Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance.

September 19, 2006 5:58am CST
Do you believe that? Why did you say so?
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32 responses
@zahir_dk (1693)
• India
6 Oct 06
Yes it is. Islam teaches a person to be cool and quite. It teaches a person to not to talk anything wrong about any religion. Yes it tells that kill the non believers, but only if they attack you. So that killing is for your own safety and i think that any religion would say that. Show me one religion that does not say that. And regarding the current scenario in which Islam is linked with terrorism, let me tell you, its the people and not the religion which is doing terrorism, so please try and study Islam first before coming to any conclusions
@zahir_dk (1693)
• India
6 Oct 06
U got the 1st statement right, but the 2nd one absolutely wrong.... Its not that all the terrorists are Muslims.... What about Bush then he is not a Muslim, but the biggest terrorist in the World.... :)
• India
6 Oct 06
I know not all muslim are terrorist, but all terrorists are muslim.
• India
6 Oct 06
Bush and laden are same people with same thinking. Why these islamic terrorists kill innocent indian people. They don't have any guts to fight with security personal.
@shi_2000_21 (2680)
• India
6 Oct 06
Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. The biggest joke of the millenium
@zahir_dk (1693)
• India
6 Oct 06
Does your religion teach you to talk something wrong about others religion without knowing about it..... shame on people like you, who keep on playing with religions. U seem to be one of the political pig to me
• India
6 Oct 06
Oh you could you talk about pig. Does this not forbidden in your religion. You know pigs are doing great services to humankind they clean the pottissss.
@hariholla (413)
• India
22 Sep 06
No. Whatever terrorism happening in this world are atrtributable poeple who have links with..
• India
6 Oct 06
i think u r wrong i believe islam is a religion of peace but the people following are attributable people and moreover because of some people the whole religion gets a bad name
22 Sep 06
Peaceful and quite easily each religion has extremists. I believe Christians have the KKK and various groups against homosexual behaviour, each have taken to violence.
6 Oct 06
Since it's so bloody small, grr :
@sevenseas (754)
• United States
6 Oct 06
I've read some of the responses in here and quite frankly, no wonder the world is having such a problem with understanding what the heck is going on. A person being from any country or religion does not make them a war monger or person who hates others. I think ALL sides should quit putting people in overall profile boxes and should start looking at each other as individuals. There is no war on Muslims, there is a war on terrorists, who terrorize BOTH sides. So, why not stand together against evil regardless of the religion of your choice? If we bicker and fight among ourselves, those of us who want peaceful lives and follow our own religion happily, then we have to find a unity and get rid of the trouble makes on all sides.
13 Oct 06
Thanks alot for ur comment and i think u r right ,and as u said we r fighting the terror and those who terrorize us , and I as muslim i wanna it stop but what i see that u dont ur goverment terror that terrorize us in name of fighting-terror !! Bei standing with ur goverent policy that terror us and freak us, u r a part of the terror !! so how can we stop the terror that comes from ur goverments and it comes from people elections !!! why dont u change it ! why cant u people say to ur goverment stop killing and dont use religion and , .. etc , to ur own benefits !! the terror follow no religion , its just alot of oppisite views that each dont respect the other view and opinion . I hope the day comes and this Terror stops for end from all sides .
@fonofun (888)
• India
18 Oct 06
i think it is an peace religion but some people make it as non - peace religion
• Nigeria
6 Oct 06
Islam is a religion of peace in my own opinion. The problem is the people misinterprete most of Mohammed's intention. As it is in Christianity, majority misinterprete the true meaning of most things spoken in unclear meaning and make to suit their individual desires. Who is a Moslem. I will say he is a human being with blood in his vain. He feels pains and recognize dangers. But he has a believe, which has become a part of him since infancy.
@JBD189 (345)
• India
6 Oct 06
Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. It's just a handful that of muslims around the world that depict a picture of intolerance and violence.
@AMIR_AK (594)
• India
18 Oct 06
yes man it is write you are from which religion plz mail me I will tell you in details about islam
@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
13 Oct 06
I think true Islam is a peaceful religion and, if you study the crusades and how Muslims treated their Christian prisoners, you'll see proof of that. Unfortunately, there are a lot of fanatics out there that have turned it into a violent religion and those are the only ones you hear about.
@kunalsp (427)
• India
6 Oct 06
Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance and killing(in form of terrorism)
@kunalsp (427)
• India
6 Oct 06
95% of terrorist are Islam
@jaginfo2006 (1757)
• India
6 Oct 06
every religion teaches to be peaceful,i never read the kuran but iam sure i says that, some selfish people in order to satisty their needs are trying to shield them selfs with the name of religion, basically iam a hindu, it doesnt really matter what matters is what u do, these religions are just the pathway, they are just there to show u the way, the rest is in your hands. i never consider an religion to violent cause if it was it whould never have been called a religion. so no questions asked islam or for that matter any religion stands for peace and other good stuff
@sandeep7 (454)
• India
13 Oct 06
then why dont u condem terrorism?why all the terrorists islam?wats the problem with islam in mingling with othr societies?
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
6 Oct 06
Oh! I did not know about this great qualities of this religion. All preachers are not followers. In Fact every religion boasts that they preach peace and tolerance. Where the hell these terrorists come from influenced by which bloody religion? These terrorists should be sent into gas chambers.
@djokob (71)
• Serbia And Montenegro
6 Oct 06
I believe .
@jayram (134)
• India
6 Oct 06
Islam is a religion of worshippers.......who follow the ideals of islam......their rules r very stringent and these sectarians do follow the rules . Each and evry religion conveys one common message to the world and that is spread humanity and maintain an aura of tranquility.Whether the religion is of peace or tolerance depend upon the attribute and mentality of the members.It varies from person 2 person .Since im not of this religion i ve got only a vague idea abt the principles of the religion and from the niche of my knowledge i would say the religion stands 4 peace and the promotion of the very idea rely on the religious leaders.........
@psmohan (1877)
• India
6 Oct 06
Yes I believe in it. No religion is bad becuse great personalities have emerged from these religions
@mryazali (286)
• India
6 Oct 06
i love islam ..i blive islam is a religion of peace and tolerance and u forgot to mention Self denial aswell
• United States
6 Oct 06
I do believe that and I don't even know any Muslims. I believe it because there are always going to be extremists and fundamentalists that make any religion look bad. Just because the Inquisition took place doesn't make me think all Catholics are horrible people. I went to a Catholic school and 98% of the people I met were good people. It is the people in the news that give religions bad names.