Child Support
@Mommyanna91701 (9)
United States
18 responses
@DRoddy77 (1776)
• United States
3 Oct 06
If they choose not to be in the childs life then yes they should have to pay. HOWEVER, in my opinion, I think that if the mother doesnt ALLOW the father to see his own child then she shouldnt expect child support from him! My husband hasnt been allowed to see his daughter in 8 years because the mother wanted to get back at him, and she used their child to do it. Child Support set up a visitation schedule but they wont make her follow through with it. They wont help my husband at all, even the courts wont. In Ohio, if you werent married then the father has no legal parental rights!..except to PAY!
@Mommyanna91701 (9)
• United States
4 Oct 06
Yea, that is a difficult situation.
Here my son's dad has court ordered visitation and is ABLE TO SEE HIM when ever he wants. All he would have to do is PICK UP THE PHONE and say so!He hasn't done that. He just uses it to make people feel bad for him. "Oh she won't let me see my kid... blah blah"... We have the whole thing set up through the courts and the state is ready to collect for us. We just don't have the employer to contact! I wish there wAS SOMEONE WHO would do P.I. work for single moms. LOL
@DRoddy77 (1776)
• United States
4 Oct 06
Well good luck with that. I know all agencies seem to be run differently (even in the same state!), but around here, if he says he isn't working (even if he is, under the table) they will make him do a job find program and they will give him so long to find a job. If he doesnt cooperate with them, then he would be put in jail for contempt!
@Sheila_Abram (1908)
• United States
15 Oct 06
Yes, they helped to create the young life. That baby didn't choose to be here his parents had him. But, God knew . Oh, yes the parent should pay child support.
@acdc0805 (979)
• United States
7 Oct 06
Unless their rights as a parent disappear, yes they shoudl be responsible. My sons father signed over his rights, so he gets nothing, and is requred to do nothing.
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
5 Oct 06
Most definately they should financially contribute to supporting their child, whether or not the non-custodial parent chooses to be involved in the child's life.
It takes two to tango and if you are adult enough to procreate then you contribute to your creation.
@PatriciaL (2080)
• United States
4 Oct 06
Yes, they helped make that child and they can help pay/provide for that child. And also as someone with experience in this situation, living in a single parent home, I think it is definitely necessary and is the right thing to do. It's the least the person can do, especially if they aren't going to have a relationship with their child.
@hellocarrol (158)
• United States
15 Oct 06
yes they should still pay even if they choose not to be apart of the childs life and if they choose that it is the parents loss
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
27 Sep 06
Yes, even if a parent decides that they do not want to be active in their childs life, they should pay support. They helped bring the child into the world, they should help provide for them as well.
@superbeeeyatch (688)
• United States
4 Oct 06
Yes! My kids father hasn't seen or payed child support since day one....So after 15 yrs, he is now going to pay! The courts have found him, and now they are making him pay current support and I just filed for Back Child Support...Guess who one? ME! :)
@thisisme (263)
• United States
4 Oct 06
Good one! well i know the answer... it is YES! i am not with my daughters father. and i thought that since he was active in her life. he didnt need to pay child support. But my husband kept telling me to file it.. (i thought that he just was saying that b/c he does not like my childs father) we ended up going to talk to a theripst about it. and she told me that we should file child support.
@jennichad217 (275)
• United States
3 Oct 06
I let my daughter who is ten see her biological father any time he or she wants, he has not payed child support in almost 4 years, he works under the table and has openly admitted that he doenent think he should have to pay anything because the military moved my family across the country so he couldnt see her. He never once called her, sent a card or anything. I always called him and his family on our visits home and let her go with him for as long as he wanted. I recently just went to him and asked him to at least take her out once a month so that she could spend time with him. He took her once and that was it. He does the same thing to his other two children and I believe that it shouldnt be that hard to give up the hundred dollars a month to help his daughter survive. I mean we have enough but he should WANT that for his child. As should all dads for their children. I do think in the exception that the mother or visa versa wont let them see the child at all, that is a different thing.
@cnshively (11)
• United States
3 Oct 06
Absolutely!!! It takes two people to make a child and both of those people should support the child. My oldest daughters father has NEVER seen her in her almost 5 years of life, but I still get my child support. Yes, of course he has tried to con me into letting him sign his rights away, BUT, why should he get away with NO responsibility for a life in which he helped create?
@bhchy1 (6047)
• United States
26 Sep 06
Yes Yes Yes!!!!! They took the time to do the they need to be's shame that there are fathers who will pay support..but not want involvement in the childs lives...they are the ones losing out in the end on somethng wonderful!
@chalmette69 (3007)
• United States
26 Sep 06
Yes, I think you should still have to pay, if you were the one who took part in concieving this child than the child is your responsibility.
@scooter1024 (1243)
• United States
27 Sep 06
Yes they should still have to pay. They were there for the fun part (conception), they should be there for the rest of it. I know we have ways to make them pay I just wish we had ways to make them want to be in their childs life.