My sister hates me!
@BellasmamaTiff (2544)
United States
December 7, 2006 7:19pm CST
Yesterday I read my sisters new blog on myspace which said that her boyfriend was beating on her, and that he had threatened her with a gun with their son in her arms. My sister is 18, and I was very concerned with her safety as well as my 4 1/2 month old nephews safety. For a brief minute I thought about reporting this to CPS, but thought about what if someone reported me for something how would I feel. So, so that I wouldnt have to be the one to do it, I printed off her blog and gave it to my grandmother to read, to see what she thought should be done. Now, my sister is very angry with me for showing it to my grandparents, and has now posted a new blog on myspace tearing me apart, calling me names and talking horribly about me. How do I get her to understand that I didn't do this to get her into any trouble, as she thinks, but to protect my sister and nephew's safety???!!! Please help me!
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75 responses
@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
8 Dec 06
Wow...I am so sorry. How can she blame you for acting like anyone would? You have proven yourself to be true to her. But as of now she doesnt see that. She sees it as you are invading her private life. You need to talk to her and try to reason with her that you are very concerned. For God's sake you read in a blog! Where at? Was it for other's to read too?
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@BellasmamaTiff (2544)
• United States
8 Dec 06
its on myspace. Her friend id is andrewsprettymama check out the blogs, the one about this incident is called depressed and the one in retaliation of my concern is called thanx a lot.
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@mydragonfly71 (84)
• United States
8 Dec 06
Initially I believe you were correct in protecting her. However, posting her myspace user name on here was a big no no. Someone from here could start to comment to her on there that you did that and then she'd alienate you even more. If you can edit out her screen name on your post, I would do it and rather quickly.
@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
8 Dec 06
i understand her frustration as she never thought that her blog contents will fall into the hand of your grandma. maybe you should let her cool down first and then try to talk to her face to face and explained to her that the reason you did all this was because you care and love her very much. try to make amend ...but if she's still stubborn and wouldnt forgive you, it will be good to let her cool down first
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
8 Dec 06
She is not going to understand. She knows why you did it but she just wants to turn her anger on to you because you are easier to tear up than her boyfriend. She has turned the venom to you and there really isn't anyhting you can do or say to change it at this moment. She should calm down but I would drop her from my friends list on myspace and stop speaking to her for a bit so that she HAS to point her anger back where it belongs.
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@prue187 (517)
• United States
8 Dec 06
That happened to me too. Actually it was a big fight between me and my brother. It really affected my family so much, the feeling of hate and anger was so intense. Considering that I was 2 months old pregnant when this happen, My sister-in-law was about to attack me and my brother was about to punch me, It was nerve wrecking, my youngest brother was there and pull me out of the scene. I thought I'll have a miscarriage and I was telling myself that I will never forgive them If I lost my child. They move out of our house since their not giving and sharing any money for the expenses, My mom and dad kept me. There were to many negative stuff about them that always caused riot in the house.
My brother then lived with his in-laws and was really having problems, He hardly ate their, My biggest concern was my nephew, After moving with my husband , My brother came back in our house and asked my mom to let them stay in the house. I am not the type of person that hold grudge against others. Now my brother and I and my sister-in-law manage to talk casually. My advise to you is just give it a time to heal. When things get more complex for your sister and she have no one else to turn to, whom do you think she'll end up with asking favor. The family is always there to stand by them, but right now she's pretty much blinded with her boyfriend. Don't pay no attention to her I know it hurts but sometimes you just need to let it go. This shall pass through, I'll keep you and your sister in my prayers.
@AJ1952Chats (2331)
• Anderson, Indiana
8 Dec 06
It isn't just HER life--it's the life of a helpless baby who has no choice of whether or not to be ther! You did well to filter it through your grandma first in hopes that it might be taken care of at the family level rather than getting CPS involved as the first step. But, if she makes the decision for herself not to be helped, somebody--including CPS--needs to intervene before that baby gets hurt or killed.
She needs to get the baby out of the situation, even if she chooses to stay--and I hope that she'll leave, too, and not look back.
You can tell your sister that there was this young woman (thankfully, no kids involved) who was trying to get up the courage to leave an abusive (according to others--I don't know this firsthand, but I suspected even before knowing more) situation--and she almost made it. Almost!
Go here to find out more about what happened in her case. It wasn't pretty!
@AJ1952Chats (2331)
• Anderson, Indiana
8 Dec 06
Leave a comment at your sister's blog, and include the link I previously shared along with this one...
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
8 Dec 06
imagine if you would have just let it be and he would have hurt her or your nephew. you would have never been able to forgive yourself. u did the right thing and she will understand it too, just give her time!
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@vinaykiran28 (5149)
• India
8 Dec 06
right....... this seams to me as a strange discussion...... how can she be a mother of the baby at just 18, i need to know which part of the world do you come from....... anyways dont worry take some time, the things will settle down
@killailla (1301)
• Canada
8 Dec 06
I was a mother at 15, so be careful what you say, i work full time have a degree and my child is very healthy, i am from Canada
@lissaj (532)
• United States
8 Dec 06
It's always a tough spot when it involves family, but the fact that she put it on a very public blog says a lot. At least she is admitting that something is wrong. It could have been a cry for help. If it had been me, I would have called cps myself, as you are allowed to remain anonymous to the person being reported. If you hadn't said something to your grandmother, someone else would have eventually. Give her some time to cool down, then talk to her. Just let her know that you care about her and you are worried about her and your nephews safety.
@Justme2007 (1848)
• United States
8 Dec 06
Would you rather not say anything and he kills her and the baby, then not only wuld you lose you sister but your nephew also. When men are abusive the hardly ever stop the woman has to leave when it starts or it will continue. I was abused but I finally walked away after many years I just thank God I made it out. I still bare the scars but I would rather have those instead of being 6feet deep.
@Chapman15 (1492)
• United States
8 Dec 06
That's a tough one! I really feel for you, because I've known a couple girls over the years that got beat up every now and then, and it was sad. Mostly because they felt they deserved it and it was because they were the one in the wrong... Did you try to talk with her before you went to the grandparents? You shouldn't worry what she thinks about you at the moment, because later on when she gets older she'll realize you were trying to help!
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@BellasmamaTiff (2544)
• United States
9 Dec 06
Thank you for your concern, it has been reported to the police, as well as CPS, and NO, Im not the one that reported to CPS, but a friend of my sister's did, because she felt the baby was very unsafe there. They left the baby there but have opened a case on my sister and the child's father.
@nicky35 (747)
8 Dec 06
your sister sounds trapped,brainwashed,confused and scared,you do what you have to do to protect her and one day when she realises shes still alive and her sons safe because of you,she will thank you for it.and if she dosent,you will know u did your best for her.good luck,youre a good sister
@sexysilver (928)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I completely agree with your actions. You sister needs help. And anyone who is physically abusive will not stop at adults.
My husbands ex-friend assulted his sister then beat his (now ex-) girlfriend's 9 month old BABY black & blue!
DCFS should DEFINATELY be called. And repeatedly called until the baby is outta danger, because men like that will not stop & may use the baby as a means to keep your sister (ex: finding her & hurting the baby if she leaves). Taking the baby out of thbe equation might make it easier for your sister to get out too.
@baysmummy (1637)
• Australia
9 Dec 06
WOW i am so sorry this is a tough situation! Maybe you could try talking to your sister and explain to her that you are concerned about her and her child, I really think you need to do something i know i dont want to report this to child protection but if i was you i would obviously your sister isnt leaving this man and there is nothing to say it wont happen again, and next time it may go further and he may actually hurt or kill her or your nephew. and then you will wish you did something more but then it would of been to late, This man is putting this child in danger by doing what he is doing and your sister is putting this child in danger by staying with this man after he done that, I wouldnt like it if someone reported me to child protection but if my son was onbviously in danger i would understand!
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
8 Dec 06
You did the right thing. Your sister is probably just mad because now her boyfriend, that she obviously shouldn't be with anyway, is probably even madder at her. I don't think CPS should be involved unless the child is being beaten as well, but if you have any proof besides the blog, you should certainly contact the police about domestic violence. That way both your sister and her child would be taken away from the guy. Apparently, though, she is so sucked into his twisted trap that she doesn't want to leave him.
@melaniej1987 (70)
• United States
9 Dec 06
I am sorry that your sister wrote bad things about you. If your sister didn't want you or your grandmother to know what was going on in her personal life why would she post it in MY Space, of all places?!! Why would you go on the internet and tell everyone that your b/f is beating on you? I think your sister is mad at herself and is lashing out at you because she doesn't know how to get out of her current situation and she doesn't have enough self esteem to leave her b/f. If I were you I wouldn't worry about what your sister is writing about you. However, I would be concerned about her welfare as well as your nephews.