Are there Really Aliens? Do You Believe They Exist?
By urvaksh
@urvaksh (189)
December 8, 2006 8:45am CST
these question can start of some serious discussions , human beings have always wondered of the possibilities of themselves being not the only inhabitetents of this universe. now that water has been discovered on mars ,it just would increase the speculation regarding life on other planets, this unknown has really frieked us out and also intrigued us.the wierd thing really is that extra terrestrial sightings have only taken place after the nuclear bomb was detonated,.wat is it that really makes man scared of another lifeform in the universe?
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71 responses
@gtfteam (140)
• Malaysia
8 Dec 06
The possible existence of primitive (microbial) life outside of Earth is much less controversial to mainstream scientists although at present no direct evidence of such life has been found. Indirect evidence has been offered for the current existence of primitive life on the planet Mars.However, the conclusions that should be drawn from such evidence remain in debate.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
8 Dec 06
This depends on what we define as aliens, i do not think there are green men with eyes in the middle of their heads and horns out top, but i do not think we are alone, and i know that nasa is preparing to go to Europa, one of thje moons of jupiter to see what there is there, this will be a long term project which is hoping to find organisms in the liquid water said to be on Europa, currently there is a project in antarctica which might be seen as a preliminary to this major research
si no i do not think we are alone
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@september_1st (3209)
• Romania
9 Dec 06
I just saw last night a movie called "Night skies" based on the UFO appearings in Phoenix, Arizona in March 1997, also known as "The Phoenix Lights". I have to say that although it may simms hard to believe, there are other life forms outthere, we're not alone in the Univers.
We don't have to witness a 3rd degree encounter to believe in the existence of aliens!Good topic, take care!
@bamby1983 (286)
• India
8 Dec 06
No, we aliens do not exist. I'm green coz I ate my vegetables, not coz I'm from Mars. beam me up Scotty! :P
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@minidak03 (174)
• Canada
9 Dec 06
So are you saying that we humans are made up? Dont you think it's at least possible that if we are here living that there might be some other form of intellegent life out there?
There are millions and millions of possible undescovered planets.
@xXmeganxX (4420)
26 Dec 06
i haven't seen one JUST YET lol, so therefore i don't believe in them but id be scared if i did see one, no reason as to why :/
@go9999 (818)
• India
9 Dec 06
The aliens exist or not is an interesting topic, because we have not yet have had an encounter with any aliens till present,but if you take a closer look at history then it could compel you to to believe that aliens exist.Some ancient monuments have drawing on walls pointing to alien life form.
There may be many earth size planets,which may be perfect breeding ground for aliens,it may only be that they may have a different biological structure.The time has come to undertake some serious steps and discoveries to find out if we are alone or not,the earth resourcess are dimminishing at a rapid state,and if civilization were to survive,then it would require another world to preserve humanity,otherwise humans will just vanish like some other spices that are extinct today.
@urvaksh (189)
• India
9 Dec 06
you really are thinking very far , the rate NASA is going on finding a planet, with similar characteristics to that of earth is ver slow.
there is definately no possibility of another planet similar to earth in our solar system.,& God alone knows wen we are gonna visit the solar system next to ours, but your idea is good .
@Sorathian (4329)
• Pakistan
26 Dec 06
Look up at the stars. Try to count them. Each and every one of them could be the host to planets that contain life. Not just planets but life that does not require a planet to exist could be out there as well. That we would be alone in such a vast cosmos is unthinkable mathimatically and logically.
Do we want to meet them right now? No! We do not! We are not ready to meet a race with technology advanced enough to get here. Even if that race had the best intentions for us they would destroy us with their kindness and given the ferocity in nature and even in Mankind itself the odds are a race we encountered would not have our best interests in mind.
@silkkat (231)
• Canada
9 Dec 06
I think that there are other beings out there. If we can exsist on a planet then why not life forms on another planet in another galaxy? I can't necessarily say that they "visit" us or abduct us but I guess no one can really prove it one way or another. Until we do there will always be skeptics.
@nitin_kranti (6)
• India
9 Dec 06
no i dont think so because in movies the aliens have onlythree fingers, and how they r so advanced...????
@kinghamod2000 (42)
• Canada
26 Dec 06
I think there is life under the Atlantic Ocean. I read in several book about the lost Atlantica, those people came from the sky and there is some visitors from the space keep comming till now to visit them.
I believe in this after I saw Spacecraft above Atlantic Ocean in (2002).
you can read more about that in my lot under my first discussion or send me message. Thanks.
@smokingskull (137)
• India
9 Dec 06
universe itself is should have atleast a million planets. Among these we have our planet Earth. So out of these million planets there is a good chance that atleast one planet should have an atmosphere as as that of our earth with water bodies and all.So i think aliens should be existing some where in our universe. how evolved they are god only knows. i haven't met an alien on earth so cant really that they are here!!!!
@kamleshsrt1 (317)
• India
10 Dec 06
Who knows but some claim they have an evidence and they seem to be convinced too.
The possibility of extraterrestrials remained a widespread speculation as scientific discovery accelerated. William Herschel, the discoverer of Uranus, was one of many 18th-19th century astronomers convinced that our Solar System, and perhaps others, would be well populated by alien life. Other luminaries of the period who championed "cosmic pluralism" included Immanuel Kant and Benjamin Franklin. At the height of the Enlightenment even the Sun and Moon were considered candidates for hosting aliens.
Lets see if we find em.
@rahul10579 (60)
• India
9 Dec 06
I don't believe aliens exist but I think there can be life on other planets in the form of micro organics...