How Do You Know If Your Depressed??

United States
December 6, 2006 12:10am CST
Latley I have been thinking a lot. You know random things about life in general, what im going to do today, or what i think about certain things going on in my life. I have been upset lately, my mom has just been diagnosed with cervical cancer, i just started going to work again, im a full time mommy when im not at work and full time house wife everyday. I think everything is finally starting to catch up to me!! My thoughts on life arent the same as they were 6 months ago. It just seems like Im working so hard to make a better life for myself and family that it feels like im not accomplishing enough. Is this normal? Advice PLEASE!!!
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119 responses
@tommy0099 (194)
• Indonesia
6 Dec 06
Yes I know, I've been there. I feel scared, don't want to meet other people, stay all day long in my bed room,want to kill my self, i've no confident,so, anyway you should go straight with your life, working,shopping and pray go to your believe(god)
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@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
6 Dec 06
You have classic depression symptoms. Please go to see your doctor or another mental health professional as soon as possible. They can help you feel better. I know. I've been there.
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@divir_vij (1591)
• India
6 Dec 06
Cant say if its depression but depresson comes when ur mind is tired of something in short it could be said as Mental pressure.
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• United States
6 Dec 06
I don't know if you're depressed or not, but it sounds very normal, for sure. As another poster said, you can always see your family doctor about it. One thing I know from my own experience is: you have to make some time for yourself, do something just for you. I know that sounds impossible, I thought the same for awhile. But, I have learned how to fit things in for myself. See, we're always able to fit in one more thing, one more thing, one more thing: for everyone but ourselves. So, take some time and consider what you would like to do for YOU and plan it. Whether it's a bubble bath, browsing at books at Barnes and Noble while having a cup Starbucks, window shopping, or a nap on a Saturday afternoon. It's important to refill your "cup". I've found if you don't, you won't have anything to give to your friends and family. Hang in there.
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• United States
6 Dec 06
LOVELY! I really like the description you gave about doing things for yourself, and the metaphor you used about refilling your cup. It really does make a difference, and no matter how full you think your schedule is, you always have time for yourself.
@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
6 Dec 06
It is perfectly normal and very human to be anxious about life. Just remember to do what you can do, let God take care of the rest and never mind what others say. Whatever happens, remember to stay away from medication! There is no medication that can prevent any true human being from being anxious, etc. about life! Medicating people for natural human emotions is simply an outright method of dehumanizing people!
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
7 Dec 06
I have to agree on the chemical imbalance comment. I have been on anti-depressants for several years. I told my doctor I was feeling pretty good and wanted to try and go off them. She told me how to wean off the medication but within two days I was feeling very tired and down. I tried it twice. Also, when the insurance company changed me from name brand to generic brand I went into a spiralling depression for a month. It took me that long to figure out it was the generic med. As soon as I got back on the brand name I was feeling like new again. Sometimes medicine is the only answer.
• United States
9 Jan 07
Did you know that when people are lied to too often, they actually come to believe the lies as gospel truth? Although it is true that some societies (because of their social history, general way of life and daily stress level) can make some very natural human emotions appear extreme, there just is no extreme human emotion that cannot be corrected by simply making changes in one's lifestyle and/or environment! The same goes for all diseases/illnesses that can be cured with proper nutrition and some form of daily exercise!
@raj_1234 (211)
• India
6 Dec 06
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@Maxmasch (75)
• United States
6 Dec 06
My Grandson - Spend quality time with your children....and don't plop them down in front of a tv or computer as a babysitter.
You might want to journal to get your thoughts on paper. After a few weeks you can go back and read your thoughts and see if you are improving or getting worse. Somehow recording your thoughts in print will help you hold yourself accountable to productive change. Alwasy remember, in order to be of any good to others, you must first take care of yourself. That advice comes from my mom who raised 8 children. ~~Max
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I am a single mother of three and I get depressed sometimes.I work fulltime,and I am going to start school to make things better for me and my kids.When I get depressed I pray,listen to music or call a friend or family member or sometimes I just go for a ride.I try to think positive at all times and has been helping
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
6 Dec 06
oh i didnt even answer the question, but i know when im feeling depressed is when i start feelings sad and negative thoughts come in my head and i dont want to laugh and my sense of humor is just gone and i dont want to be bothered and dont want to leave the house.
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@vincent72 (1633)
• Australia
6 Dec 06
well usually when you fere ldown , when your young your hormoens fluctuate and you feel depreesed or down , so its normal to feel tha tway , its cool , later on they stabilise and you feel promise and happienss :)
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Hi I feel for you and hopeing that your mom will soon be well. What you are dealing with is really alot for the mind to accept. I dont think you are depressed you are upset. and you have to talk to someone let them out express how you are feeling. And if that means going to a dr. do it. It certainly cannot hurt. The best of luck to you.
• Philippines
7 Dec 06
i'm sorry for what happen in your mom, hope she gets better and better each day... as for the depression, you can seek help from a good psychologist... and don't think too much, life is not about just problems and hardships at all.. think of those moments that you were happy and keep a strong faith! good luck! oh by the way, i know that i'm depressed when i eat a lot! lol
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• United States
6 Dec 06
Depression is self created condition to some extent. If you develop positive attitude to life condition, you will find depression gradually fading away. Power of positive thinking is very powerful factor in human life. Read a few books on positive thinking. The Silva Mind Control Method by by Jose Silva and to some extent "7 Habits..." by Stephen Covey would, I believe will help you out. Reiki exercises also help in this condition. Write to me in case you need more help
2 people like this
• India
6 Dec 06
when i am depressed i think alot about what is going to happen in future. i don't feel like talking to anyone. i become a bit short tempered and feel disgusted for small things. i loose my patience very easily alongwith my appetite. i feel like crying out loudly
• United States
7 Dec 06
That is very normal. work is hard enough, then you add on kids and housework. life can get very stressful very fast that way. you should try to make a night out with friends sometime, like a night just for you. sometimes it helps.
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@liza101 (26)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Just part of everyday life, you can start living or start dieing. Remember Life is what you make it, look how many millionairs have killed themselves it not a financial thing its a life thing, do things that makes you happy evrything else will fall into place.
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• United States
6 Dec 06
I know just how you feel. My life has a whole differnt outlook too. I have cancer and am pregnant. We don't know if the baby is going to survive yet but it's worht a shot. If you need anything just let me know, I'm here for others just like me. (my hunnie is being scarcstic and says tell her don't think) lol he says the same thing too me but he is here. Just email me through here and I will get back too you with anything i can do...
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@wiccan (347)
• Australia
6 Dec 06
Very normal, you are doing so much for others, do you get time for you? Your Mum's health is making you question what life is all about, slow down if you can and spend time with her.
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@taby00 (827)
• Pakistan
6 Dec 06
yes sometimes i feel depressed then i lost interest in every thing
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• Canada
7 Dec 06
More than anything else you just sound stressed. You can really tell someone is depressed when they loose interest in things they used to enjoy, cut themselves off from the world and no longer think or care about the future.
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@00fear (3216)
• United States
6 Dec 06
this is indeed normal. dont worry about a thing, my uncle says that my aunt feels the same way as you said
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• United States
6 Dec 06
I think the second comment about summed it up as far as symptoms of depression. It sounds to me like you are a normal mother. I have 3 kids myself and man, it's alot of hard work. I think maybe, your priorities are changing in life and that can be a good thing to better yourself and your family. It is just tiring....