Who agree Polygami.

December 5, 2006 12:43am CST
Most people don't agree polygami. But most people do that in illegal way. Or they do in wrong argument. Do you agree polygami? Why ?
2 responses
@istanto (8548)
• Indonesia
5 Dec 06
I am personaly disagree with polygami. I think that was unfair for woman. if you can have 2 wife they why yout wife can't have 2 husband. lol
• Norway
24 Jul 08
It sounds like you disagree with polygyny. Polygamy is plural marriage, no matter what gender you are. Polyandry and -gyny is when only one of the first gender can have many of its opposite gender. There is nothing in polygamy that says a woman can't have many husbands (or wives, or men have many husbands). I go so far as to say even monogamy is better than polyandry and -gyny. Both tries to prohibit love, but at least the former is fair!
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
5 Dec 06
What anyone does in their own bedroom is not my business. As long as it's not hurting anyone, obviously. As far as polygamy, as long as everyone in the relationship is on equal terms, I see nothing wrong with it. Why does it matter to me what other people do with their relationships? If they're happy and functioning, it's all good.