How do Dinosaurs fit in with the Creation/intelligent design thories?
By SparkyG
@SparkyG (357)
United States
December 8, 2006 2:03pm CST
Me and my brother constantly argue about evolution (me), and creationist/intelligent design (him) theories of how life began. But what we don't understand is how Dinosaurs fit into the theory of Creation. Correct me if I am wrong but Creationist belive God created humans and life on earth only a few thousand years ago correct? So does the Theory or the Bible acknowledge the presence of Dinosaurs living on earth millions of years before this? I just can't comprehend how that would be posible unles god created them also? Can you explain to me as Creationist/ intelligent design beliver how this all fits together?
22 responses
@Xeedar (255)
• Italy
27 Dec 06
They just cannot fit, and they never will.
Creationists believe that the earth is young, datation certifies dinosaurs are older than the age they tell the earth has.
Oh, yeah, they are always coming out with the tale of the datation of the oyster. Sorry but it's a fake.
Some creationists says that dinosaurs skeletons are proofs leaved by Luciferto let us believe in him and take the wrong path. I have to say LOL.
Some creationists, and this is the best one, says we lived at the same time of dinosaurs.
They accompain their theories telling that human skeletons has been found near dinosaurs skeletons. Another great fake, but for sure I have to congratulate with who thinks these thinks: great imagination, that people could write best-seller books.
At that time just little mammals existed, 'cause they knew how to hide themselves. Try to hide from a Raptor, guys.
We are weak, we have just two feet to run and so we are really slower than other beings. And, most of all, we are so big we cannot pass without being seen.
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@Xeedar (255)
• Italy
8 Jan 07
Thanks a lot sparky, I just try to let people reason, forgetting for a while their religions dogmas.
I'm not so knowledgeable, I'm just an archaeology student, but the evolution/creation subject really interests me, 'cause I really cannot understand how people can still believe in some fables (I don't want to offend anyone, but some things are declared false by the religions themselves, as adam and eve's tale).
In any case, the think which makes me sad is that most part of the world is full of people grown up in a society which constantly tell them that they have to blindly believe in one or more gods and their acts, and if science proove them that something their religion tells is wrong, they prefer to lie or to use premade phrases to run away from clear reality.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Here's part of a study I did on evolution, including dinosaurs:
Most evolution scientists now view the geologic layer as having been formed through great cataclysm. (They would never, however, consider the flood!) Many scientists now believe, that the dinosaur was contemporary with man, both Neandertal and Cro-Magnon. And, actually, the bible describes the dinosaur more than it does any other animal (the "behemoth with a tail which swings like a mighty cedar" of Job (#40:15-17) and the "leviathon" of Psalm 104:26.
Evolution which suggests, and needs, a billions year old earth, uses "carbon dating". Yet the measuring of uranium's rate of becoming lead, is one of a very few ways of dating, which seems to suggest great age. There are at least 68(!) alternate ways of dating, which suggest the age of the earth (and universe) as much lower; some in the lower or mid millions, and many others in the thousands, just as Genesis states. Carbon dating works well for recent datings.
Picture helium, which floats an air balloon so well, for it rises so quickly... as will our voice if we inhale it. Helium is a very uncomplicated chemical. Lacking complexity it leaves matter (minerals) and enters the atmosphere very quickly. For the amount of helium STILL IN minerals, the earth is very young. Also, the oceans have too much salt in them to be billions or even millions of years old. And the rate of erosion at Niagara Falls, suggests a young earth (for a few examples).
The bible proclaimed the earth was round and "hangs on nothing" while most of mankind still believed the earth to be flat and supported upon the back of Atlas, a turtle, or an elephant!
The rest of my study is here: [and boy did it open my eyes! it's worth taking the time to read this page]

@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
18 Dec 06
Bad study.
Evolution scientist use the information suplied by geologists about geological layers, and no serious geologist thinks that ALL the geological layers where result of ONE great cataclysm.
No serious scientis believe that dinosaurs and cro-magnon man were contemporany. If so, name these "scientists".
the bible describes a monster, that you want to fit in with dinosaurs, but no dinosaur could swallow a man and these man could survive inside the beasts.
Carbon dating is used to a few thousand years, not billion years, which require (and use) another methods.
The hellium argument is a fallacy. It does not take in consideration all the others factors about helium presence in minerals.
Niagara falls may be young , but Niagara Falls did not existed since the earth formation. Lie, outright Lie.
Why do religious fanatics have this need to LIE to defend their points of view? Isn´t lie a sin to your gods?
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@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
9 Dec 06
It is simple. They do not fit.
First there is not a Theory of Creation. There are just people that believe in the bible, and that everything there is the literal truth, so they twist every single evidence and when they can´t do it, they say that the evidence is false, has no merit, etc.
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@boeyong (256)
• Malaysia
9 Dec 06
Without mentioning "dinosaurs" (which incidentally is a name concocted by men, not God), the Bible did mention great sea monsters (Evolutionists agree that life began in the sea) that Jebovah God created on the 4th day of creation. The Bible only deals with the human history on earth, including man's creation. "Days" in the Bible could mean many things - it could mean 24 hours, 1 thousand years, an epoch, a period, or even thousands of years. One example is Genesis 2:4 " the day that Jehovah God made earth and heaven".
this particular "day" is the culmination of all the days that the creation process took. So there was never a doubt that the process of preparing the earth for mankind could take millions or even billions of years. The "seven days" of creation matters ONLY what is being done on earth NOT the universe. The earth, being a molten offshoot from the sun would take many many billions or even trillions of years to cool before the creation process on earth can take place. The Bible does not give every detail of the creation process other than what is necessary for humans to understand.
@turbogeek (121)
• India
10 Dec 06
Well you seem to be trying to fuse Science and Religion. Good attempt. I tried it long ago. There are many questions in Bible left unanswered though, like Adam and Eve (Human life began with only 2 of its species?) and then they had two kids, both males!?!?!!!So how did life proceed?..... Then Noah's time came. A great flood that submerged the whole earth? Its been proven that even if all the ice including that of South Pole and North Pole, earth cannot be submerged totally. Then Noah took all animals into an ark of limited dimensions (mentioned in Bible) It would never be possible to accommodate even 2 animals of all the species in earth in an ark of that dimension.
And many many stuffs.......
@boeyong (256)
• Malaysia
10 Dec 06
Adam and Eve DID NOT HAVE JUST 2 CHILDREN! What gave you this idea? Sure, there were in fact THREE prominent sons of Adam - Cain, Abel (the brother he killed) and Seth. If you read the Bible closely, you will find that Adam lived to be 930 years old. In Genesis 5:4 - "In the meanwhile, he (Adam) became father to sons and daughters." So, Adam could have many, many sons and daughters after fathering his third son, Seth. Why no names for these other sons and daughters? This has to do with the spiritual inheritance of the "seed" that was to bruise Satan in the Head. Of course, we know eventually, that the "seed" was revealed very much later as Jesus Christ. And with the patriachal system, only the firstborn had prominence and the inheritance. So, Cain (he was the oldest), Abel, because he was a victim of Cain's murderous course, and Seth (to be a replacement for Abel). So, as you see, from the Bible's reading, ONLY the prominent son (or male offspring) was mentioned. And the Genesis account said that Jehovah God created Adam and then Eve and told them to multiply their seed or offspring to fill the earth. How do you think they could achieve that IF they only had three sons? And logic would tell you that there were no other humans and therefore they would marry their own sisters (not unusual because they were still somewhat perfect physically at that point. But "sisters" don't necessarily mean a direct relation because the 930 year lifespan of Adam could mean there were uncles, aunts, and a little more distant relations with daughters that wives can be taken from., but since at that moment in time, there were no other "families of humans" other than that of Adam and Eve, they would be classified as from the same family. So Cain could have married a niece, sister, or any other relative.

@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I've had similar arguments with people. And what I've had people tell me, in all seriousness, is that the evidence of dinosaurs - fossils, prints, etc - was placed by Satan to test man's devotion to God. According to some Creationists, it's all a big Satanic conspiracy to weed out the true believers from the non-believers.
It's usually at this point in the conversation that I have to go away and lie down for a little while.
@starr4all (2863)
8 Dec 06
No way! Someone actually believes that! *wipes tears from eyes!* Thanks for the laugh. I needed that today! Wow! I can't believe people actually think that!
@Xeedar (255)
• Italy
8 Dec 06
The question is that the so called "intelligent design" is senseless. But too meany people believes in it, and the reason is one: to believe in it you just have to accept dogmas, you don't have to think, to use your mind. It's easy. Why get the hard way when you can get the easier one?
Bah...there's people on this forum which still believes in adam & eve. D'you still get surprised?

@rosettaresearch (1285)
• United States
9 Dec 06
Apparently, Creationist believe in something that is basically "things happened quickly." I can't remember the technical term, but there was an article in Smithsonian Magazine within the last couple of years about it. Anyway, this idea is that God -- because He can do anything -- can do things that take millions of years with evolution, only take a short period of time for God. Like the Grand Canyon, not million of years of erosion to create that great big hole, jsut whoosh and there it is. So, God created the dinosaurs when he created all the animals of the earth, then got rid of them sometime in the last 7,000 years. Basically, the fossils aren't millions of years old because the evolutionists time line is wrong.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I believe that God made dinosaurs, along with every other living creature. I do not find anything in the Bible to say he did not. I am not one of those Christians who believes that dinosaurs are a plot, conspiracy, or test of faith. I know that there are places where dinosaur footprints have human prints within them, showing that they lived at the same time as man. I am thankful that we live in a very diverse world, and I can be convinced that there are many creatures out there we still have not discovered. Dinosaurs or very large creatures in very inaccesible spots.I also believe that some of the scientific methods we use may be flawed. Exact age of the earth--I do not know--I have seen convincing arguements both ways. I believe that if Christians spend all of their time involved in vain arguements then they are not doing what God intends them to do, that is making this world better, caring for the creation, the creatures, and the people that come their way. If I believe in God, and Christ, and salvation, and it is a misguided belief, I still will be a better person for having had those beliefs and will live a more fulfilled life. I do not lose anything by having faith. If I do not believe in God, however, and it turns out that He exists and has called me and I have denied Him I will have lost my soul for eternity, and will have lost purpose for the here and now.I do not believe, however, that I am wrong. Society is enriched by belief and religion properly expressed.
@agungnugroho (622)
• Indonesia
9 Dec 06
bible verses are written in symbolic language while scintific dicoveries are presented in more technical perspective.
you use your faith to comprehend bible, and you use your logic to understand science.
I think it's hard to use both approaches at the same time.
@armymaster41 (41)
• United States
8 Dec 06
I dont want to offend very religious people, but i dont believe that god created us. A good point would be, yes, dinosaurs. After three days, the bible does not mention anything bout god making dinosaurs.

@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Actually the dinosaur is describbed in the bible more than anu other animal - the "behemoth with a tail which swings like a mighty cedar" from Job 40:15-17 and the "leviathon" of Psalm 104:26.
And now many scientists are saying dinasaurs were indeed contemporary with man, and disappeared through an earthly cataclism. Also the Cainites, with the prominant brow, disappeared at that time too.
Why is the first artifacts of a'god' found all over the earth, mother godesses? because when man separated, from Babylon and Babel Tower (Genesis 11) they all took memories of Eve with them... Even as Adam called her, "the mother of us all".
Many have blind faith in evolution, having been brainwashed through 'education' and tv and movies. And it's the state faith by the way, for a teacher can be fired for raising any of the many questions. Note the "many questions. Never proven. And actually much science refutes it. But how many take time to actually study the matter. No, it's blind faith.
Evolution, a faith or a science?
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
8 Dec 06
Well, the Bible isn't fact. And I'm saying that as a Christian. The Bible was written by men, and that's just plain fact. I know a lot of fanatics argue that everything that's in the Bible is the word of God, but I don't believe that. As far as I'm concerned, God made dinosaurs.
I don't understand creationism. Especially because it's so easy to reconcile science with religion, but so many people are too blinded by senseless faith to realize that.
@shinobi (389)
• Philippines
8 Dec 06
The earth is not just 7,000 years old like other people believe. The period of creation mentioned in the Bible as 1st day, 2nd day up to 6th day is not the days that we think it is, or like our normal day which is a 24 hour period. We must understand that the one speaking is the eternal God, and eternal means He is not affected by time. So during creation, it involves millions of years. So its easy to fit Dinosaurs in the picture, simply they existed before humans were created. I hope you got my point. Feel free to ask me if you have follow ups. Thanks.
@myself_wheniamreal (107)
• United States
9 Dec 06
from what i've heard about this is that some scholars say there is a gap of millions of years from when god created everything in the world and when god created man. in that gap there were dinosaurs. there are a few references in the bible to creatures that no longer exists from their descriptions. (i.e. lavyathan...maybe not spelled correctly) but the do fit the description of what we imagine a dinosaur to look like. some scholars say they were destroyed during the flood and the dinosaurs that were on the arch didn't survive the 40 days on the arch.
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
9 Dec 06
Leviathan and Behamut. Both dinosaut like creatures. :D
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
9 Dec 06
i think they fit in well, in the same way that fosils do. They come from a ti9me when the creator made animals out of stone or so we are told. Also archaeologists, and other purveyors of such skullduggery, would have us believe that evolution even took place within the different phases of the dinosaurs which must be even more confusing to those who try to convince others that god is behind it all. No, im sorry man made god in his own image not the other way round
@suntzi (5)
• Singapore
9 Dec 06
From what I see, The Creator created Earth and left it alone for along time. During this absenst, so called naturally occurring incidents like lightning, chemical reactions, sunlight and chemistry created rudimentary forms of life some of which evolve into dinasours.
I believe the Creator that revisited Earth and started to experiment with more intelligent lifeform. Human as we know it emerge as the superior life form.
By superior I mean a life form that has the ability to alter its environment, learn and relearn, chart its own destiny etc
as against a sparrow which is program to fly south in winter every year.
@falconkiran (2)
• India
9 Dec 06
Really its a nice discussion. I hv heard of evolution but whats this intelligent design ?
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
3 Jan 07
if you are truly interested in what Creationists have to say, go to I could just regurgitate what they say, or you could just go check out the site. (:
Good luck in your studies!