9/11: What do YOU think REALLY happened?
By ethnicbarbie
@ethnicbarbie (389)
United States
December 9, 2006 12:08pm CST
Was Richard Cheney really the mastermind?
Are there really terrorists out there?
Where was our military when this happened?
Why couldn't we have done something more?I myself have seen and read much about
this topic..and I personally believe
it's one big FAT CONSPIRACY that
Richard Cheney masterminded.
Do some background research on Richard Cheney..
see what you find out..especially in
regards to his military drafting experience..
his rise to power..what he has done to harm
our country..and much more.
also check out: http://www.myspace.com/txmetalgirl
a WEALTH of information on this topic..
and many others in regards to our VERY
corrupt government.
51 responses
@teufelskind (813)
• United States
10 Dec 06
no it is not a conspiracy. it was hijacked and the plane could not be taken over the ones that hit the towers. it is a sad thing that happend. Many people were lost and if it was one the public would have figured it out. the military had no clue that it was going to happen they were going to shoot one of the planes down once they found out that it was hijacked but at that time the pasengers overtook the plane so they did not shoot it down. noone knows what others will do until it is to late. just because this happend dos not mean it was a conspiracy to many were killed and is a sad day for everyone. I think that the subject is better left alone in respect for friend and family.
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@ethnicbarbie (389)
• United States
10 Dec 06
Yes..and all the information you just stated is solely based on mainstream media..which the government also plays a large part in.
Explain to me why the military..our military..supposedly one of the "best" in the world..from the time the first plane struck..to two hours after that when the plane went down in PA..DID NOTHING.
Do you know what the 16 fighter jets that are trained to respond to crises/emergencies like 9/11 were doing at the time of the hijackings and the actual crashes of the planes?
They were..AT THAT EXACT SAME TIME..doing drills..one group of planes..I believe 6..were doing HOW TO RESPOND TO TERROR LIKE EVENTS/HIJACKINGS in Anchorage,Alaska..and the FAA will attest to that..the other 6 were doing drills elsewhere..so there were 4 planes left to respond..and they go up in pairs..you do the math..
So my question to you is..why in those two hours did no one respond and nothing happen?
Because the government PLANNED IT THAT WAY.
They planned those drills so when the REAL CALLS to RESPOND TO TERROR came through the pilots did not know what to do..they thought it was a joke.
There is audio of the FAA on the phone with them..along with other government agencies..and they were not sure of what was going on.
So yes it was a sad day for everyone..and I do feel bad for those affected..but don't be blind and brainwashed like the rest of America and possibly the world..research. learn. be in the know.
Do some research that ISN'T ONE SIDED..
and by one sided I mean from the perspective of the government and the media.
Thanks for your response.
@teufelskind (813)
• United States
10 Dec 06
the military always dose those drills i live in a city where we have one of the biggest training camps for the air force all people come here for training they do these drills 24/7 so i dont think that it is ironic or anything like that. it is just a sad thing taht happend.
@teufelskind (813)
• United States
10 Dec 06
but if you want to talk about JFK on the other hand that was a conspiracy if you ask me come on the magic bullet theroy.
@ethnicbarbie (389)
• United States
9 Dec 06
How is that too funny?
What's funny is that
you are most likely
too ignorant to look
up/research the information
that's right in front of your eyes..
or you are too scared..
But please..continue to be uninformed
and brainwashed just like the majority
of the American public..you are just
supporting the cause dear.
@ethnicbarbie (389)
• United States
9 Dec 06
i.e. your source.
a government agency.
you honestly think they'll tell you..or any of us the truth?
my souces and information DO NOT and DID NOT come from a "bad video"
off of the internet..i have been doing research about 9/11 since it
and just because i get my information off an internet video or
internet source DOES NOT make it a bad or untruthful source.
there are ex-police and ex-government workers/officials that defend
the conspiracy theory..even ex- chief of police or other high ranking local
government officials.
like i have said..
don't just look at thing from one perspective [i.e. the government and their MANY, MANY, did I mention MANY agencies that were created with the main purpose to protect themselves and cover their tracks.
There are so many WARS that were conspiracy-based..
like the Gulf War.
Do some more research from other perspectives..
because doing a one-sided exploration of things..
government or non-government related..makes you
appear close minded..I am not saying you are..
but that is what it appears to be.
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
9 Dec 06
I heard the US government has a UFO that they conducted experiments on, and are hiding it from you. Also the flu shot has little tiny recording devices in it. FYI: That website I gave you was from the magazine "Popular Mechanics", how is that government related???
@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
9 Dec 06
All of the conspiracy myths have more holes in them than any government account of what happened.
The problem is that most people that believe the myths do not actually take the time to research them.They just want to believe the government is corrupt so badly that you could doctor a few pictures and twist a few words and they will believe anything.
The myth about Flight 77 aka where's the plane boss?
Look at the photos of flight 93 impact zone.
Do you see any big chunks of a plane?...nope.
But somehow people are supposed to believe they should be there in the case of flight 77.
Why?...because someone told them they should be there.
People saying that the debris flying out the windows of the Towers is proof of explosives.
Why?..because someone told them thats what it would look like when explosives are used.
What would it look like for air pressure to escape out the windows as the floors pancaked?
Also the theorist fail to mention that they know little about the construction of the towers,where the load is transfered to the ground,how the structure should react vs how it did react.
The only people with solid proof are the engineers themselves and they say the planes caused the collapse.
The so called "professor" of physics (which by the way doesn't mean he knows squat about controlled demolition) say they collapsed to fast not to be explosives
The main support for the towers was the outside colums,they call it a tube design.
Once the initial shock of the top of the tower falling caused damage to that tube,little is left to hold the towers up...they will come down with little resistance.
There was no inner support structure.
@ethnicbarbie (389)
• United States
9 Dec 06
I knew all of this..
because I have been researching all of this for quite sometime.
And the conspiracy theories do not have holes in them..what has
holes are the governments' explanations and stories about what
really happened that day..
Look at that site I posted..
watch some videos.
Do some research of your own.
Just don't look at it from one perspective.
Be informed.
@ethnicbarbie (389)
• United States
10 Dec 06
thanks for your awesome suggestion lilaclady.
if you knew anything about the new world order
and other important events going on in the
WORLD..then maybe you wouldn't make such suggestions.
please don't comment or respond to this discussion
any longer.
thank you.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
10 Dec 06
If you really believe this then I would suggest you get out of such a corrupt country because if they did that then your country is your enemy.....
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
10 Dec 06
The mastermind of 911 is the mastermind behind all the other bombings and terrorist acts..not only in our country but in other countries..You cant blame Cheney.. And it would be very careful of what you say of our government..I don't believe our government is corrupt..they are doing the best they can.+
@ethnicbarbie (389)
• United States
10 Dec 06
You are entitled to your opinions and thoughts..
just as I am mine..and we can speak our minds
freely..according to the First Amendment..which
George Bush..along with the other Amendments..and our Constitution..referred to as.."Just a piece of paper.."
Anyways that's a different discussion.
Please don't tell me to be careful of what I say about our "government".
I can say whatever I like.
Just like you can.
As I said..you are entitled to your thoughts and opinions.
Thanks for your response.
@ethnicbarbie (389)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I am only rude to those who ridicule and are rude to me.
Please do not come on a discussion I started and tell me
to grow up and conduct myself in a mature manner.
Why don't you read ALL posts before you sit there and tell
someone else what to do and how to be.
@dreamsncharms (1340)
• United States
10 Dec 06
Boy oh boy, you sure are rude to everyone that does not agrre with your opinion. I'm mot even going to bother posting mine because no matter what I say. you will ridicule me and than claim when I defend myself that I have ridiculed you and than ask me to not post. BTW... just to let you know this is a place for everyone to post. Please do grow up and conduct yourself in a mature manner if you want others to listen to your opinion on something. This is practically a public board and not everyone will agree with everyone. If you cannot handle differences in opinions.. which you have proved that you cannot, than maybe Mylot is not for you.
@jimbl75 (152)
• United States
10 Dec 06
By the way, you said:
Yet, if someone doesn't fall in line with your "theories", and that is all they are is theories- they are brainwashed, uninformed, and ignorant. If you can dish it out, be prepared to take it.
And one more question, why do you hit enter a bunch of times and leave a bunch of space above all your responses? Does it make your posts longer, make you more money?
@ethnicbarbie (389)
• United States
10 Dec 06
Thanks for all your responses Jim.
I appreciate how you pay such close
attention to what I type and how
I type..I'm flattered..really.
No I do not make more money by spacing
out my entries and responses more..it's
how I choose to type.
And when I wrote that..I wrote that after
I myself had been getting some nasty responses..
and I began to respond back to those responses.
I do not think that..of everyone.
The way certain people write and
express themselves appear to be
ignorant and uninformed..this
is my opinion..and I am free to
express it..as are you and everyone
If you do not like how things are
done on here..maybe you shouldn't
be reading my discussion!
Just a thought..
@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
10 Dec 06
To begin with I am not saying you are right or wrong as yet ethnicbarbie. However I do agree with jimbl75 in so much as if you are going to start a discussion like this you will also need to be psychologically ready for every kind of response you are going to get without getting worked up about it. So, kid, grow up.
I have noticed that your link to myspace in the beginning of your discussion is deleted or otherwise invalid. Heck maybe this is all part of the conspiracy which you think happened here. But it is also highly suspect. For now I am going to go back and look for other sources you may have cited and try and follow up on those.
@Coolbre452 (25)
• United States
9 Dec 06
Oh boy have you opened a can of worms here! Cheney and Rumsfeld are the two main causes in this whole fiasco... I see no mention of "Pnac" in your post. You want answers well there all here…http://www.newamericancentury.org/statementofprinciples.htm. I bet you were surprised to see who the members are of this cult like group. You hit the nail on the head when you said Conspiracy, it sure is. Here’s a Terrorist society operating in our highest government. Let’s look at the facts... We got attacked, by a group that all of our Presidents since Carter and probably before him have been paying them to keep all other terrorist groups at bay, in an effort to protect the United States and its Allies. Wow, did that back fire, not only did it back fire. But now these Pnacer's have put our troops into a battle that they can never win! Iraq has become the terrorist’s focal point and a haven for Americans and it’s allies to die in. Their goal is to kill everyone and anyone who tries’s to defy their beliefs. Not to get of subject, but President Bush is the Pnacer’s pawn. Pnacer Rumsfeld was his scapegoat, and now he must save face among the American voters by hiring a person that opposes almost everything he has put in motion for Pnac. Almost 3,000 soldiers have given their lives and more than 150,000 have been wounded in a conflict not "WAR" they we had no business being in. I can go on and on about this subject. The point I'm trying to make is Americans need to band together and get our troops out of the Middle East. Protect our boarders and leave them kill each other. The hit on the WTC was nothing more than a setup, complements of Pnac. Oh, one more thing where’s the plane that hit the Pentagon? Planes just don’t disintegrate!
@ethnicbarbie (389)
• United States
10 Dec 06
You have the best response on here..
and I marked it as such.
Kudos to you for being so well informed..
and sharing another terrific website.
Thanks so much!
@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
10 Dec 06
Coolbre452 could you type out that link in such a way so that it all shows. If we try and follow it we just end up at mylot.
The longer I spend working on looking into this the more I am leaning away from the conspiracy theories. One thing you might notice is that the people who agree with you about it being a conspiracy are from places like pakistan, malaysia, oman. The very same places the terrorists were suppose to be from. While the people who don't agree with your conspiracy theory are from USA and Canada.
@magdollars23 (1684)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I really dont know what to think no matter what happened or how it happened it is a horrible disaster.
@dan1107 (339)
• India
10 Dec 06
There are really terrorists out there to harm the mankind whatever their motive may be. Terrorists do not belonf to one particular group or community, they form their own community and that is-terrorism. Richard Cheney is only one of the member who belongs to this community. There are so many Richards roaming scot free.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
9 Dec 06
I dont think we should be dwelling on this subject. I am hopeing they will get what they deserve in the end.
@ethnicbarbie (389)
• United States
10 Dec 06
i agree.
and thanks for letting me know the link was broken.
thank you both!
@jimbl75 (152)
• United States
10 Dec 06
As far as I am concerned, there is no more proof for a conspiracy then there is against a conspiracy. It is MORE in what you want to believe. I personally believe it was terrorists, and frankly I'm surprised that so many people want to believe our government did it. We did it so we could go to war for oil? We did it to boost the economy? Well all these years of war, and our oil reserves are the same, and our economy is worse. I know our government is corrupt, but don't believe they did this.
You have watched and did a lot of research on the conspiracy side of it, but have you watched and did a lot of research on terrorism? You do realize there is terrorism? You do realize they are training their young all the time to hate America, to kill Americans because they are Americans. People side with these terrorists, call them freedom fighters, whatever- yet they're no different then Stalin, Hitler and the Nazis of their time- they want to eliminate a whole race of people. And most Americans want us to just sit back and let them try. I don't get that?
@hardy2986 (71)
• India
10 Dec 06
i saw the 9/11 CONSPIRACY THEORY
that made sense to me for some time atlest
that it wasnt a terrorist act
@vishnukompella836 (160)
• India
10 Dec 06
the thing really happened is a disaster which brought fear in the nation towards terrorism and they are till under the shade of the fear of the 9/11.
still lot more to cover
@soldenski (2503)
• United States
10 Dec 06
Why would Cheney be the mastermind? That is stupid. Yes there are still terrorist out there somewhere. A conspiracy you say, how would Cheney relist these animal's who flew the plane's into the building's. Come on now, that makes no sense.
@diya82 (115)
• Germany
10 Dec 06
I am not sure about it all...but whoever is behind it will have to pay the price for it...Money and power are making people without conscience and thats really a sad thing...Violence,war and terrorism are turning this world to hell...But each person can d something of his own to make this world a better place to live
@wwfn2223 (109)
• United States
10 Dec 06
i tend to disagree with you. There is nothing to support that anyone but those 8 men had anything to do with this. Once i can see The proof i would then change my thoughts accordingly. I have watched several shows about 911 and have yet to be convinced that the government had anything to do with this. Even though i disagree with you. that does not mean you do not have the right to think what you want to think. This is America after all. In America we are allowed to think and feel the way we want to, and even though i disagree i will support your right to say and think the way you do.
@ethnicbarbie (389)
• United States
10 Dec 06
Thanks so much for your response.
Although you disagree..
you did not ridicule me and you were
not rude at all..kudos to you for
being an adult about this topic.
Thanks again.
@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
10 Dec 06
What a good topic. I have read and watched all sorts of theories and I still cannot make my mind up. Hope these thread will enlighten me some more.