Do you often buy new clothes?

thrifty - thrifty
December 4, 2006 10:24am CST
no,i don't, I am thrifty .
19 responses
• China
24 Apr 07
I do not buy a lot of new clothes, because I am a man. I do not think men should buy lots of clothes. they have one or two suits to attend some formal occasions. that is enough. Wemen are quite different.Women like you are good girls, wives,or hostesses.Because they know how to lead a life.Most men want to have such a woman. on the other hand, if the economic conditions are allowed. it is undisputable for women to buy some new clothes.Men like their women beautiful. It will save their faces.
• China
24 Apr 07
You are too outspoken.thanks for your good comment.
@reviandi (332)
• United States
4 Dec 06
Me to.
1 person likes this
• China
4 Dec 06
thanks for your reply.
@3acres (748)
• Singapore
10 Jul 07
I buy one piece every month. It might be a pants this month then next month will be the shirt. It is only for special occasion that I bought a pair.
@Crilli (2890)
• Italy
4 Dec 06
clothes - clothes
not very often, but just sometimes when i need of it or when i find something that i like very much
• China
5 Dec 06
the same as you.
• Philippines
25 Apr 07
When i buy new Clothes, usually the Brand matters to me... but if the price is right for the item ill get it! Shopping is a nice Hobby that you'll enjoy it once in a lifetime!
@bowtieguy (5915)
• United States
10 Jul 07
I go shopping for new clothes at least 2 or 3 times a month.
@shuz697 (1043)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Not very often.. maybe once or twice a year.. I have so many clothes I really dont need to buy more.. I never have the money to either so that doesnt help..
@edigital (2709)
• United States
7 Dec 06
Solid Short made by Big Boss Bangladesh - 100% Cotton Solid Short made by Big Boss Apparels, Dhaka Bangladesh
As a muslim we have to celebrate Eid and in each Eid we shall have to buy new clothes. We have two Eid festival and we buy then. Besides, I often buy new styles clothes for my kids. For myself I buy tank top 3 times a year and shorts 2 times a year for me.
@dhaeo_09 (1007)
• Philippines
5 Dec 06
Clothes to wear - I like shirts.
If I have found a new clothes to wear at malls. I buy them when It's pay day.
@cr1st1nel (3564)
• Romania
17 Dec 06
I love buying new clothes. When i go to shoppings i always take my mother because she always know everything that fits for me well and i always look good in the things she buys. I always want to buy new clothes but not every time i have the money necessairly for the shoppings i wanna do. Good luck and always dress properly!
@Waiter (834)
• Italy
4 Dec 06
I buy new clothes only when season change!!!
@chavezrmc (6095)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
yes, every month i am buying something for myself. Something which is not very expensive like a simple blouse that i can use in going to office on fridays when we are allowed to wear casual.
@chaddik (113)
• Philippines
25 Apr 07
it depends. if the item is really a steal (based on its durability and price)than a splurge, id buy the item even if i have just bought new ones. i guess it's wise to buy clothes based on their durability and price.
@vikki_p (256)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
i buy new clothes atleast once a month if i have extra money.. i wanted to buy new clothes since im still a student i cant afford to always do so hehe..
@tanujarneja (2829)
• India
4 Dec 06
Yes I love buying clothes....i am fond of buying new clothes
@crosschk (818)
• United States
4 Dec 06
shirts I buy about once a year. Pants almost never, unless my old ones get too worn out ot wear. Socks and underware, wherever they have too many holes in them to wear/.
@madanlohar (1162)
• India
4 Dec 06
ya i oftenly buy clothes when i get my salary first i do shopping of my household groserry and after that i buy cloths each mont i buy atleast 2 tshirts for me i m very about cloths
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
4 Dec 06
I do buy new clothing but i look for clearances on them. And added bonus is im 28 but my mom still loves to buy me clothing so i usually dont have to worry about buying anything i already have two closets and a dresser overstuffed with clothing.
• United States
4 Dec 06
I love buying new clothes, although once in a while I check out the thrift stores.