How can my friend say the truth to his mom? I need suggestions please!
By fffdile
@fffdile (421)
December 5, 2006 2:31pm CST
My best friend (22 years old) is experiencing a big problem... he knew a girl on the internet some months ago... they falled in love and decided to stay together. After 3 months she confessed him to be fourteen years old, and said him that she was worried to say this cause she wouldn't lose him. He was very attached to her and decided to stay with her also if she was more little.
Now he is experiencing problems with his mom: she wants to know his girl, but he fears that his mother won't accept a so little girl... I don't know hat he can do... Please help! Thank you all!
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151 responses
@certified_alice (1854)
• Philippines
5 Dec 06
Honesty still is the best policy, try to tell your friend that he must introduce the girl to his mom if he is really serious about their relationship. You bestfriend is old enough to have a girlfriend and a mother would understand that. Mothers don't really bother if their son has a GF already and their only concern would be their childrens studies that they must finish first before entering a very serious relationship. Expect your bestfriend's mother would be mad to know that at first but still it's good that your bestfriend had already told his mother, he would have a clear conscience. It's normal to have a GF even if it's younger than you just be sure your not crossing the limits and I think your bestfriend already knows that:)
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
6 Dec 06
OH MY GOD!! This disturbs me!!! A 22 year old has no business having any kind of romantic relationship with a 14 year old girl!!!!!! This is against the law in the US. I think he should end the relationship immediately before he's writing her from a jail cell!
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@farocop44 (447)
• Canada
6 Dec 06
I agree with you. Although in the U.S. a 22 yr old would probably get 20 years for statutory rape, here in Canada it would be a stiff sentence of probation. But you are absolutely right. 22 year old should smarten up and stop damaging this 14 year old girls emotions. You're leading her on and she is too emotionally and physically immature to understand how wrong this situation is. I understand she lied and was afraid to tell you her age so to that point you're pardoned, but as soon as you found out you should had informed her its wrong. At 14 she is only looking for companionship and adult love like she sees on TV. You should not be that love. GET OUT NOW.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Where was this girls parents? I would want to know where my fourteen year old daughter was. I got married when I was 16 and my husband 28. I was with my husband a year before we got married. Girls mature way faster then boys do so i can see that if she looked older than the 14 then he could have been fooled. I looked 18 when I was 14. If they are living together and have for all this time then as my mother says " why shut the barn door after all the horses leave?" She said this to everyone affter my fourteen year old niece got pregnant with a 16 boy she was dating. Please just tell your friend to use protection because a fourteen year old isn't ready for pregnancy because my niece had so many complications and was high risk and almost lost her baby 4 times and she had to stay in the hospital for a long time and the doctor says it was because a 14 yr. old body isn't ready for stuff like that and it can be life threatening. And about his mom he better take it slow with her baby steps tell him to start making hints that she is younger then tell her she is under 18 then after awhile if they do meet cause if the girl does look older his mom will think she is at first If she acts older and carries herself well not act goofy and stuff like some 14 yr.olds. then she has a chance of the mom liking her and I think it would be great if his mom liked her. Then I would wait to tell the age. I wish your friend all the luck in the world and hope he gets to stay with the girl he loves. Mom can be nosy though and she is going to want to know who and where this girls mother and father is. I guess it's their choice if they tell her or not. But tell him to be careful and God Bless!
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@badmammajdollars (83)
• United States
6 Dec 06
this girl sounds like a run away, he need to run in the other direction. I understand that he loves her, but if her parent knew what was going on and wanted to be spiteful he going to jail bottom line. If it's true love they can wait until she is of age.
Me personally, I believe there are no lies in true love.
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@sunshineorrain (119)
• United States
6 Dec 06
im with you there i do believe that there are no lies in true love.
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@michaelvanx (568)
• Malaysia
5 Dec 06
My suggestion, no problem here..
I have many friends who started relationship 14 years old..
Just follow the do's and don'ts
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@StasiaJ26 (37)
• United States
8 Dec 06
Can we say pedofile??? Maybe your friend is afraid to say anything because he could end up in JAIL.

@Vivek_Nik (62)
• India
6 Dec 06
Even after moving in together he couldnt make out how old she was is it!! . But if they both love each other i guess it shouldnt be a problem. Ofcourse parents will have their concerns but i am sure you will be able to over come it..
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@Kackie3 (345)
• United States
7 Dec 06
I think they should chill out and wait until she grows up, in a few years. If it's love, which I doubt it is, it will withstand the time. Fourteen year old girls with an older guy is usually only infatuation and something that she can brag about to her friends..I have a 22 year old boyfriend, like giving her some kind of status with her peers.
I'm sure his mother would remind him that he is messing with jailbait and that he should get away from it fast. Like RUN!
@pinkypop (662)
• Philippines
6 Dec 06
Well, in that case the mother of your best friend has the right to know this girl which he just met in the internet. Correct me if I'm wrong...are they living-in together already? If that's the case the more it is likely that his mother should know about their current situation. Then whatever happends next and its consequences ... they have to face it, especially that the girl is very minor at 14. But still your best friend must be open to his mom. Its the best...for their sake.
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
6 Dec 06
he dosn't have to tell her, he's old enough. if he's done nothing illegal and he's willing to wait until she turns to a legal age to actually start dating her, things should be fine. if she's 14 he should wait until she's 16 to start anything serious. because she is young and her mind is still experiances and deciding on thigs.
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@vivek2006 (1418)
• India
6 Dec 06
I think your friend has gone over the line, its alright to be in love but with a girl as little as 14 yrs. old its not usual, though we can say love is blind but take a practical look, the girl is 14 and he's 22 so for them to get married and stay together-they already r together and can land behind bars too for she's not an adult yet, he'll have to wait4-5 years and he'll be 27 or so by then and maybe the girl out of teenage going onto be adult, may lose interest in him and can become a bad situation.
Not saying get apart or leave her but keep the distance until she's about to get adult.
@bsidemyself (160)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Are you people crazy! She is a child he is an adult. Not telling him her real age says just how childish she is.She probably does not know how much trouble she can get him into, but he does. FFFDILE he might be your best friend but to the rest of the world he would be a child preditor. He knows it is wrong thats why he does not tell his mother. They could be in more love than romeo and juliet it still does not matter.IT IS AGAINST THE LAW. If she were your child would you permit this? Why do we allow our children to be put in unhealthy environments, aren't we suppose to protect them when they cannot protect themselves. Our children are supposed to come first, how anyone could condone this relationship no matter how much he loves her is beyond me. She is innocent and he is experienced with more knowledge then she. Let her grow up with children her own age. Let her be who she is not who he will mold her into. For all you people who say there is nothing wrong with this relationship just watch the news everyday and you will hear and see what is happening to our children, it is not good! To answer your question, he should tell his mom and at least get her opinion.
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@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
6 Dec 06
WOW when it comes to this discussion your name really fits!!! I cannot believe all of the people that are saying that this relationship is alright either. The age difference would not be an issue if she was only an adult, hell Anna Nichole robed the grave but dammit they were adults. I have four daughters and I am sorry for the author of this post but he would have already been arrested, had it been one of mine.
@kingfisher123 (177)
• India
6 Dec 06
well he should talk to his mom about his girl.before she sees her he should tell everything openly to his mom explain the situation.well age does not matter for love anyways.
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@shangulasandeep (5)
• India
6 Dec 06
a thought of her mother would not be wrong as even u think will u allow ur brother or ur children (in future) to have an affair with that much age difference ,, fine even then if u wana suggest ur friend then just ask him to hide her age untill her mother start liking that girl then after wards even she will ignore as ur friend did :)
@lilttownmommie (1473)
• United States
6 Dec 06
he should talk to the girl and tell her that they need to put things on hold until she's 18, if they are truly in love things will work out, but if it not then they will both move on with their lives. She should never have kept her true age from him, as for his mom, before she meets her he should have a talk with her and explain the whole situation to her.
@IshidaMitsunari (1026)
• China
6 Dec 06
Mmmm...that is against the law. If his mother doesn't accept that she is 14 then good, as it should be. I'm sorry I cannot provide help here. A 22 year old should know better than to remained involved in a relationship with someone who is underage. She isn't even old enough to drive! That is disgusting. The police would call that being a pedophile; it is an offense that gets jail time. If I were you I would advise my friend to break if off now and put it behind him and hope the girl's family doesn't press charges.
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@siddhinfo (1500)
• India
6 Dec 06
He should tell his mother the truth, it is better to confess first only since he love her mother than keep them in dark.
@Dolcerina (3376)
• Hungary
6 Dec 06
I do not think,that this relationship can be normal! How can anybody suppose it?? I am not surprised that he fears from his mother opinion. Because he knows, what it is. Each normal thinking human would say that it is not normal. Her mother must say to him, to avoid that girl. I would suggest it to my son also,because it IS A CRIME!
@Dolcerina (3376)
• Hungary
6 Dec 06
And you are guilty also if you do not tell him! How can you help him?
@nou9002 (2)
• Belgium
6 Dec 06
Love is love ...hi is not able to leave because of the love. that I do not see any problems here.
@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
20 Dec 06
He should tell the truth to his mom, whatever would be the outcome. The girl is so young. In the Philippines, he might be charged for kidnapping, or whatever, because the girl is still underage. So that his mom can help him if any problem should arise, he should tell the truth. And the mother ought to know the truth as a mother even if the son is already 22 years old.
@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
20 Dec 06
pc says problem loading page, sorry, not counted anyway.