StIcK AnD sToNes MaY hUrT mY bOnEs bUt WoRdS WiLL nEvEr HuRt mE...
By elzenren
@elzenren (192)
December 7, 2006 9:07am CST
Yeah, right. As if they don't. They hurt, they hurt so badly that I cringed and feel the leaden weight of the paid whenever I hear those words. I deplore them! They constatntly attack me like little termites that gnaw on my tiniest cell of confidence and deprive me of whatever happiness I may find. Little comments, little opinions and suggestiona, but always negative. As if what is bleak and dark and painful within yourself is what is always seen, and all other good attributes are nonexistent. Why are words so carelessly tossed into the air take you by storm and linger in your heart like engraved letters in a tombstone? No matter how you try to rationalize in your mind that they are only words, it never works. No matter how you flip it sideways, backwards, over and under the impression you had when you first heard them would permeate like an overpowering stench, poisoning even the most logical explanation you could come up with. I guess most absurd phenomenon is the fact that even though I loathe hearing those scathing remarks, the more I hear them, the more I tend to give them too. It seems like in giving them away I can lighten the burden that I have within me. I know it's silly and stupid since I'm onlu spreading the vile practice but most of the time, I can't catch myself soon enough to stop it. And I feel so guilty and so dirty after, knowing that I am doing what I swear never to do. Do the other feel the same wyat? Are they also afflicted with this disease of the mind and the heart? Do they also try ro curb their tongues? Do they feel guilty and remorse after? Then, why do I see some of these people smirking and flipping their lovely hairs as if they have just fiven a compliment to their worthless servants? Words are so powerful that they can create and destroy and yet they are the most abused instrument of mankind. Know what I think? It shouldn't be stick "Stick and stones may hurst my bones but words can never hurt me," but "stick and stones only hurt my bones but words can destroy me!
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