Paying for college
By smf210
@smf210 (102)
United States
December 6, 2006 1:40pm CST
OK, when I got accepted to New York University, I was promised by the financial aid office that I would be able to afford college. Well, they were wrong. No one can afford college anymore! I cannot even get a loan because my parents don't have the credit to cosign and as an 18 year old, no one will give me my own loan. I have done everything except straight out beg the dean and I am out of ideas. This is not just a problem I am facing, everyone who is seeking a higher education faces it. Any suggestions? How did you deal with costs of college? Anyone want to buy a kidney? (I am kiding about the last part, no offers please)
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83 responses
@beautyoperater (1890)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I know what you mean. My daughter is having the same problem right now. Can't get a loan because our credit sucks and she doesn't have any credit built up yet. You have to get a creditworthy co-signer. If you have aunts, uncles, friend, grandparents the will co-sign it helps.
My daughter did it a couple of times but now she's in the same bind again. No money for next semester. She wasn't taking out enough. so make sure if you get the loan make sure you take out enough. Good Luck to you
@thisisrightnow (537)
• United States
7 Dec 06
Have you filed FAFSA? It's free money for students who need financial assistance. Of course not everyone can get a free ride with that. But you should be able to get something. Both my parents are on disability, so my expected family contribution is 0, plus I may be able to get extra money for living expenses and a new laptop. My schooling is also pretty cheap compared to 4 year universities, too though. My tuition for 18 months is around $24,000 plus books and other fees for labs and stuff.
If you haven't applied for FAFSA, you can do so at or
I'm not completely sure which one it is, but I THINK it's the first one.
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@thisisrightnow (537)
• United States
7 Dec 06
Yikes! That's a lot of money. Does that school offer a program that other colleges around you don't? Or are most colleges in NY that expensive? Are you trying to be a lawyer or something? haha I couldn't imagine spending that much money on schooling.
@smf210 (102)
• United States
7 Dec 06
yes, I applied with it, but NYU hates giving out financial aid. It costs 46000 a semester here and they rarely give anyone enough to make it without severe debt after graduation. The problem now is that even after financial aid and everything else I still have 12000 to pay and cannot get a loan because I have no credit. My mom cosigned but she has no credit either, so we are stuck!
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
6 Dec 06
I was having the same problem but my parents could co-sign but I refused to ask them. I take online classes which cost way more than going through traditional courses. I had to cut back my hours to 6 per semester to not have any out of pocket but books. I get the pell grant and am considered at the highest level for my Federal and Stafford Loans. Even with over 12K in aid I still have out of pocket fees.
Prior to hurricane Katrina I was going to Tulane UC, but now they only offer classes in the late afternoons and not at the campus by my house which doesn't work in my schedule. No other colleg in my area offers my degree program at night and/or at a Bachelor level.
I think everyone in college is feeling the pinch. I wish there was a way to regulate costs.
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@2angelic4u (56)
• Canada
7 Dec 06
hey, THISISRIGHTNOW, that website you said, it's only for people in the US or people who are studying in the US. Do you know of any for Canadians, or people who are studying in Canada?
@2angelic4u (56)
• Canada
7 Dec 06
hey, THISISRIGHTNOW, that website you said, it's only for people in the US or people who are studying in the US. Do you know of any for Canadians, or people who are studying in Canada?
@badmammajdollars (83)
• United States
7 Dec 06
I understand what you mean. I have the same problem. Try a work a home job to help pay for what financial aid won't. With most work at home jobs you make your own schedule, so you can get around your school schedule easily. Also becuase you are at home, you don't have to worry about the cost of transportation. I've been a work at home mom for 2 years, and it has allowed me to do much more than I was working a out of home job. Take a look at this job board,, you'll find something I'm sure of it.
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@ssujithkumar (364)
• India
7 Dec 06
i too have the same problem im seeking for finanical orgnaisations to help me for my MS in USA.What is hell this is
@uzaircs (2318)
• Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
7 Dec 06
oh its a serious problem u face i pray for u work hard on mylot and pls tell me ur fees amount
@emisle (3822)
• Ireland
7 Dec 06
Your story just reminds me how lucky i am. My parents take care of my accom and fees and i take care of myself in terms of food etc...and it's more cos i choose to do it, i just hate asking them for money as they are already spending a lot.
I have a friend who actually works in a place near the college 3-4 days. She is always on top of her course work so she finds it fine.
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@LackThereOf (571)
• United States
7 Dec 06
I know what you mean. My husband went to college for four years, lived in the dorms, etc. Got a bachelors in business with a major in marketing and it's done squat for him since graduation. We work two jobs each to pay back his student loans so we can start our family, it's a mess. Just keep the faith and do the best you can.
Doing odd things like MyLot will help you earn a little extra money - you should tell all of your friends about it as you get 25% of their efforts. That could really add up!
I also belong to a site that pays you to read emails. It's not a ton of money if you do it alone, but if you sign up friends you'll earn alot more. The site is free, they give you $10 free to get you started. They check your balance monthly and if you have atleaset $25, they clear your account and mail you a check. You get about 50-75 emails a week and they pay you $0.02 each to read them. It takes me about five minutes a day to clean out my inbox. If a friend signs up, you get $0.01 for each email they read and $0.01 for their referrals as well...which can add up fast!
Here's my referral link if you want to check it out. If you join it would help both of us. :O)
Best of luck!!
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@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
7 Dec 06
NYU is very expensive, maybe you could consider a state college.
Also you can search for scholarships, there are many specialized ones out there--for people purusing certain majors, from specific areas of the country, etc. Worth checking out.
@EnlightenedPhoenix (436)
• Serbia And Montenegro
7 Dec 06
Thanks god that here, in croatia, we don't have that problems. Our colleges are pretty cheap because they are goverment colleges. Also, a year in med college cost around 2000$, but i study for free cause I (like most of students) have support from goverment!
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@mkup30 (494)
• United States
6 Dec 06
I got a college scholarship for athletics, so I cannot exactly relate. but i know many friends that signed up for different scholarships and once you get good grades in college there are more opportunities for scholarships, i would seriously look into that. financial aid should be able to direct u on how to get scholarships good luck
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@AlmightyBigfoot888 (553)
• United States
7 Dec 06
oh trust me, i know how bad college is, even living off campus (which oddly, is cheaper than on campus) its still expensive, and i am an in-state student!
I even got a scholarship- it doesn't pay all of what it should, but it's a decent amount, even after that i still am broke!
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@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
7 Dec 06
I no exactly what you mean. My son studied hard, made the grades and yet didn't qualify for any of the scholarships he applied to because he suffers from anxiety panic disorder which made him somewhat refrain from leadership positions and things like that which would have made him a shoe in for many scholarships. So, next you look into financial aid, and well he qualified for some, but not enough. Personal student loans he was able to get one with us co-signing and that still wasn't enough, so he had to get his grandmother to co-sign another.
The sad thing is that between all the student loans a person has to get in order to be able to better themselves, they will automatically start out their adult life in an extreme amount of debt. On top of all these loans he had to get, he also used money that we his parents tried through the years to put aside for him, and he also does workstudy.
I'd suggest trying to get into your schools workstudy program in order to help with costs, and try personal student loan companies like Sallie Mae or Fannie Mae, and definitely try this highly recommended place: MyRichUncle-
Also, search out scholarships on fastweb--
It is terrible that kids that study hard and would like to go to a certain college, and more often than not deserve to have their hard work rewarded by getting to go to the college of their choice, are often forced to settle on different colleges, or put off their dreams entirely. Makes you wonder how many in this world could have been something spectacular, yet because they couldn't afford college they didn't.
@mocanuga (668)
• Romania
7 Dec 06
Nowadays going to college has become a luxury. Tuition is so high that being a student is a sign that you're rich. It's so sad. I'm in college also. I'm studying Computer Science in Galati, Romania. Currently I'm on scholarship but I'm not so sure about next year.
@gramaj (451)
• United States
7 Dec 06
Yes college is very costly. My daughter just graduated and my youngest in his 2nd year. The financial aid department can be of great assistance. Don't you have a councelor for your cirriculum? They should be able to assist you. my daughter was lucky, first two years mostly paid by scholorships. She has a few loans also. Can't you get a student loan (yourself) you do not have to pay it off til about 6 months after graduation. My son was the resident manager two semesters, loved it and got free private room. Had to work but got to study while working. The past two semesters he has had a job, lots of hours but he enjoys it. Is it amazing that the goverment thinks that we(parents)make SO much money that you students do not qulify for assistance. Took my daughter 6 yrs to graduate because she decided to work one semester and then use that for the next. Parents should look into the college savings plans for thier children to use in the future. I did not nut my friend did.. Really helped. For your situation, I would maybe lessen my classes(due to $) and find less expensive housing and learn to cook. Look for jobs on campus do not pay alot but helps with financial aid. Do not give up.. You will appriciate your education..And it will be worth it. Good Luck
@smf210 (102)
• United States
7 Dec 06
I have a meeting with both the advisor in financial aid for my department and a meeting with my dean. No luck so far. If it doesn't work, I will go to the president of NYU. I tried with several companies to get a loan, but neither me nor my mother have the credit to be approved. As for working, i was unable to this semester because my major is extremely competitive and I was adjusting from life on a farm in Indiana to life in New York City. It is a very big and complecated change. Trying to survive in one of the top science departments in the world and work did not work when I tried it this year. Now that I have gotten the hang of this place, I am applying for a job through federal work study. Thank you so much for the suggestion
@lilmissy (481)
• United States
7 Dec 06
delay colledge for 1 year ,live at home and work any full time job you can while banking every single penny of it .if your prents cant support you with the loan ask them to support you for 1 year while you make your colledge fund egg in a year you could have $20,000 built up to start colledge with or more depending on how bad you want this and how hard you work . but if you want it jus handed to you to pay later you may jus be out of luck.
i hve it worse here in jpan high school is not required education it costs me $10,000 a year in tuition for 3 years so $30,000 jus for regular high school . so i choose 4 year night school at $5,000 year thats $20,000 that i pay myself by working in the daytime . it isnt what i wanted but then again life usully doesnt give you what you want you have to make it happen .
@smf210 (102)
• United States
7 Dec 06
let me correct you. I ever meant to give the impression that I have not or will not work for what I get. I have had a job since I was 13 and I have never been "handed" anything. I am sorry that money is tight for you, but rest assured that I did not expect the money to fall in my lap. One positive of my lot is you can use it to network and get ideas for alternatives. That is what I am doing, I am not asking for handouts.
@laksmana555 (23)
• Romania
7 Dec 06
why don't you try to get a job. this way you won't have wait for nobody for money. it's sound bad but when you will give the first money for college the feeling will be great. go for it. good luck.
@smf210 (102)
• United States
7 Dec 06
i don't mean to sound rude, I really appreciate the suggestion, but I have worked since I was 13 years old to support my family. I had to take a semester off to get adjusted to life in New York. Of course I will be working again as soon as I am situated.