Parents: Would you let your son have a doll??

@emarie (5441)
United States
December 6, 2006 10:31pm CST
Okay, my son is 3yrs-old, and their at that age where they can tell us what they want for christmas. My kids (both boys) love animals, especially sea creatures. with the release of "The Little Mermaid" on DVD my kids loved watching it and all the extras on the disc about sea animals. The thing is my son asked for the "Shimmer Light Ariel" doll for christmas. He pointed it out on the commercial, he pointed it out in the store and in the Toys-R-Us catalog. My sister said okay, she'll get him that when he asked her. But then her husband said 'no, my nephew is not having a girls doll' even my mother said no. its so cute, he tells me he loves little mermaid and when i asked him why he wanted the doll he said "it has lights". i can see why my son wants it and me and my husband don't really have a problem. Would you let your son have a doll? why or why not? oh...and he's getting him the doll for christmas...i hope he still wants it by then...hey if not, i want a little girl eventually =)
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40 responses
8 Dec 06
Back in the early 80s i brought my son a doll called My Buddy which was a boy doll almost as tall as himself then aged 3yrs which taught him how to tie laces,do buttons and he took it everwhere,so yes if your son wants a doll why not.
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I REMEMBER now i feel old... =)
• United States
9 Dec 06
My brother had the my buddy doll and I had the Kid Sister
@silkkat (231)
• Canada
7 Dec 06
Why not? If that's what he likes then that's what he likes. Girls can play with cars and no one says anything but give a boy a doll and watch out. I think it's good to intoduce them to many different things.
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• Philippines
8 Dec 06
oh.. please... dont let ur boy play with dolls,... in most cases homosexuality arise when they are still young so why would you give ur son a chance to be one..
• United States
8 Dec 06
Men are extremely closed minded when it comes to little boys. They want them playing with GI JOES and hotwheels and stuff. It is perfectly fine for a little boy to play with a doll meant for girls. He likes the sparkly lights. It doesnt mean anything really I don't think. Reminds me of an episode of Friends. Where Ross's son was playing with a Barbie and he tried everything to get his son to stop playing with it. Like I said he likes the sparkly lights!
@medooley (1873)
• United States
8 Dec 06
Some men... like wise some women are extemely closed minded about their daughters playing sports...
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I don't understand why little boys can't have dolls or little girls have cars and trucks. When I was 8 and 9 cars were what I wanted to play with as well as the doll thing. It was more fun sometimes to go and dig tunnels and make roads for the cars. It always seemed to me that the boys had more fun with cowboys and Indians, cars and trucks than the dolls. so let the boy have the doll. It's not going to make a sissy out of him.
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• United States
10 Dec 06
its ok for a boy to have a doll. it teaches them to nurture. my son had a barbie when he was 3.
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@jamz82 (1860)
• Italy
10 Dec 06
why not? i dont see any problem to buy it a mermaid:)
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@baileym11 (887)
• United States
8 Dec 06
Absolutely, and I buy my daughter cars and trucks too. There is nothing wrong with a boy having a doll. Toy manufacturers should try to promote more gender equality in toys anyway.
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• United States
9 Dec 06
It is good for children to play with toys from both genders. Restricting what he plays with will make him wonder what is "wrong" with girls toys. I think it is great that you are getting him the doll anyway. When I was pregnant with my daughter my son wanted a baby of his own, so we got him a cabbage patch baby for Christmas. He really liked it for a while then outgrew it.
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• United States
9 Dec 06
I say yes, let him have a doll! My little girl loves trucks and cars, and theres no problem with that, so why should it be different for a little boy to have a doll! Its ridiculous for people to continue to stereotype in this day and age!
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@medooley (1873)
• United States
8 Dec 06
Sure I think I would, if that is what he really wanted. My boy loves to play with his sisters toy jewelry... I looks so cute when he gets all dolled up with his ear-rings. He is just playing and I don't see how it is causing him any harm. If he is happy and not hurting anyone I don't see the issue.
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@ru88en (2997)
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
I am a parent also on a 4 year old boy. For me, it is ok for my son to play a doll at the age of 2-5. At this age, the love to use their imagination which is good and love to imatate us. They play relationship roles. By the age of six and above, I find it wrong for my son to play doll. I was just so lucky, my son never play a doll ever since.
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• India
8 Dec 06
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@samaira (162)
• India
9 Dec 06
hey a doll is just a doll..chill..he is only a kid...and everyone has got their own get him one if u n ur hubby don't have any problem...
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
10 Dec 06
Christmas is a special day! I have a son, but he is only 11 months, so he can't ask for much yet, but if he was older and really wanted the doll, I might consider it. Go ahead and get the doll, what could it hurt?
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• United States
8 Dec 06
I think it is ok for him to want the doll. MAYBE he just likes the movie and he wants a mermaid. You dont know. Also my little nephew is 3 and he plays with his sisters dolls.:)
@krankies (811)
• United States
8 Dec 06
Sure it's fine. My 4 year old pushes a doll in a stroller he'll even fight the girls for a turn. Think how wonderfuk the boys will be with a new baby.
@kamalcpc (704)
• India
8 Dec 06
yes, why not, u can have a doll to ur 3 year child
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@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I hate this double standard. Girls play with action figures and toy cars and legos and other classic 'boy toys', but boys can't play with dolls? Why not? It's just a toy. Maybe he wants a princess for his action figures to rescue. Maybe he wants some variety in his toys. Or maybe he just likes dolls. There's nothing wrong with it. They're plastic women. How is that so different from pastic men? I hate that everything is so divided into genders, and different things are 'okay' for the different genders.
• United States
8 Dec 06
I honestly would not get him the doll, there are other toys out there that have lights on them, you can find a soft toy with lights if that is all he is interested in. I just have a hard time thinking of boys playing with dolls especially an Ariel doll! I have 2 boys of my own and I would not allow them to have a doll, they can play with them at a friends house but that is as far as it goes.. I wouldn't spend money on a girl toy if I didn't have a gilr. But he is YOUR son and if your husband is ok with it then why not.
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• United States
8 Dec 06
Yes I would, There is no harm in it. I think most comments of no will be from the men who are afraid if their boy has a doll than that means he's gay. It has nothing to do with that. It is just a toy. It doesn't mean anything.
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