@gypsiewitch1977 (374)
United States
6 responses
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
9 Feb 07
As a child the house I lived in for my first 12yrs there was an older women who wore victorian clothing that I would talk to especially when I went into the basement. She was really nice and quite motherly. On the other hand there was a guy in miners clothing from the "cowboy" days that have threatened me on numerious occasions. He would bother me the most when my parents were not home. When they were home I could go up in the attic all I wanted but as soon as they left he was out and making all kinds of noises.
Many times I asked him to leave but he wouldent. The women in the basement would come up into the house when my parents left and protect me from him. I would be able to hear them arguing as if they knew eachother before or were lovers or something.
Also my sons father used to live in a house before I met him that when he was home alone or it was just him and his sister things would get thrown at them. And the things werent harmeless either there were times that there were knives thrown out of now where. I have been by the home many times and every time I went bye it I would get freaked out. Even before he told me the stories about them living there I would get freaked out.
A very good friend of mine used to live in the appartment right next door to me. The master bedroom has a large closet. Well the guy who used to live in my appartment was dating the women who lived in the appartment next door to me. She broke up woth him and he killed himself in the master closet by hanging.
One night when my friend was sleeping she felt the blankets being tugged off her and she thought it was one of her kids, it was actually a man of modern time. He tied her to the bed and just wouldent let her go. She was totally freaked out by it. Currently I have a friend that I am trying to get out of the really tiny appartment and to move her into this appartment. I want to get inthere and cleanse it but I cant untill she gets the appartment key, to open it for me. I have told her the stories and she is going to put the kids in that room since it is biger and she is a single mother she dosnt need a large room. She wants me to cleanse it and honestly I cant wait to cleanse it either cause I keep hearing banging coming from over there and i know there is NO one there because the doors are locked.
Below is a picture my friend took on a rainy night when there were no cars arround at all. We were a bit surprised. It was the very begining of a christmas parade that our town fire and police department puts on.
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@gypsiewitch1977 (374)
• United States
9 Feb 07
wow what a story i dont know what else to say and thanks for the pic too i did see what you were talking about... i really dont know what else to say other than the fact that i agree with you and the house needs to be cleansed...
@sahmlaely (110)
• United States
8 Feb 07
A while back I went to Louisiana and visited a creole plantation. It was a spooky place to begin with. The mansion we toured was quite big. We started in the basement where it was considered the kitchen. In that room I thought I saw shadows passing and felt presence around me. It was really weird. I didn't think anything of it. I told my cousin to take a picture of me over the kitchen table. When the pictures were developed sure enough I had about 3 orbs around me.
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@gypsiewitch1977 (374)
• United States
8 Feb 07
orbs are the most common ways that ghosts show up on photos... thanks for your reply
@minidak03 (174)
• Canada
12 Dec 06
Well I never believe in hauntings or ghosts for that matter until about 6 or 7 years back, here is my story.
I used to live in this older duplex, this duplex had supposably been around for years, ever since the last world war, anyway one night while I layed down to go to bed I got a chill down my spine which almost felt like a cool breeze but no windows were open.
Anyway I fell a sleep around 11pm or so and during the night I woke up, I do not know why I woke up but only a few short seconds after I opened my eyes I heard someone call my name so I rolled over and looked towards my door (I always sleep with my door shut), and the door was open and there was a person standing there but I could not see his/her face, then the next thing I knew the figure was right at the edge of my bed (This happened with a blink of my eye) and the figure raised it's fist and took a swing towards my head.
I quickly turned my head down and covered it with my hands and did not feel anything and when I quickly looked back there was no one there and my door was still open, I did not go back to sleep that night and I know I fell asleep because I went to bed at around 11pm and when this was all over with I remember looking at my clock and it was around 3am.
Anyway I had told my good friend about what had happened and he went blabbing about it to his cuzin that used to live in that house, she said that when she was living there she used to hear footsteps up stairs when no one was up there and she said they used to have a crib that would rock when no one was around. This was very strange to me.
Anyway we moved out of that house awhile later and a few years go by and believe it or not someone else I knew had moved into that exactly same place, I stayed over there a few times and did not hear anything and this particular friend did not know about my past experince with the house. One day when I was over, there were about 5 of us in the living room and my friends step mom that also lived there was up stairs.
All of a sudden we hear his step mom scream at the top of her lungs and the 5 of us ran up stairs to see what was wrong, when we got there she was freaked right out and she was crying her eyes out, we asked what had happened and she said that when she went to get up into the attick and there was a man up there but she could not see his face and she said the man screamed at her to get the F&*# out of his house and she said that he took a swing at her and at that moment she got the heck out of there. (The five of us had a good look in the attick but there was no one up there).
She described this man exactly like the one that I had seen in my room several years before, this got me very freaked out because I know for a fact that she nor anyone else in that room had heard my experince with this house. After that I never again set foot in that house and I've never had another encounter that close before.
But I sometimes do still get that chill in the spine like someone is there and it freaks the living hell out of me, what do you think all this can mean?
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@gypsiewitch1977 (374)
• United States
7 Feb 07
Well i would like to start by saying that i am glad you are ok and it sounds like he got what he wanted you all left... sorry you went thru one so violent and hope the next one is tammer for you but it i always nice to have another beliver around....
@astaroth6661 (166)
• Morocco
8 Feb 07
yeah!! i believe in haunted houses!! because i saw n heared many stuffs about it !! here there is a haunted house near where i live and believe me i saw some shadows like humans through the windows and that was very scary and i was not alone cus my friends saw it with me too so that was not imagination that was really true!!
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@gypsiewitch1977 (374)
• United States
8 Feb 07
Thank you for your reply and did you know that shadows that look like humans could be shadow pepole look them up they are interesting...
@blackkatdreamer (1461)
• Canada
29 Mar 07
I wish I had been, I feel like I have an affinity to the spirit and paranormal world but then again I was always a weird child research so many weird things... like when I'm in the woods I feel a pull to certain areas and dont know why... or when I hear someone talking when I'm half asleep and there is no one home but me... but a real haunted house, I could only wish
@joeyswife32506 (68)
• United States
8 Jan 08
my husband's work site is haunted by something or somethings. he has told me that the other secruity guards have heard someone walking around in the building where they guard and there not be anyone there at all and doors have slammed shut also. He works on a Division Of Highways work site and has even heard what sounds like someone beating a big steel drum with a stick.