Is The World Overpopulated?
By ossie16d
@ossie16d (11821)
December 4, 2006 1:56am CST
Is the world overpopulated?
Many people are saying that the world population is too high and that it cannot be sustained.
Do you think the world is overpopulated?
What do you think about overpopulation, and what do you think ought to be done about it?
How far is going too far to keep extreme overpopulation from happening?
How crowded is too crowded?
How much sprawl is okay and how much is too much?
Please discuss this issue, without any racial or religious slurs.
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33 responses
@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
17 Feb 07
Some countries .... without naming them of course .... are most definately overpopulted .... they have no idea of birth control and that should be taught to them. When the poor keep popping out babies .... then is the time to act ... they should only have the number that they can feed .... and no more than that number.
If people were taught birth control .... they will be better off ..... also do like China in not allowing more than one child per family to be educated. They know they have a problem and so are dealing with it ..... as best as they can. In Australia the larger cities are becoming overpopulated .... the facilities are not good enough to cope with these huge increases in population. In rural areas there are not many people at all .... and this is even where there are good facilities .... but for some reason people want to live in the city.
Each country should be responsible .... and take measures to control the population growth. It should not be up to the Government to decide .... but if the people will not take steps themselves .... there is no alternative. Too crowded is when a country cannot feed and educate the population.
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
17 Feb 07
You have fairly well summed this one up in that it is up to each country to educate their population regarding birth control, at least in regard to the poor nations which are seriously overpopulated.
Ilike your last sentence about how to determine whether or not a country is too crowded. Thanks for reading and responding to this discussion oldboy. :)
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
5 Dec 06
some parts of the world is overpopulated. like here in the philippines, it's too crowded already. squatters in most places. and usually, those who are in squartters areas do have children more than 3. teens get to have their own families in their early age giving birth earlier than expected then bringing up too many kids as possible. it's hard to stop the population growth unless we people realize that it's necessary.
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@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
5 Dec 06
You are right that there are many places which are overpopulated, and that there is not proper housing for everyone in some countries. Have you any suggestions as to how we could make people realise the damage they are doing to this planet of ours?Thanks very much for responding. :)
@ishavasyam (1801)
• India
5 Dec 06
Very good issue...I agree with u about the over population...not enough data with me right now as regards how many people per km is considered as crowding because different countries have different densities of population...ofcourse the land area is finite..and the users are ever way is to technically explore the possiility of going down..dwelling below the earth surface...let us have views on this...
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@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
5 Dec 06
It is interesting that you mention underground dwelling because that actually does happen in some places, including here in Australia at some of the opal fields. There, due to the climate, many people have underground houses and are quite comfortable. So your suggestion has definate possibilities, plus it will free up some of the land above ground to be used for food production.
Thanks for this great contribution to the discussion. :)
@masaambaya (74)
• Kenya
4 Dec 06
The many people u r reffering to plus uaself are mis informed.
the world is not overpopulated or even quarter of it is not settled.
the thing u should reffer to is overpopulation of urban centres.
we have lots of un inhabited forests covers and even the deserts have no can u tell exactly where in the world are u reffering to as over populated?
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
4 Dec 06
I am talking about the world as a whole entity.
Do you think it is possible for people to live in a forest without doing any damage or destruction? If the forests are destroyed, then what about global warming which will have a much more serious impact on the world population? Is it possible for people to live in the desert and if so where does their food and water come from?There are many nations, unfortunately, that due to their large populations cannot house and feed the people. Don't you think this presents a problem? I certainly do.
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@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
4 Dec 06
I am looking at this as a world issue rather than something that occurs in only certain nations of the world. So what do you think should happen in those parts, or countries, of the world where there is overpopulation?
Thanks for your response.
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@sweetie88 (4556)
• Pakistan
4 Dec 06
Another good post is shown by u. U started a very important and good issue.
I too think that World has over-populated and according to my knowledge, the birth of 3rd baby is n't allowed in China. I think that we should make multi-stories buildings and flats and should give birth to only that number of babies to whom we can give escelent time and attention at a time. Forests r decreased to make cities and colonies for population and its really very bad. We should keep in our mind our resources and give birth to babies by keeping in view that resources.
We should think about the whole nation too. If u r rich and can afford 10 babies ur own and can give good time and attention to them then it'll better for u to give birth to 3 or 4 babies and donate ur money to 6,7 such babies which even do n't have dresses to wear.
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
4 Dec 06
In China they are only allowed to have the 1 child or if they have more then they are penalised in that the child cannot be educated etc. One of the problems is that most rich people do not have a lot of children but tend to limit the numbers somewhat. There are many multi-story buildings here in Australia, and most Australians will tell you they are awful. We prefer houses to anything else, however we do have a very large country with a relatively small population. The unfortunate fact is that most of them tend to live in the larger cities and along the coast rather than inland.
Thanks for your contribution to the discussion sweetie88.
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@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
4 Dec 06
Yes I think it is, and I think that the best solution is planning ahead the family, how many kids will be, and conscientization of everyone. We are here together, if part of humanity kills the planet it will be killed to ALL the humanity.
@Staxitix (7)
• United States
5 Dec 06
I believe that if the governments of the world came together (At least the more developed countries) and formed a plan about space travel and establishing communities on planets that are somewhat suitable for life, things would be better.
This would give hope to inventors, and space-techy's to get creative and form ideas based on the development of super cities and such on other planets.
Look at Tokyo, it's crowded and only get worse by the day. Look at New York. I was watching a T.V show yesterday 'Cash Cab Taxi ' (Show on Discovery channel) and well, driving around in the city looks so difficulut. Just an idea, we should have better plans about the future.
@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
20 Feb 07
If it's not now, it will be in the future. In most of Europe families are having fewer children than a few decades ago, but in the developing world birth rates are still high.
Technology and smarter agricultural techniques can help provide food for everyone, but getting it people is a problem. And in many parts of the world water is going to be a major issue. Forget about oil; the middle east and other areas may see wars break out over water.
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
20 Feb 07
You do have a valid point there Idlewild in that it is generally the poorer and developing world that needs to look at population control. If there were less births, then people could look to the future. Educate the children, teach the older people how to farm, but on a level at which they can understand. Then and only then when they can produce enough food to feed everyone, plus have a generation who are educated, will things improve.
I believe there is no point in giving someone a massive big tractor that the person cannot understand, does not know how to maintain and has no money for repairs anyway. Teach them basic methods, provide water and support and that is what they really need.
Thanks for your input into the discussion Idlewild. :)
@ipanks (890)
• Indonesia
4 Dec 06
i think the world is going to be overpopulated is because many woman are pregnant :)
@dmzamora (112)
• Philippines
5 Dec 06
I do not think that the world is overly populated. in fact we still have a lot of land not covered. It is just how we use the resource that is not right. Most people go to urban areas in order to find greener pastures yet, they do not explore the possibilities of their own areas. We should learn how to manage our resources well.
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@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
5 Dec 06
Yes, but some countries continue to increase their population while at the same time they do not have enough land left to house and feed their people, what should be done about that? Eventually it will affect the whole world, because there are also part of the earth that are simply not habitable.
Thanks for the response.
@chandu4uallways (314)
• India
4 Dec 06
yes over populated, look at china and india you will know rest of all
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@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
4 Dec 06
I am not selecting any country in particular but you have mentioned 2 of them, so do you have any suggestions as to what should be done about the overpopulation in those countries? We cannot create any more land, and if there is insufficient land to house the world population, what should be done?
Thanks for responding.
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@marief2rnurse (2704)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Some parts of the world are. Some aren't. For those that are populated, I think it's about time they put a limit to the child bearing like they do in China. Life is so tough these days that we really should think about the number of kids we want to have and raise.
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
20 Feb 07
Yes it would indeed be a good thing I suspect if some of the poorer nations did something about their population, even for a few years it would certainly help matters considerably. It would help that nation itself and the spin off from that would be helping the entire world.
Thanks for reading and responding. :)
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
5 Dec 06
Do you think that there is enough land available for food production for the world's population? I ask this because in many countries there are numerous people who are starving. Wouldn't this problem be exacerbated if the population continues to grow?
Thanks for responding.
@sweetreena (209)
• India
5 Dec 06
I do not think so, though i may be some parts of the world but not in the whole world.
@smith_velocity (1488)
• India
5 Dec 06
hell yeah, very over-populated, ppl need to undestand of the diminishing resources, if the population keeps increasing at the current rate, its gonna get ugly!!!