For Women Only-Painful Periods.
By lalav1
@lalav1 (1052)
United States
December 8, 2006 5:27pm CST
Do uou have increasingly painful periods? If so, you should really get it checked out with your OB/Gyn. In my forties I started having cramps so bad that I couldn't sit at my desk at work w/o taking six Aleve's! I found out I had ovarian cysts by having a pelvic ultra-sound. It's not scary or painful. the worst part is that you have to drink 16 oz. or more of water and not to go to the bathroom till after the test. My doctors found I had an ovarian cyst and when they went in to do surgery it turned out I had 2 cysts the size of chicken's eggs, plus endometriosis. Recovery from the surgery is fast and no more periods, however if they have to remove more than just the cysts you go in to early menopause. I have been able to manage hot flashes with an OTC medication called Remifemin. I buy the store brand at Walgreens and it works very well.
49 responses
@shmeedia (1044)
• Canada
9 Dec 06
last week i had a cyst that popped (apparently). the doctor didn't seem to think this was an unnatural occurence, and loaded me down with advil until the pain subsided.
normally my period is very painful if it comes on time or early. if it is late, i'm usually okay. but the thing is, all my life i've been 'regularly late', so the pain has always been fairly low. now into my 30's i find i'm becomin more and more regular, and therefore the amount of painful cramps have increased.
if this kind of terrible cramping (having to bend over or stay in the foetal position because of the pain) is directly related to ovarian cysts, what you're saying is true, because i seem to have had one that popped.
the surgery you had ... was it done by laser? or did they physically go in there and remove parts of your organs?
i'm not sure if surgery for the cysts alone (where, you also had endymytriosis) would stop the periods, am i right?
i have 2 other friends going through the exact same thing right now. it looks like it hit us all at the same time, and we are all around the same age.
@lalav1 (1052)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Yes, they removed everything because my cysts were continuing to grow each period I had, plus I had the endometriosis. I did go in to early menopause and Remifemin, (Walgreen's store brand) works well for my hot flashes. As far as the surgery, they didn't cut me open, just worked through tiny holes and you can't even tell I had any surgery.
@shmeedia (1044)
• Canada
11 Dec 06
hmm, thanks for the info!
i seem to already have the beginnings of early menopause, and talking with my mum, it seems i was predisposed and didn't realize it since she also had it early (without realizing what it was).
oh argh, early menopause, but they tell me it's at least nice to not need to stock pads/tampons in the house anymore haha

@shellyrios (1212)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I don't have consistent pain, but sometimes it has gotten unbearable to the point where I'm in fetal position and can't move. I have to put a heating pad on my pelvic area and take Advil or Aleve until it works, but it's not all the time. Should I still get that checked out?
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
10 Dec 06
Hey LA! I may try the Remifemin, I have terrible hot flashes and night sweats. I have had an endometrial biopsy done because of my periods had become so extreme. The test came back negative. Menopause sucks.
@kawillow74 (1416)
• United States
9 Dec 06
This is a great discussion since I hit my 30's I am 32 I have had so much cramping which I had never had before .And I have very heavy periods also.Which is not me at all.I don't drink any water at all maybe I should start I know the day before my period because the cramps start then adn last about 2 days. I do take pills I have neer tried Aleve does is help?
So sorry so here of your troubles hope all is well now.
@lilttownmommie (1473)
• United States
9 Dec 06
My mom had to have a hysterectomy because of ovarian cysts and scar tissue set up. At first she jst had the cysts removed but later on scar tissue set up and got so bad that the doctor had to go in and do a total hysterectomy. She has to have hrt, if she doesnt have her pills or patches for her horomones you would not want to be within a 100 miles of her lol.
I also had a problem with ovarian cysts last year, and had a small tumor on my uterous. Mine were found doing a pelvic scan, like a ct scan or a cat scan, but with a smaller machine that was just over my mid section instead of my whole body. I didn't have to have surgey which was great, my doctor put me on pills twice a day that disolved them, the pills were really strong though, they made me sick and nauseous all the time, and I was in a lot of pain until they were gone, it took about 2 months for them to completely dissolve.
@debbibet28 (110)
• United States
9 Dec 06
I had extremly painfull and long periods for years after I had my daughter. I found out through exploratory surgery that I had massive amounts of scar tissue,(from a botched c-section) so bad it had moved some of my organs around! So ladies, if you have recently had a child through a c-section, scar tissue could be the cause of the problem. This is not something that can be seen on any test unfortunatly. I've had to have the scar tissue removed several times and was facing a hystorectomy, but I became preganant with my second child and I haven't had a problem since!
@pagli84 (1850)
• Netherlands
9 Dec 06
i have painful periods that include sharp pains in my back and stomach as well as a sore back, headaches, nausea, and dizziness at times. however, they used to be even worse. i used to not be regular, and i'd get my period maybe once a year, but they were so incredibly painful (and very heavy and lasted a full week). the pain was like 10 times worse than it is now, so you can only imagine. now, it's much lighter and only lasts about 4-5 days. turns out i have polycystic ovarian syndrome, so the doctors put me on birth control to make my periods regular and less painful.
@ljmc24 (413)
• United States
9 Dec 06
I was in pain for over two years and had been to the doctor several times. When I finally collapsed one night and they took me to the ER they went in thinking it was my appendix, but it turned out I had huge cysts on my ovaries. They took the off of both ovaries and I haven't had any more problems since then. I will say though that I did end up pregnant by accident pretty quickly after the surgery. But she is a blessing and I don't think she would be here if I hadn't had the surgery.
@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
9 Dec 06
hey, i know what you mean only 3 week ago i had an operation to get a cyst removed the size of an apple, and well they only took half as they would of had to take the ovary with it if they took all the cyst, i use to be in a lot of pain but now recovered from operation and my stomach seems to feel much better already. im not on any medication but i am going back for further tests make sure it hasnt come back etc.
@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
9 Dec 06
yeah i am also diagnosed with ovarian cysts. an dlaos feel worse cramps during PMS and during periods. but i've othe rproblem is my perioods are irregular and i am trying to get pregnant so my gynae put me on birth control pills to regulate my cycle and by then she will give me soem medication which will help me to get pregnant again. but at this time told me to stop thinking about ovarian cysts she said as long as they dont bother me we should not touched them as if i get operated then i'll not get pregnant by then. so doc dont wanna get risk on it. so i am bearing pain and hope for the best in life.:-)
@alexanderii (69)
• India
9 Dec 06
How many days should a menstrual period last?
Because all girls are different, menstrual periods can vary from girl to girl. One girl might have a 3-day period and another girl might have a 7-day period. It might take several years for a girl's period to become regular. One month the period might last 4 days, whereas the next month it might be 6 days. Some women experience irregular periods for several years and might not ever be "regular." Some doctors will prescribe birth control pills to help regulate your menstrual cycle. Talk to your doctor to find how you can regulate your cycle if it is irregular.
@Buterfly_india (219)
• India
9 Dec 06
Womens painful periods is only one that is called Labour Pain.This time is very
critical and very painful time.This was a womens only painful periods
@beckyomg1 (6756)
• United States
9 Dec 06
i just had a hystercotmy in may, and the meds that i can take my ins company will not pay for, i think that i will look for that overthe counter because i really need somthing to manage the flashes and mood swings.
@carlabarbosa (1305)
9 Dec 06
I used to had painful periods, went to the doctor he gave me the birthcontrol pill since then... not having much pains...
@jewel76 (2305)
• Canada
9 Dec 06
My periods are usually painful. Some months, my first day is fine, then i know the rest of the period i will have terrible cramps. Some other months, the first day is all very bad cramps, i can hardly get out of bed, and then i know the rest of the period will be only the usual perids cramps. Weird huh? But i've noticed, that my cramps are worse than when I wasn't sexually active. Is that normal?
@xtinelee (3371)
• Singapore
9 Dec 06
I used to have really terrible period pains, that I would just lie in bed for the whole day. But it would only come on the starting first day of my period, and it would be okay the next day. I think for me, it has to do with some food that I take in my body.