Does anyone know if Dragons ever really existed.
By Willowlady
@Willowlady (10658)
United States
29 responses
@rhinoboy (2129)
9 Mar 07
The mythical and magical creatures of folklore and legend are just that.
As has been said previously, there have been many examples of flying reptiles such as pterodactyl, so there was likely to be many other species of flying reptiles that haven't been found. This is plausible, since the low bone density of most flying creatures to reduce weight would mean that their remains are less likely to be preserved in the same way as other, denser bones of say t-rexes or diplodocus.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Makes sense Rhinoboy...thanks for responding to this discussion.
@chakotay (240)
• Romania
9 Mar 07
It's a possibility, I suppose.However, the short answer is "no", but via a rought false pallette in the back of the mouth to prevent overflow of fire into the bowles, an oil glandin the throat, and ability to spew the oil at ungodly speeds by fillnging the neck forward like a striking snake and contracting the gland, igniting the gaseos stream of teeth, yes, might have been possible. Probable, not in a milion years, but yes, it might have been the least bit possible.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Thanks for responding. Your thoughts are what I envision them like.
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@1grnthmb (2055)
• United States
8 Mar 07
Wow! Some one else who is into dragons. I have been into dragons since I was a kid and I am in my fifties now. I have an extensive collection of dragons that grows every christmas and birthday. I also have converted one of my daughters who is now also into dragos and everything rlated to dragons. She even stole my dragonology book that my brother gave me two years ago and I have never been able to read. I do belive that dragons existed. They are in every cultures myths. Isn't it strange that every culture in every part of the world has stories about two things that are in common. The flood and dragons. They are even in the bible as well as dinosaurs. I all ways tell people when they tell me that dragons do not exist that there are fosils of flying dinosaurs. The pteradactyl and the pteradon were the flying dinosaurs. Who is to say that these are not the same as the dragons or ancistors of them. I am a strong believer.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Wow, thanks for sharing. Impressed with your book. Glad you state the source of your information. Thanks alot for responding.
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
4 Feb 07
I have read a book on Dragons that my nephew had and i was reading it out loud to the kids. It Did in fact say that Dragons did exist and that there was proof of this and that they just evolved over time to adapt with teh environmental changes! i will look for the book and tell you about some of it if you like!
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Sure would be interested in what the book would have to say about dragons. Thanks for responding and offering that information.
@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
12 Feb 07
They are the stuff of legend, that is for sure. The closest thing I can think of that did exist would have been the pteredactyl. However, doubt anything breathes fire. And dinosaurs and humans did not exist on this planet at the same time. So it is highly unlikely that there ever was such a thing as a dragon that could have been slayed by knights of yore. BUt there were large flying creatures in the age of dinosaurs. Proof of THOSE does exist. BUt a fire breathing dragon in medieval times, proof of that does NOT exist. But it is fun to imagine those legends are true.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
12 Feb 07
This makes sense. Still enjoy the thought of such winged creatures, too bad they would threaten our way of life. Thanks for responding.
@Demonix (294)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
Personally I can't say I know of any actual proof, but I do know that many cultures, long before they had actual contact between them, had legends of dragons, often simlar in form between them.
If dragons didn't exist then why would so many legends from so many cultures describe them so similar, and so closly without any external influence from other cultures...
I'm not saying thy did exist, I'm just saying there is enough evidnce to show that is likely that they did exist at some point or another
@waynet (2650)
18 Dec 06
Of course they exist,I've seen them in films quite often and in tv programs, if they didn't exist then how come they appear good at acting in some films, it must have took the directors ages to get the dragons to move where they wanted them to.and heck in dragonheart a dragon actually talks and he sounds just like sean connery, it's amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@zhaojundragon (416)
• China
19 Dec 06
Although it isn't exite now,It existes my heart .Because the year is dragon-year when I was bron.So I like dragons though they aren't in the world now .It is in my heart.I believe it is exite when I die .I will see it in heaven .
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@Tanika (632)
• Australia
19 Dec 06
heya, i too have always loved dragons(see my icon). i dont know if there is any definitive proof as to wether they existed or not but i beleive in infinite possibilities and alternate realities so therefor in my world, then yes they do and/or did exist. Tanika.
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@parthasarathi (446)
• India
19 Dec 06
I believe dragons are for real. people say they are mythical animals, fantasy. well Knights, kings, princess these all are from fantasy world too. But they do exist or they used to. So what made us believe that dragons are not?
@freak369 (5113)
• United States
4 Feb 07
I am sure that there were things like dragons but not the fire breathing type. Some researchers claim that there were two known 'dragon' dinosaurs that expelled an acidic substance (much the same way a fly eats) but it's hard to prove. It's nice to think that dragons may have existed ... but again, it is a little hard to prove.
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@Zmugzy (773)
9 Mar 07
The dragon is a mythological animal that has existed only in the imaginations of human beings. There is, as has been mentioned, the Komodo Dragon that lives in Indonesia but this is just the name given to a large lizard. It's possible that the myth of the dragon was derived from the mythological beasts of Greek Mythology but I'm no expert on this.
@sunchild2000 (511)
• Romania
17 Feb 08
the existence of dragons is so complex like the question if the tomato is a fruit or a vegetable...the term "dragon" refers to huge lizards...but there are different is true and refers to the living creatures in our times or in the past. It refers to giant reptiles which evolved or managed to survive the evolution process of our nature on Earth. Crocodiles are the oldest lizards, they lived at the same time with dinosaurs and they somehow managed to keep their preistoric features. But in science the "real living dragon" is a land lizard big enough to be known as man eater, it's about the Komodo dragons, strangely this reptile has similar characteristics to dragons known in myths. Komodo dragons are the largest land reptiles (well crocodiles are the largest living reptiles but they spend mostly of their time in the waters). These dragons don't breathe fire but their bite is lethal, they aren't poisonous but their saliva has special bacteria which cause the prey to die of infection in matter of minutes. So scientific dragons are among us. But now in the perpectives of myths and legends dragons are creatures lizard like being with different abilities depending on their birth lands. Some can fly according to the legends and have the power to spit fire, this is the classical form of dragons but lately dragons have been know to rule all enviroments: water, desert, swamps, jungles, icelands, mountains, underground, high airs etc. Their existence are mostly proofed by our imaginations and stories. Still people believe they have discovered remains and other clues of dragons. Now in our days magical dragons aren't seen in real life but they are described or represented by the giant lizards which our planet habits them. Even I have a love for dragons, I wish I had one as pet but on the other hand the world would be in too much trouble with a huge flying, swimming or land dweller lizard. At least we can use our imagination to create these marvelous beats.
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@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
22 Feb 08
Willow I think dragons once existed. I don't have any proof, but I sometimes wonder if what science has labeled Taradacl (?sp hope I spell it good enough so you know what I mean.) has mislabeled them and they were actually dragons. I mean its possible right, no one really knows what they looked like. Its just guessing anyways. Until someone builds a time machine, I guess we will never really know.
@sisco100 (2338)
• United States
2 Apr 08
yes and no. in todays world no, but in the past maybe. a dragon is winged reptile so maybe. i dont know wht they would have looked like. for all we know they could have been very small, they could have had wings like bird, and not bats. its hare to say. just cuz they havent found evidence it dosent mean tht they werent real.