Are Fat People Destroying America?
@MichelleLDevon (828)
United States
December 6, 2006 3:49am CST
Okay, a few days ago, someone on one of the sites where I freelance posted an article talking about how fat people are destroying America. I won't post a link to her article here, because I really don't want to give her anymore page views than she's already received for what I believe to be hate speech, hostile at the best, and completely unfounded in fact.
She blames obesity and overweight people for everything from increasing health care costs for all Americans, she said fat people are to blame for why there's problems with education, she states that fat people are a threat to national security, and even goes so far as to say that fat people will be the downfall of America and it's ability compete in a global marketplace.
She continued to say that, basically, the root of all evil is fat people, and that pretty much all fat people are simply lazy gluttons who eat too much and are trying to make the rest of the world believe that fat is okay.
She used such fallacious comments as:
"Fat people are destroying America."
"America is a country of fat, arrogant, and extremely lazy people. We are the fattest people in the world, in fact."
"Talk about having a national security problem."
"Local governments and public school systems are going bankrupt underneath the weight of health care costs;"
" Once upon a time, obese children and adults were shunned by society, called gluttons, sent to "fat camps" and subjected to Richard Simmons videos until they, at long last, either lost the weight or died of their self-inflicted, obesity-related complications."
Unfortunately, under the fair use laws of copyright regulations, I can't give you anymore quotes, but these are some of the ones that prompted me to take the time to write a rebuttal argument to pick apart her commentary piece by piece.
I would love to hear your comments on this article I have written. you can view the article here:
This link will take you to my article on Associated Content. I'd love for everyone who wants to read the article and let me know - after reading it, do YOU think fat people are destroying America?
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14 responses
@pcbulawanv (680)
• Austria
6 Dec 06
absolutely not. fat people are just like us. That does not really make a difference at all. So what if you are fat. It will not make you a secnd class citizen. Besides fat people are not as bad as somebody may think. They are just fat and thats it. What is destroying America are the thieves and curropt government officials.
@MichelleLDevon (828)
• United States
6 Dec 06
That last sentence is all too true! Thanks for the comment.
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
29 Apr 08
you are so right about the corrupt government officials. well said as well about the issue of people being "fat". we all need to stop judging one another.
@rosaflorence (1924)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I loved all the facts that you used in your article. I didn't get to finish it all but i commented on what i had read which was only the first couple of pages.
To answer you question..... I don't believe that they are the cause of the Insurance going up, this is mostly caused by inflation and it was bound to happen. There are some heavier people who are not to blame for their problem. Heavy people will sometimes be overweight because of a health issue. Depression will often cause people to become overweight by them eating comfort foods, the same way that it can make people loose weight. Everyone is different when it comes to their habits.
Coming from a family of all sizes and races, I would have to say that even the heaviest and skinny of people play a role in our country. There might be fat camps but there are also places for people with Anorexia to go, this is something that everyone should think about.
Why couldn't that article have been on something like, All people are destroying America? At least this statement would be true.
I am what is know as being "skinny", my husband on the other hand is, "my little pudgy bear" and I love him just the same. I wasn't always like this though. When I was a child, I was overweight, not to be confused with obese. I became skinny because of a medical condition(not a disease)that causes me to not gain much weight. I have to drink special shakes when I am pregnant to make me put on extra weight. Some might think that this is a blessing but it is not. A lot of obese people feel ashamed because they can't find clothes to fit them, I have the same problem.
I eat a lot but it all goes bye bye afterwards(If you catch my drift). I have finally gained my ideal weight of 115 lbs. with the help of some wonderful doctors. I am happy and I beleive that everyone shoudl be happy with who they are and not what they are.
To be honest with you, the other article discusted me.
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@rosaflorence (1924)
• United States
17 Oct 07
Oh, Not to worry, I am not Anorexic or anything like that. I just have a metabolism problem that they can't really figure out. My metabolism works twice as hard as someone else.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
15 May 07
Oh my! No I don't think it is fat people making america the way it is and not all overweight eight people are lazy. Yeah I will freely admit I did and still do the richard simmons video they are the best. People no longer shun people because people are better people then back then when they did that sort of thing they also shunned their kids when they made misakes or got pregnant and they had no understanding back then and now alot of parents are closer to their kids then back then. This person is unfortunately a very mean spirited and rude person that doesn't know as much as they think they do. I am obese and I take these insults like I would grains of salt in a bleeding lash from a cattails whip. But we do not make the way it is alot of people has. not just us "fatties"
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@syndibee (799)
• United States
25 Apr 07
i actually think that american culture and life style is what causes "fat people" so i don't blame fat people for being the downfall of the united states but rather i blame the united states culture for the downfall of people enabling them to become fat. i truely believe that a healthier life style should be just as easy to come by as the junk-food easy lifestyle that is predominate here but it is not. the healthier lifestyle is more expensive, harder to obtain in that organic foods and whole foods are very select and in some places unavailable. overweight people are looked down upon and laughed at when they do join a gym and try to change lifestyle thus discouraged by american society. i truely wish the whole outlook would change to enable the healthier life for all people.
@shypoet80 (112)
• United States
3 May 08
I completly agree with this.
I am a big girl, and have been as long as I can remember. I won't blame it on my parents or anything, but growing up, we were poor. We ate hotdogs and cheap stuff. We cleaned our plates ect ect. Now days I know the difference between good and bad, but bad is cheaper and easier to get. I belong to a gym, but somedays I don't even want to leave the house because of the way people look at me or talk about me.
@youless (112900)
• Guangzhou, China
24 Oct 07
I think the people who said this is very mean. There is nothing wrong to be fat. I also have some fat friends. We are human beings and we are not made from the mould. So we have different shapes, looks etc. We shall respect to each other.
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@In_a_Crafting_Daze (88)
• United States
25 Apr 07
I'm sending a link to your article to my personal email as I am at work and want to read it in detail tonight. People with this perspective on "fat" people and Americans infuriates me!
The things destroying the WORLD (not just America) are contributing to making us overweight (among other things) but being overweight is not the root of all evil!
We (and I mean this as in "our society at large and in general as it is presented to the world") are becoming ever more self centered, materialistic, and lazy. We have machines that do our work for us. And we have take no issue with hiring others to do things for us when we are PERFECTLY CAPABLE OF DOING IT OURSELVES. We are rushed, overbooked, and consumed with getting more faster. It not a surprise that our bodys are ignored and our physical NEEDS for nurishment are neglected in order to get quick hot food regardless of it's "value". I mean, heaven forbid we actually SIT to eat instead of eat while drinking a salad out of a cup while driving down the road checking our messages on our mutlitasking "I'm so important I can't be unreachable" cell phones...
sorry to rant... but I'm not a skinny minny and I don't appreciate people inferring that I'm the downfall of my country!
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@Bugsey (775)
• United States
17 Jul 08
If fat people are destroying America why isn't Osama Bin Ladin fat? I see no fat Islamic terrorist so maybe it's the fit people who need the bacon who have evil designs on America. I am not fat but I am about 10 lbs overweight and I think that the anti-fat brigade better do something better like go to Iraq or find Bin Ladin. After all, I am sure they are fit enuf to climb those ragged mountains!
@emarie (5441)
• United States
20 Apr 07
i mean, i know america has a problem with overweight and obesity..but thats just a little harsh. i'm not the skinniest person in the world, my family is actually on the big side with my husband and father having diabeties, of course its a majot concern for me. but just blaming people on things they really can't control. i think people who are overweight have to change their lifestyles...for most, once thats done...they should be healthier. you don't have to be a size 5 to be healthy, someone who is 'chuncky' can still be healthy. i will NEVER be 115...i think its an unlrealistic weight for my body type and i know that. i don't eat fast food everyday, but i do find it hard on a low budget to buy a lot of healthy food that 2 todlers and my husband will eat.
i feel real sorry for people who think like this because they see something wrong with everyone...its sad and personally, people like THAT is what makes america look bad.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
14 Mar 08
I think this person probably has a some deep emotional problems that they need to deal with. Without knowing her, I couldn't say what they are. Everyone is entitled to their opinion regardless of how wrong they may be.
I'm a heavy person and I would find the article offensive and would have probably done like you and given her what for. It probably wouldn't do any good so far as changing her outlook but it would have made me feel better.
Sometimes ppl post things like that just to get stun ppl and get alot of responses. You did a very smart thing by not including her link. The best thing to do would probably be to voice your opinion and then move on. Fighting with her would only lower you to her level and give her a chance to spew more garbage out.
@tengsheila (60)
• Philippines
23 Apr 07
what???? is there a law for being fat in america? because if there is... i will never go to that country -) lol
@rosaflorence (1924)
• United States
17 Oct 07
People are very judgemental and it isn't just in America. People take the Freedom of Speach a little too far sometimes.
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@tipsyflash (581)
• United States
29 Apr 08
I do not think fat people are destroying America. I think intolerance is destroying American.
@momalisa65 (1971)
• United States
4 Jun 08
I believe the things that Kevin Trudeau says, (, when he blames the ingredients they are putting in foods is what make us crave more. Also that the doctors, insurances, pharmacys, and the FDC are all in this money making thing together.
They WANT us to be overweight and's making THEM money.
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
29 Apr 08
i would say tha the person who wrote all that is mean, vindictive, ignorant, unkind, judgemental, uneducated, annoying, and insensitive. wow!!! do i feel better now. there are alot more adjectives that i could come up with but i probably should not print them any case people like this with such harsh views are dangerous and should not be given any credence. i prefer to ignore people like this. oh, yes, and one more adjective ABSURD.