't think it will. My advice is to involve her in your plan for food intake and in what the doctors are saying almost as if she were an adult. I think you will be surprised how responsible and caring she can be, even at that tender age. The important thing is to show that you are on the whole calm and organised and that she should be too.
By knowing and understanding something of your problems, she will become a wonderful help and support to you and if you outline a plan of what she needs to do if she finds you unconscious again, she will be greatly reassured.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
4 Dec 06
I agree with Brendalee. Have a plan, that will let your daughter feel more in control. Another suggestion--instead of the Ensure, which is non dairy based, try Instant Breakfast, or something similar, made with lowfat milk, since you no longer have your gallbladder. Both my neices and my sister have had their gallbladders removed and continue to have similar problems with digestion. The reason I suggest an instant breakfast is because my husband became unable to eat when he was ill with Lou Gehrigs disease. He did instant breakfast at home, but when he went to a nursing home they tried the Ensure because that was what they gave the elderly. For him it gave him lots of gas an loose stools. Have you been tested for food allergies? Crohn's disease, Celiac? Yogurt cultures in pill or in the yogurt itself is very helpful for the intestines. You do not have to buy the newest one targeted for that (Activie) any fresh yogurt will do. All our best to you. Keep us posted.
@caj1202 (162)
• United States
4 Dec 06
have you every asked the help of God in your situation? We can give only what we have. I, too, had been experiencing a lot of trials in my life but you know, what keeps me going is my faith in the Lord Jesus. His help is always in time and we never lack in our needs. Try to read Psalm 23, it's our family creed, and believe in it. God bless you and your daughter.
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@meghnadbodh (35)
• Bangladesh
4 Dec 06
i think you can take herbal treatment.when all the conventional system fail we have to get back to our past.long ago our ancestors lived happy life taking herbal a days the latest medical technology agrees with the herbal medicine.i think you should try it.