When does a girl become a woman?

December 8, 2006 10:45am CST
When does a girl become a woman? When they show lady-like qualities, maturity, sensibility and at least mild wisdom. This is when she's really become a woman. I know a 17-year-old woman and a 20-year-old girl. Think about what you think when you hear 'girl' compared to when you hear 'woman'. Think about your perception and whether or not you consider her a woman. She doesn't have to be stupid to still be a girl, she could just not posess the qualities she might do in a few years time. No matter what age, 'girlfriend' means partner outside of marriage. 'Ladyfriend' means absolutely nothing in today's world, if she really dislikes 'girlfriend'; 'partner' or 'significant other' are suggested by some.
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