Why do people tip a waitress 10% with joy and then wont give God his 10%

United States
December 5, 2006 9:24am CST
Ok this is one thing that has been bugging me for some time. Everyone will tip a waitress 10-30% just for being their waitress...I know I usually do.. But when it comes to Tithes, and giving God his 10% we turn cold and look the other way. The waitress is just bringing you food and drink..but God, He gives you life, blessings,answered prayers, miracles, and so much more...but you rather give God's 10% away to some one that just brings you something to eat.
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50 responses
@loved1 (5328)
• United States
5 Dec 06
That irritates me too. I hwav often wondered why people have no problem throwing money away on lottery tickets, slot machines, video games etc and it kills them to put money in the collection plate. I have personally seen what happens when you are faithful in your tithing. God really heaps on the blessings! Welcome to mylot!
• United States
5 Dec 06
That is exactly right....they throw money away, and all God wants to do is take it and bless you abundantly in life...they miss it and they miss God
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
5 Dec 06
are you talking about giving the church money or just believing in god??? honestly roman catholic church's alter their way of practice and tried to conform to 'appeal' themselves to more people...like pegan worshipers...to bring more people into the chruch...more people=more money=big cathedrals (obviously pointless) also, most places you're required to pay a tip to your server, and in some places its included in the bill itself. god gave us a great quality and thats choice...free choice...a choice to blieve in him or not, and we shouldn't not judge those who do not.
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@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
5 Dec 06
Hi jarsofclay. I totally agree with you. Obviously people here in myLot are of many beliefs, but I know that you mean that there are many people who are Christians, active churchgoers, and they do not give their 10% tithe to God. I don't make much money at all but when I have any kind of income I take 10% off the top and give it to charity. Part of it may go to my church, part of it may go to other church related charities, or just to secular charities. I feel that charities are doing God's work and so they merit inclusion in my tithe. I know other churchgoers and Christians who don't even take their tithe out of their before taxes income. Many just take their offerings out of whatever is left after bills and groceries. I believe if we give God what is His due, he will provide for the rest.
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• United States
5 Dec 06
I am not sure what the protocol for tithing is, or who has been mandated to receive my money. I work hard for my money, and while I do believe that I need to give out to the universe, I don't believe it need be a church. I haven't figured out what the church does with its money. Some churches give their money to charities, others give money to people but require they be ministered to upon acceptance. I give my money, ten percent of NET income to local charities, mostly educational and for the poor. I have given to AIDS research, Diabetes and Cancer researches. I have also given money to pay tithes. However, I don't believe that Christians and other religious fundamentalists have Jesus' will in their hearts. My opinion is that organized religion tends to shy away from the teachings of Jesus.
@AndreaM76 (1164)
• United States
6 Dec 06
The churhes I've gone to has buisness meetings so you know where exactly money goes. if you know anything about serving God you know it's not about the money to God it's about what you are willing to sacrifice for him. He will bless you. I have recently come back to the Lords' will without a penny to put in the plate. God new I didn't have funds to at all to give him cash so I dontated my services to ministeries to serve him.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Good answer. I like the thought. Even the people who say that they have no faith like to see what society will do for them, and for others, and that requires monetary support and contribution. Giving blesses the giver. People give directly to a waitress because they can see her, they know exactly what she has done for them and it actually makes them feel superior or in control. On the otherhand, people will tell you they cannot see God, and he may not have answered their prayers the way they wanted to be answered, and giving acknowledges our debt, and makes us feel humble. I do like this discussion, and thie opinion expressed. Thanks
@platypus (334)
• Italy
5 Dec 06
you should bear in mind that not everyone is religious, on the other hand many people refuse the idea of god (i am one of those ). so, if my waitress has made a good job, why shouldn't i give her a prize? i don't think she will get rich only with her normal paycheck... giving money to god...who is god? i don't thing god exists. if you think so, give all your money to your church, if you find it good. i will never give money to priests and similar, because i don't think they deserve it. i have studied a lot to find a job and get up early every morning and work hard all the day. why should i give money to substain someone who is doing something wrong (to me, i mean ). i am not racist, everyone should pray the god he prefers, but i will never give a dime to the church. finally, many people would find it irritating, that there's someone who would prefer giving his 10% to god rather than a waitress...
• United States
6 Dec 06
You know, this really hit home with me. I am a christian. I attend church every sunday and I was even a member of the choir until recently. I do however, stuggle in the area of tithes. Hearing you put it like this...I feel about 5 feet tall. This is just another example of how I am not as committed spiritually as I should be. I am going to share this with my friends that I know are not as well. We will tip a waitress/waiter in fear of looking like a cheapskake...but we don't care how we look for God. Thank you.
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@Acts238girl (2087)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Wow!jarsofclay I can't believe some of the responses you got.I am a christian I do believe we should give God 10% of our earnings.Actually thats just a little bit of what He has given us.
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@Krisss (1231)
• Australia
7 Dec 06
As a Christian, do you not believe that we live under Gods Grace, not the Mosiac laws?
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I have often wondered this too. And these people that complain about doing so, or can never afford to give, do they not realize they are Robbing God, and he blesses those who choose to serve him and obey, and the Greatest way to be blessed by god is when you give. There have been times in our life we should have had No food etc. and we gave in Tithes, and God blessed us somehow with someone offering us $$ for food, etc. with nothing expected bsck in return even if they could never really afford to do so themselves.
• Philippines
6 Dec 06
Its their personal thing whom they want to give their money. Its voluntary, if you feel like giving so go ahead give. In my religion we are not obliged to give how many percent in church. It's up to us if we like to give or not. There are some ways we can please God not only giving Tithes in church, one can give donations to charities or foundations in his/her own will.
• United States
6 Dec 06
Ok folks. One thing we all need to remember here: I believe the Bible says give 10% to God correct? Since when does that mean give 10% to a church? Why can't your 10% be given to places where God is visible such as nonprofit groups, missions, etc. There are many ways to give 10% to God without giving it all to a group of hypocrites (not all so don't jump all over me ok?) that spend more time judging the world than they do loving it. Sorry to get so snippy---some issues tend to get me a bit hot....LOL
@kesfylstra (1868)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Wow, you know I never really thought of it like that. I do make sure to tithe regularly, but sometimes I think my husband would be just as happy to use the money to pay off the credit card or school loans. But you're right, we tip the waiter without a second thought, we should give to God without a second thought!
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@YoMomma1 (922)
• United States
6 Dec 06
wow, thats very thought provoking. i actually do tithe, but i see exactly what you are saying..i think some people have a hard time believeing that money they give to a church is actually going towards the upkeep uo that church and not helping some preachers live an elaborate lifestyle. but its faith that these people lack, and so probbably arent true believers anyway.
• India
6 Dec 06
yes you are saying the truth. well generally people don't give tithes because they don't always think that god has given him life. Today everyone's life is so busy because of modern world that they don't have the time to think about god.Once they have make prayers they think that thats all.In case of waiters they bring food to your table. They give your services. I think that we should give tip to waiters & we should give tithes to gods.
• Romania
6 Dec 06
Very good - excellent question!! You are right... I mean, we spend money on tips, lottery, food that we throw away, all silly things and we are not capable of giving 10% to God, or simply to people that need it ... for the simplest things like food and clothing! We are so selfish sometimes....
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• India
6 Dec 06
I am a strong believer of God. I always give 100% credit to my beloved God, I am very grateful to him I believe in every success of my life God's hands is there.
@HimArticles (1137)
• India
6 Dec 06
I am totally agreed with you, we have spent lot of money for just no propose. There are very few people that keep this type of thinking. You have raised very discussion. We should have to contribute some of our income in the name of God. We can contribute some money to the Churches, Tamples, Gurudwara’s as we faith. We can also help the poor person that is also equal to remember of god. You help the real needy person that would also count the real service towards the God.
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@niitta (194)
• Malaysia
5 Dec 06
Interesting topic! Well for me, I seldom go for outside food, so i don't have to pay any tips to waitress. I will offered my 10% offering after getting my salary. I'm happy to share with god whatever i earned.
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@farocop44 (447)
• Canada
6 Dec 06
Two reasons I can think of. A waitress is a person they can see and understand needs the money to survive and pay bills. When people give tithes and offerings, its not that they dont want the money to go to the needy, or pay for the care of the pastors, it's the underlying theme of how the money is used. As an example, recently I was on a missing person case, a pastor of a church left home. He was seen by a parishoner on a bus at the same time that he was reported missing. This is unusual because he has a car and no one could understand why his car was several miles away and he was in an area of the city that he had no need to be in? Well we investigated and found out the pastor and parishoner from the church that worked in a bank were siphoning money from the church to pay for their expenses. The pastor has quite alot of expensive possessions. Well the results were: the woman was arrested and charged, and the pastor, knowing that it would trace back to him went into a park and hanged himself. Now this is now documented in the news, and people who give money to the church would reasonably ask themselves, when they give money to the church is it going to God's purpose? or to greed and corruption. You need not look any further for greed and corruption in God's name than Ernest Ainsley the TV evangelist. or The Bakers, Jimmy Swaggert, Oral Roberts. You see them all over. False Prophets all. And you wonder why people are skeptical about giving money to the church?
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• Brazil
6 Dec 06
B cause that waitrss needs money, but God needs nothing. He doesnt need my money. And religion makes over 300 billion dollars yearly, tax-free,a nd yet only 40% is put to charity (UN report) I'd rather help that waitress with a good tip, and make her day better, thank you
• Brazil
6 Dec 06
Tithes? I know that any money donated to church goes 10% tax-free in developed countries, my apologies if you were referring to a non-western country. I prefer going out and sing the money myself to help, than trust others to use it wisely. I ask the local Buddhist templs for a ist of people needing donors, and the Mosque has a list of poor families on the wall for refernce. Again, Im speaking as a ex-Christian Muslim convert/Buddhist pratcitioner in the West, I dont now hoe its done in the East.
• United States
6 Dec 06
Tax free? did you know any tithes that you do pay in the government gets part of it....its not tax free and that is why you can claim it on your taxes each year...which I dont ..Tithes and offerings are to be used for paying bills, and helping a needy family in the church, and trust me the church has helped my family many times ..that is why every person that tithes it has to be recorded for tax purposes. and when it comes to offerings..that is the loose money you put in the plate, the church can get only soo much of that before its taxed too. a Real Church does what it is supposed to do when it comes to the money of God..if we didnt pay tithes or offerings no churches world wide would be standing.
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• United States
6 Dec 06
Im speaking of in the USA..taxably
@crosschk (818)
• United States
6 Dec 06
In my opinion, if God came to earth why would he need money? He's God, he doesn't need money If the church really needed money, they could sell some off their gold statues and priceless art they have. Why should someone give up 10% of their hard earned money to pay off pedophiles law suits or by bishops extravagant homes? Alot of the money donated gets embezzled. So why give it to them?
@Krisss (1231)
• Australia
6 Dec 06
Not all churches are Catholic:)
@Krisss (1231)
• Australia
7 Dec 06
I work in our churches office. I know where our money goes and I know that our Pastor is very careful about every cent. But I still do not believe that tithing is scripturally correct.
@crosschk (818)
• United States
6 Dec 06
nope. but that is what soured me on the whole church. I would rather give to a church in a basement of some school, then a church of any kind
@willywill (352)
• Turkey
6 Dec 06
because they can not see the hand of God which are serving them in life, and even they do not know this we must serve God not he serve us!!!
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• India
6 Dec 06
i guess its because when it comes to God we always give second thought and move one step behind.We dont see God so people wonder why should we give him more when actually this is being used by one of his people.But in the bible God tells us that when you help a fellow man you are helping me instead.so think that God is in your neighbour and give more tithes and Praise God.
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