one of the prisoners i work with has just confessed to raping a 12 week old baby
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
31 responses
@suniljoseph (246)
• India
8 Dec 06
well, if you are working with them, then i am sure what kind of people they are.. I havent met anyone like that, so I cant judge him. but in my opinion such people has some mental problem, or they were abused as a child. so as a society we are responsible for what he has become. do you think he is proud of what he did?
the least we can do is give him any help possible to overcome the problem he is facing.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
8 Dec 06
i think proud is too strong a word to use, but he really cant see what he did wrong. I agree we need to help but i dont know how to get in to his mind set
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
8 Dec 06
we will never have answers to your questions. Because people like myself never meet these individuals until the courts have sent them to prison we never get to know if they were born this way or not
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@suniljoseph (246)
• India
8 Dec 06
you say that he is not aware of the wrong he has done. that itself shows that his human development is stunned.. he does not have any conscience. i am afraid that there isnt much that can be done. but i am not a psychatrist. there might be some hope for him.
you say he will be in prison for the rest of his life. so he wont harm anyone else.
but what is important is that our society is responsible for him. he is the product of the society. treat the disease, not the symptom. we need to understand why he became so.
but what about him, he is imprisoned because of what the society made him. the best you can do is educate him, if he isnt. make him read good books, like bible, aesop stories and such... maybe that will help him understand the society.
p.s : studies have shown that 2 people in 100 will be a psychopath, with no remorse or conscience. was he like this from his childhood? or did he became like this gradually?
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@linkpointe (1003)
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
Whoa! raping a 12 week old baby. He is really insane. I think he needs your help. You better turn him over to any psychiatric center so, he won't end up in victimizing again some kid/s on the blocks...
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
8 Dec 06
my feelings exactly, but he was declared sane by the courts and therefore has to remain in prison where he will get little help and will stay under these conditions for the rest of his life
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@sassyces (1602)
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
My God! I feel so sorry for the infant. How as he able to do it? I mean, is he related to the parents of the child that's why he was able to get hold of the baby?I think he's mentally ill. No person in his right mind would rape someone, much more a 12 year old infant! He should be placed in a mental institution and after he has improved, he then has to be jailed. People like him should never be freed because he might victimze other people (or babies) again
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
9 Jan 07
yes he was a boyfriend of the babys baby sitter, his girl friend also got 5 years for helping the abuse, they even took pictures
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Omg!!! She ONLY got 5 years???? Oh I'm so freaking mad and upset right now that it's not even funny..These people don't need help, they need a big hole dug and need to be put in it. They don't deserve to live any longer. This is one of the most horrible things I've ever heard...I hope they both rot in hell.
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@fortyzwife (84)
• United States
27 Jan 07
THEY TOOK PICTURES!! Oh my god im so mad right now i almost punched my computer screen. I cant even comprehend this. Im so heated right now.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
21 Jan 07
it is certainly not a normal job, but it pays the rent as well as giving me big headaches on bad days
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
25 Jan 07
like today 13 A category prisonrs, and Ian Huntly casually joined us. That man has evil behind his eyes and it still bothers me
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
8 Dec 06
too good in my opinion i really let this one get to me and im not sure if i can carry on working with him, he blamed the baby for provoking him ffs
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@ricknkae (1721)
• United States
25 Jan 07
this is indeed apalling
i can t believe someone can do that
when i think that i have myself a 7 weeks old little treasure, it gives me the chills
i really don t know what we could do with them ... there is clearly something wrong with them
come on what is sexually attractive in a baby ???? nothing
baby are bundle of joy and touch your heart when they smile, i can t understand that someone would want to hurt them
kids are a jewel
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
25 Jan 07
i agree but it happened, he will spend the rest of his natural life in jail as a result too but my point is, we really should be examining these people carefully in order to understand what drives them
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
28 Jan 07
That poor baby to have had to go through that pain. I truly dont understand people likethat. I am a mom of 4 and I would do anything to keep them from going through that kind of pain. Honestly you really need to report this person no matter what happens. He needs to go back to jail for life and not a second shorter for that.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
28 Jan 07
Yes my friend, as a parent I share your views. As luck would have it, he is in a maximum security prison and will stay there for the rest of his natural life, have no fear, no home secrety would dare sanction his release
@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
9 Jan 07
i think sir, he has mentally ill..that's why he the horrible sin to the 12week baby. or maybe that's why he do that for some reason, he never mean to rape the child but they have something bothered on his mind to do it. and it's good that he confessed his mistake and he is on the jail forever, and also because you worked with to him maybe you need to listen what all he confessed and give him some advice. because sometimes that kind of a case sir only they need a people who listen to them.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
9 Jan 07
he acted with his girl friend and they both took pictures of the abuse so im not sure he did not know what he was doing, he just didnt seem to think he was wrong
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@minxy67 (2707)
25 Jan 07
Hi dear friend, First of all let me congratulate you on working in a prison, it is a very hard job to do, I do not think that I could do it! with prisoners like the one you are talking about I would not know if I would be able to look at them, let alone help them, I would like to say cut of his wotsits and wear them as earrings, but I doubt that would help the situation. He needs to be isolated from society for the rest of his natural life with no visiting rights and no home comforts, failing that strap him up by his nuts and leave him to die. Sorry about being so blunt, being a mother this sort of person repels me.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
25 Jan 07
big plus from me, although i do think we can learn a lot from them in prison and by killing them, i think we lose the oppertunity. As a parent myself I often feel exactly the same as you but then professionalism kicks in and I realise we must work with them If we are ever to understand what makes them tick and how we can prevent it ever happening again
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
8 Dec 06
he is in prison and will be for the rest of his natural life
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@fortyzwife (84)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Thats sick. Its not a mental problem, its a sickness. What could possess any man to rape a 3 month old? I read he said that SHE PROVOKED HIM!!! How does a 3 month old provoke a grown man!! As a mother of a 3 month old, I cant even process this topic. Im sick to my stomach. He needs to be catstrated amongst other things not appropriate to state on mylot.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
4 Feb 07
That he is sick and a pervert is not really in doubt, what I have a problem with (and I think this case highlights it)in England we have no facility for dealing with the criminally insane, instead we put them in prison and leave them there. We learn nothing, and these crimes continue. Importantly, this guy wasnt known to the police until he was charged I feel if we are to stop it happening we need to study such people carefully
@threena (131)
• Philippines
27 Jan 07
Someone like him truly is sick, but mentally ill or not I vote for letting him stay in prison to suffer. In a mental hospital, he would have it easy. He'll be cared for because he's a patient. That's why for criminals, to declare(and prove) insanity is their way out of prison. Locked forever in an asylum is way better than being raped and beaten in prison.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
27 Jan 07
my instinct is to agree with you but i have to worry about the ethicity of treating the mentally ill in prisons?
@Astarte (812)
• Italy
27 Jan 07
I hope that this MONSTER be raped every day of this life in the jail! I hope that he be tortured by other prisoners. The castration don't resolve his mental problems...if this monster can't rape, he become more frustrated and probably he will kill directly. These monster have not the right to live.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
27 Jan 07
rest assured my friend he gets the crap beaten out of him regularly, he is what the other prisoners call a nonce or a beast and they have special treatment for these people, involving rape, and pouring boiling water with sugar in it, it sticks and carries on burning. Also he gets cut and urinated on, this infects the wound and scars for ever. He will suffer this way for the rest of his life. However, i do worry about torturing and/or killing the mentally ill
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@fasha72 (284)
• Singapore
26 Jan 07
Wonder what the girlfriend felt when she took the pictures. Yuck!! was probably not on her mind. Sick.. trully sick people. Too bad we have tons of this type of people in this world regardless of what country or race they are. May God give forgive them.. Anyway what happen to the baby?? Is she or he still alive??
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
26 Jan 07
isnt it strange? we know little of the baby, but as far as i know the child is ok. As for the girl friend one can only assume she was out of her mind on substances or so in the sway of her boy friend that she willingly did his bidding
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Is there really any purpose for him to be on the earth? I just wonder.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
26 Jan 07
i dont think we can make that judgement, but i must addmit i do question why we keep them alive. I think maybe it is so they suffer in prison
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
27 Jan 07
i cant, my job his to try and understand his mental processing and to assess what, if anything, can be done
@skirvy (250)
• United States
27 Jan 07
That is completely wrong. You don't do that to young children period. He deserves to be in prison at least. I hope he gets whats coming to him in prison. You just don't do that kinda crap. I hope he gets the crap beaten out of him. Just imagen him doing that to your kid what would you want done to him? Thats how I look at the situation.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
27 Jan 07
Rest assured my friend he gets the crap beaten out of him every single day and this will continue for the rest of his life