Is it okay to smack children?
By bricantra
@bricantra (101)
December 8, 2006 9:47am CST
I was in the shopping centre the other day and this kid was being a right little pain in the you know what. He was old enough to know better. he must have been about 4. He was throwing the biggest hissy fit on the floor screaming his head off. You couldn't get within 3 ailses of this kid for the ear piercing noise. His Mum picked him up and smacked him on the bottom and placed him on his feet. I felt sorry for her. Her other kids were quietly standing by trying to look like they didn't know the kid. Some woman marches up to the lady and confronts her about smacking her kid. A heated argument started. This other woman was going off at her. It isn't like she flogged the kid. The first women told her to mind her own business and that she would raise her kids how she saw fit. She buddled the kids up and hurried off with the still screaming child. What a scene.
I don't at all condone child abuse but sometimes a kid needs a smack. Never hurt me and I still remember every smack I got.
What do you think?
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94 responses
@theadvisor (147)
• India
12 Dec 06
spare the rod and soil the child. But smack only sparingly and only when you have tried everything out.
When kids get stuborn and refuse to listen to anyhing, this is something that will work.
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@ljmc24 (413)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I think if they need a smack to set them straight and that is what the parent wants to do people should mind their own business.
My father swatted my brother one time, he was about 3 or 4, and some lady started griping at him about it. Well the kid is still throwing a temper tantrum so my father picked him up and sat him in her buggy, and walked away. He was still screaming and stomped everything she had, we were grocery shopping. She was chasing my father around the store. Really now it was hilarious, but at the time it was mortifying. When he finally took him back from her she said she learned her lesson and just needed to keep her mouth shut from now on.
@bricantra (101)
• Australia
8 Dec 06
That is a classic. Would also be a good way to cure a young girl of wanting a baby in a hurry.
@Desdemona (1301)
• Canada
8 Dec 06
are you serious??? You say, sometimes a kid needs a smack!!
Is it okay for your boss to hit you when your not doing things right?? Cause if that is okay, than sure, smack your children.
Hitting anyone - causes fear. There are many other ways to discipline your child. Think outside the box and stop being intimadating.
@bricantra (101)
• Australia
8 Dec 06
OK. Well you reason with your child until you're blue in the face then.
@bricantra (101)
• Australia
8 Dec 06
OK. I was smacked 3 times in my whole life and I fully deserved it. I am not necessarily talking about smacking a child every day for the hell of it.
There is a kid that lives over the back from me. His parents don't believe in smacking. He is a right royal little pain. I think if he got a smack he wouldn't know what happened. Sending him to his room certainly isn't doing the trick. He is 3 and rules that house. They scream at him all day and he still throws tantrums from sunrise to sunset. How do you deal with a child like that if not with a smack. We can tell when they are out cause it is quiet. We are moving house because their kid is driving us nuts adn them screaming at him isn't any better.
@loopie (123)
• United States
8 Dec 06
Ok a child with that type of extreme behavior sounds like a child with ODD(obsessive destructive disorder) and the only way your gonna get any control over that child is thru him being medicated. I really don't like seeing children medicated, but if my son where like that, and then I would consider consulting with a child psychologist.

@wiseacre (221)
• India
9 Dec 06
I was in the shopping centre the other day and this kid was being a right little pain in the you know what. He was old enough to know better. he must have been about 4. He was throwing the biggest hissy fit on the floor screaming his head off. You couldn't get within 3 ailses of this kid for the ear piercing noise. His Mum picked him up and smacked him on the bottom and placed him on his feet. I felt sorry for her. Her other kids were quietly standing by trying to look like they didn't know the kid. Some woman marches up to the lady and confronts her about smacking her kid. A heated argument started. This other woman was going off at her. It isn't like she flogged the kid. The first women told her to mind her own business and that she would raise her kids how she saw fit. She buddled the kids up and hurried off with the still screaming child. What a scene. I don't at all condone child abuse but sometimes a kid needs a smack. Never hurt me and I still remember every smack I got. What do you think?
@bricantra (101)
• Australia
9 Dec 06
You are reported buddy. Spamming and copying content is against Mylot rules.
@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
9 Dec 06
yeah some time smacking is necessary but the sceen you portrayl here is very disgusting because thi si humiliation of a child. i dont agree in this case. atleast we should respect our children's self esteem.
@Brooke3 (610)
8 Dec 06
You say it never hurt you but you also say that you remember every smack you ever got...clearly it did have an impact on you and if you still remember every smack you got then it is not a positive one.
I think if you are a good parent then there is no need for smacking.
@bricantra (101)
• Australia
9 Dec 06
Yes I remember every smack I got because I tried so hard as a child to please my parents. I see it as a blight on an otherwise very good character that I developed. Considring I was only smacked 3 times as a child I think I did pretty well. There are probably hundreds of times my parents could have smacked me but I had learnt that I didn't want a smack and adjusted my behaviour quick smart to avoid the humiliation. You're never too old for a smack whether it be physical or verbal. As adults we tend to get more of the verbal kind. There is nothing more sobering or shocking and you usually remember it. Problem is you can't always use words to reason with children and probably adults to.
@bayboy (986)
• United States
9 Dec 06
If you train kids to SMACK them everytime they do a mistake.. IT WILL only make them DO the same.... for example..
another kid annoys them.. what happens? They smack that other kid..because they grew up being trained that if they do something wrong, they get smacked... this will really attack his self-esteem and possibly LOWER it.. in my opinion.. so its not really such a good idea..
@bricantra (101)
• Australia
9 Dec 06
If smacked all the time....yes this is possible. Life is not black and white. Not all children that are smacked smack back. Children do copy behaviour. This is also how they sometimes perfect the hissy fit by watching their parents interect and the responses that are forthcoming.
Boys can often learn abusive patterns towards women by the way their fathers treated their mothers....and girls can learn all about manipulation from their mothers. Children often copy behaviour for the reaction that they think they will get without understanding the consequences.
@chiquita1977 (1706)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I do not believe in every smaking a child under any circumstances.I believe that there is other forms of discipline rather than hitting a child.i have 4 kids and i never had to hit them and they listen to me without me having to hit them.hitting a kid only teaches them violence and to fear you.
@bricantra (101)
• Australia
9 Dec 06
I don't fear my parents.....I do fear dissapointing them...and not because I think I will get smacked.
@melaniej1987 (70)
• United States
9 Dec 06
Smacks are good especially if the child knows that they are going out in public and they feel that they will get away with being bad. When I was little before I left the house my mother would pull us up and say that if we acted up while out in the public that we were going to get it when we got home. So this really worked on me and my siblings, we never acted up in public.
@bricantra (101)
• Australia
9 Dec 06
I didn't act up in public either. My life wasn't worth it. I think the threat was enough.
@shoelover (896)
• Australia
8 Dec 06
I do believe a swift smack on a childs butt is the best solution. I smacked all four of my children and the older they got the less they needed it. I remember one day whilst out shopping my eldest daughter (who was 14) was teasing her brother and sisters and would not stop. I gave her a smack. She stopped where she stood and looked at me in shock. She then apologised to her brother and sisters. She is now 22 years old and still talks of that one smack, she says it made her see everything has consequenses. She says she was so embarrased as she had not been smacked for years before that and it was a shock.
One light smack can do wonders. It is not child abuse as child abuse is uncontrollable belting of the child.
@bricantra (101)
• Australia
9 Dec 06
I don't think we are ever too old to be disciplined by our parents in some fashion.
@bricantra (101)
• Australia
9 Dec 06
I can't comment on the woman's smacking pattern but her other kids look well behaved and were embarrassed by his behaviour it seemed. So I don't think it was a reular occurence. The kid had probably been a brat all day.
@mommy9699 (85)
• United States
8 Dec 06
The lady in your post did nothing wrong and I agree the other lady should mind her own business... I especially like the post directly below yours about about the father leaving his son with the lady who was butting in...Hilarious!!!
I've had someone come up to me in Walmart before for swatting my daughter who was about 4 or 5 at the time for throwing a temper tantrum...she threatened to call DFS on me...I was so disgusted with this I asked her if she had any shocker she said I told her right in front of a manager that until she has children she needs to keep her mouth shut, and mind her own business...she actually called DFS on her phone and even they told her that there is nothing wrong with a mother giving a child a swat on the bottom while throwig a tantrum in the store.
It drives me nuts when parents that won't whip their kids butts cry and whine about how they don't have control, and they don't know what to do. There is a difference in between abuse and discipline!
My dad used to say.. "put your hands on the piano bench" and then SWAT! He wasn't abusing me, he was showing me love and teaching me right from wrong. The Bible says "spare the rod, spoil the child"
@bricantra (101)
• Australia
9 Dec 06
It always seems to be the do gooders who have no expreince that are most vocal.
I have no children yet and feel the pressure of being a good parent in the future being more about how I will be allowed to raise them than teaching my children how to be good people.
@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I really try to stay out of how others parent their kids. We rarely know the whole story behind what is going on. I do think that some kids need different sorts of discipline to get threw whatever is going on.
@bricantra (101)
• Australia
9 Dec 06
Yes it can be a fine line sometimes. I don't think you should ever physically discipline someone elses child. I do reprimand other people children for bad behaviour if even in front of the parent when they are in my store. A lot of parents let their kids run wild. some of them have a go at me, but I tell them their child was being a destructive little brat and destroying my shop. If they don't like it they are freet o leave. I always ask a parents permission before giving their child any food or picking them up.
@saphire539 (1639)
• United States
8 Dec 06
Yes i think it is ok to spank a child on the rear with your hand but not to use belts or paddles of any kind on them.The woman done nothing wrong when she spanked her child on the rear.
@MakDomMom (1474)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I totally agree with spanking your kids as long as it is done out of love and with justice. In that instance I would have spanked my child too. Obviously anything else the mom was trying to do wasn't working and she needed to take action. The person who confronted her had no business doing so. I have seen parents spank children in public and each time it was justified, like the above example. I would never confront a person like that.
@loopie (123)
• United States
8 Dec 06
i agree, but not at that instant, Because people are so nosy, its hard to be discreat when punishing your child. I would have taken my child into a public restroom and squatted down to his level so that we were at eye level with each other. talk to him (not yell) be reassuring at the same time while I explain that what he/she is doing is wrong, and is not good behavior, that if he/she kept it up we would go home, and he/she would be punished all day or loss of games or tv time etc. If he/she still would be screaming and acting out I would spank their postierer once or twice, and leave immediately. Usually its the threat, that does it, But only if you have done it before. I would never openly smack or spank my child in front of others. Now I have had to leave my cart in the store almost completely full to take my son out to the car.
@fotychic (318)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I think, that as a last resort, spanking is okay. As long as it isn't too hard, or with something, like a belt or something. It is the parents choice. It is NOT child abuse. With my son, usually just sayig "NO", or maybe tapping (yes, tapping) him on the hand, is enough for to make him stop what he is doing. If a child is being a brat like that, in the middle of the store, then the mother has every right, and responsibility to discipline thier children. When they discipline them, then they end up being bratty adults. And no one wants to deal with someone like that.
@bricantra (101)
• Australia
9 Dec 06
It is great that your child responds to your reprimand. I hope that continues for you.
@iluvpeaches2 (170)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I think in this case it was just fine. However I have seen a mother with 3 children, a boy about 5 and 2 girls, one 3 and one 1 probably. They were walking to their car as I was on my way to work. The mother was screaming at her 3 year old to carry her 1 yr old sister to the car!!! The little girl was crying so hard and telling her she was too heavy, but the mother insisted and smacked the child across her face. An elderly lady came up to the child (completely disregaurding the mother) and told her that her sister was way to heavy for her and she would carry her to the car for her. The mother (who had nothing in her hands at all) told the elderly woman that her daughter had been carrying her around all day and that she could do it. I was in complete shock, as I would have done something to help too, but I'm so glad that woman came by!
@bricantra (101)
• Australia
9 Dec 06
It makes you feel that some people don't deserve the precious gift of children.
@ragavan01 (53)
• India
8 Dec 06
smacking a child should not be done else it would make him to do the same just beacuse of anger
better make him understand that whaht he did is wrong by saying ..and showing love apon him..this would bring a great change upon him
always encourage others by givin + else read and enjoy!!
@loopie (123)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I believe your are completely wrong. If you spank your child do not show anger, then they will not repeat your actions because they will not understand it. They will just know ok mom/dad doesn't want me to do this, they are not angry at me but at the same time I got punished. The secret of punishing a child is doing it without being angry yourself.
@sunilrobertdmello (106)
• India
3 Jan 07
I think it is okay to smack the kid. As all kids dont respond if you speak to them n matter how sweetly you tell them.Only a smack can help such people. And if they do get embarrased they wuld never do it again to avoid to be in such a situation. But parents should really know their kid very well to do this.Kids should understand why they have been smacked or else it could lead to the child thinking that the parent does nto like him. So it is also required that if a parent smacked his kid, later part of the day the parent shoudl speak to the child and explain what had happened.