Are you getting anything done while you're online?
@FrostBittenFruit (69)
United States
December 8, 2006 1:29am CST
How do you spend most of your online time? Do you think the time is well spent? Could you managed your daily schedule more effectively? I spend a lot of my time on the computer. I work with various websites, acting as an associate, and deal with direct advertising. I have to update various web pages on different days to help keep generating interest.
I think my time could be better spent of course. I can’t seem to ever get done with work or school stuff. Being a perfectionist really hinders my overall progress. I get tunnel vision on one pages or site and forget to move on to the next project. I spend hours online without even realizing it. There are times when I just get tired of looking at the same page. I switch back and forth between my work and my school work just to keep from getting bored. That may be yet another reason why I don't notice the time passing. I think I've only worked on this project for a short period of time. Without realizing that this may be ther third or fourth project I've moved to. Thers is also another reason why I can’t get anything done. I loose my train of thought when I get bored. I love conversing with people online. When I stop by myspace or mylot, I get easily distracted once I am in a conversation or discussion. Yet another bad habit that I must get out of. Are you addicted to this too? Am I the only one ditching school and work to gibber jabber?
28 responses
@vivek2006 (1418)
• India
9 Dec 06
Wel i'm doing pretty much the same thing but not as much as you are doing, i spend quite some time at mylot these days, then there's checking and replying to mails of all my friends and i also hang up quite a lot to social networking sites too. Thesse days i'm spending more time into earning like on mylot, its quite good.
@FrostBittenFruit (69)
• United States
10 Dec 06
Once you begin joining the various sites, you will find yourself just as busy. Not all the sites or methods pay well of course. Eventually you will find the ones that gives you quality and value for the time put in. I do want to point out that none of these sites could possibly replace the pay you'd receive for a real day worth of work. Most are just a tidbits for the help in generating traffic and such.
@deidraisrad (71)
• United States
9 Dec 06
although i'm not ditching school by any means i do know what you mean. once i get online and do something else that is not my homework or something important i forget. it's so distracting. i've recently gotten into mylot alot and paid surveys and emails. ahh it's nonstop. sometimes i wish i was more focused.
@FrostBittenFruit (69)
• United States
10 Dec 06
You are on your way to getting that 100 emails per day stage then. I currently get over 30 emails per address per day. I have gotten distracted till 4 A.M. at times. It is very strange to be going to bed while my child is getting ready for school! I hope you will find a method to help you stay focused.
@lucky_pinay (274)
• Philippines
9 Dec 06
i try to work online, but i also get easily distractred by discussions here in mylot and surfing the internet so i only average around earning $5 daily on the 4 hours i sit in front of the computer.
@FrostBittenFruit (69)
• United States
9 Dec 06
Did you realize that is only $1.25/hour prior to this discussion?
Did this change your perspective on the value and quality of the time you have spent online?
I believe if each individual gains even a small amount of knowledge everyday, then the human race has taken one step forward toward perfection. Civilization will eventually be rewarded through our collective efforts. World peace and understanding may not be that far out of reach after all.
@blossomingflower (636)
• India
9 Dec 06
Don't look into this in deeper sense. Don't addict into anything. Of course if we get some money, we will get thrilled. That doesn't mean we have to liquidate our personality or bondage our loyality to something.
@FrostBittenFruit (69)
• United States
9 Dec 06
Very good response. I believe you have looked past the surface of my topic and found the bottom of the well. Bravo! Deeper sense, however, is what we should attempt to achieve. Only with deeper understanding can we gain knowledge and mature. It can also be vise versa!
@GourdBreaker (490)
• Philippines
9 Dec 06
No. That's why when I'm creating layouts in the PC, I keep myself from connecting online otherwise I'll just browse the internet and won't finish my job due for the day.
@FrostBittenFruit (69)
• United States
9 Dec 06
Good suggestions: Self control and set limits. Very good indeed. Glad to have you show interest in this discussion. You didn't take the obvious chance to brag or sell yourself either. Bravo. My hat is off to you.
@minidak03 (174)
• Canada
9 Dec 06
I am probably the one person in the world that can be put into a competition to see who uses the internet the most and I would win. Seriously I have an addiction to it, I mainly use it to make money and at minimum 6 days a week I go online from when I wake up until the time I go to bed.
No I'm not a nerd or a looser with no friends, I have lot's of friends and sometimes when I disapear and dont swing by to say hello for 3 weeks sometimes a month they dont even ask me, I'm sure they wonder where I have disapered to but none the less the internet is an addiction like nothing else.
Maybe if I wasent trying so unbelivably hard to double the amount of money I make online, I would actually have a social life, so a word of advice to anyone who makes a living online or to anyone who is trying to make a living online, get involved with a group of people and work together.
Because trust me if you do not you are going to end up like me who slaves over the computer 6 days a week all day and most of the night to increase your standard of living.
@FrostBittenFruit (69)
• United States
9 Dec 06
Bravo, finally some honest truth about online work.
The commercialization of the online work arena has been completely out of control.
Like the previous poster, she was being candid about the amount of work she has to do.
(Forgive me if you are not female.)
I work online almost as much as you do.
I also attend school online. I have a pre-teen. I am a single mom.
Various factors can cause a person to choose to work online.
The marketing of online work has placed some serious misconceptions into the public mindset.
Just as in any other profession, when the quality of the employees drop, so does the quality of the work completed.
@FrostBittenFruit (69)
• United States
9 Dec 06
You are correct. You are not wasting time if you find value in something you are doing. That is the key to control how your time is spent. Although I really do not feel money should ever be the judge or measurement of value when it comes to time spent on interaction with your fellow human being.
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
9 Dec 06
I think that I effectively spend my time online. Before I was aware that you could actually make money online, I would waste time playing games, surfing around and chatting on the chatlines. Now all I do online is participate in the legt "paid-to" sites which I think is time well spent.
@FrostBittenFruit (69)
• United States
9 Dec 06
That is great. Having a conversation with your fellow human being is the point. Glade to see you are making money doing so. You are enriching others while enriching yourself. That is effective and value for the time you spend online. Bravo. Knowledge is power, you are sharing knowledge. When you post dribble, you are sucking the knowledge and energy out of your fellow conversationalists.
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
9 Dec 06
Yes, You really don't have to be on here all day. what you do is couple hours a day. with good discussions, if you have a very good discussion with alot of replys you can sit back and wait for all your replys.
@FrostBittenFruit (69)
• United States
9 Dec 06
Very good point indeed. A discussion requires various points of view. If everyone agreed, then there is no need for a discussion. The topic would simply be a statement of fact. If we wanted a topic’s statistics and definition, we could just search in an encyclopedia! Rewards should be giving based on the value of a post not the quantity. Intelligence dictates we question everything around us and find answers. Robots input information and follow commands.
@thisisrightnow (537)
• United States
9 Dec 06
I only get online because I have nothing else to do. I work in the morning, so after 2pm or so, I have my whole day free. I don't really know anyone in my city to hang out with, so my days are usually spent online or watching TV, unless I go out of town for a concert. But I know once I start college in March I won't be online nearly as much since I'll be going to school for 7 hours or so a day and then possibly working 5 hours a day after that and/or studying.
@FrostBittenFruit (69)
• United States
9 Dec 06
You seem to have some very definite goals in mind.
You also know where the limits should be set at.
I applaud you for your attempts at balancing school and work.
I’m sorry to hear you have not made too many friends in your city.
I’m sure once you get started in school, you will have many more opportunities to make friends.
@brightbluesea (1143)
• United States
9 Dec 06
Time does seem to fly by online! I don;t usually get much else done when I have computer time but I sure enjoy it
@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
9 Dec 06
you know i have 1 yr old baby, i try to manage my all house hold stuff along with my online activities. like put on my dinner on stove and keep busy my 1 yr old, and sid eby side i also do cleaning and clearing mess which my little one created every after 1 0 min. heheheh so now its become routine so ia m used to of it.
@FrostBittenFruit (69)
• United States
9 Dec 06
You are a multi taking dynamo! Most at home moms/dads are in fact.
Having a 1 year old may be the most difficult portion of your day, and night!
I have not had to deal with an infant for quite some time now. I can however still relate.
Although your typing clearly shows you were multi tasking at the time.
Which is totally understandable under your circumstances.
Some of the other people who join these discussions however, I’m not so sure about.
@MommytoJack (215)
• United States
9 Dec 06
I definately spend way too much time online. Adding mylot into the mix has caused me to be online even more! I try to do useful things when I'm online, but I admit that I waste a lot of precious time just surfing the internet. But at the same time, I love meeting new people and I'm really enjoying getting to know all these new people on this site!
@FrostBittenFruit (69)
• United States
9 Dec 06
If you are making friends and enjoying yourself, then you are getting some value for the time spent online.
As long as you don’t neglect anything important while doing so of course.
If you are finding yourself regretting the time spent online than you should re-evaluate the amount of time spent. Value and quantity are very different in relations to each other.
One may or may not exclude the other. Only the perspective of the individual can decide that.
@yannefranco (341)
• Philippines
9 Dec 06
most of the time i do business transactions over the internet, it is the cheapest and easiest way for communication and not only that, it is very informative too. you get tutorials, news, information and stuff in the internet! we're just soo lucky to live at this time of the world coz i don't think i can live without the internet!
@FrostBittenFruit (69)
• United States
9 Dec 06
Does this mean you are an addict?
If the internet crashes, would you be able to gather information from other resources?
You are correct about communication being both easy and cheap online.
Everyone can fax, sent email, and chat without incurring any extra cost.
I wonder if this in turn will cause the next generation to become primarily indoor creatures?
Will we have the need to go down to the local store or coffee shop to chat with neighbors and friends?
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I make sure my important things are done before I get online because I know how I am when I get online.
@FrostBittenFruit (69)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I'm sorry to hear you are ill. I broke my leg in January. The time spent away from work cost me more than the money. I lost many of my comrades. A whole new regime of employees was in place. I fel like a complete outsider. I had two years of seniority and yet I felt like I was a private in bootcamp!
You are making the best of a bad situation. That is a different kind of value than a monetary gain. You are feeding your soul. I applaud you for that. I am glad to see there are people that have developed beyond that stage of evolution.
@iluvpeaches2 (170)
• United States
10 Dec 06
As of right now my time is being spent reading discussions and gaining new perspectives on subjects that I have interest to. I am also watching part of a movie that isn't really time well spent, but it does give me some enjoyment, so maybe it is. This has become kind of addictive for me as well, but I try to limit my time on here as much as I can and I would never think to ditch work to be on here?! That just seems absurd.
@shinningstar (22)
• Brunei Darussalam
9 Dec 06
My PC is very important for me. Infact, my day is not complete without taking a glance of my favorite sites. When I'm online, I chat with friends and relatives. I update my friendster account and I browse lots of sites. It's a great accomplishment for me.