The 9-11 attacks, and president Bush...
By Stephanie5
@Stephanie5 (2946)
United States
December 9, 2006 12:47pm CST
I just read the post about why does everyone hate Americans... and it made me think of this....
There is a documentary called "Loose Change". I don't remember who made it, but I seen it on Limewire. And after you watch it, it is over an hour long, but doesn't seem like it because it's so interesting, YOU WILL DIRTY YOUR UNDIES in disbelief! It talks about the 9-11 attacks and how they believe that it was staged, and it shows alot of interesting facts on that theory.
One example, is that they said alot of people made cell phone calls from some of the hi-jacked planes, back then that really wasn't possible...Then they have recordings of some of the calls, this one guy calls his mother and I think he got her voicemail, and he says.."Mom, This is John Doe (don't remember the name) and I'm on a plane that has been hi-jacked. Why would you say your first and last name to your mother???? That doesn't make sense to me. There are LOTS of interesting facts in this documentary. You really need to check it out.
Now, let me clarify that I'm no expert on any of this, and that I am just posting MY OPINIONS, and I do not want to be ripped apart for it. I'm just sharing some useful info that I've come across. So, please do not yell at me.
Have a good day everyone!
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27 responses
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
9 Dec 06
Sorry, I don't want to rip you apart, but I'm sick and tired of this topic. ***** THE USA DIDN'T PERPETRATE THE ATTACKS ON THE TWIN TOWERS!!!!**************
I can't believe people believe this, but, then again, they believe that we didn't land on the moon either, and the government killed JFK. People have to start reading some main stream media, and stop reading this internet conspiracy garbage. For every point they think is valid...there's another one to refute it. Do some research before you believe this nonsense.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
9 Dec 06
I agree with you there I am not from USA I am from the UK but my Son watched a Documentary aswell that was pointing at the Goverment and the way I look at it is that these People who are making these should be stopped as it is poising Peoples Minds
I do not believe it had something to do with your Goverment but as Stephanie has said it is just what is being shown and really until it is stopped People will believe it
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
9 Dec 06
AGAIN...let me say....I'm not saying that we did!!!!!!! I'm just saying that I seen a documentary, thought it was interesting, and was asking anyone else if they had seen it, or one like it....So, calm downnnnn.
Thank you for your comments!
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@wildguy2 (1349)
• Canada
10 Dec 06
I believe the documentary, loose change as well as farhenheit 911, just watched the fox documentary about the appollo landings now that is something to see.
I know it is hard to believe that your own country and people could any way possible conspire against there own, but when reputation and MONEY especially MONEY is involved you cannot name me ONE single person that would NOT turn there back on another is a sick world we live in...and we have even sicker people running it...
Getting back to the videos....if what those videos are made from is all conspiracy theories then why can't the government give decent answers to most of what was documented at 911. As for the moon landing deal...real evidence is shown and NASA CANNOT give viable answers to any of the facts...for instance in the video I seen about the moon landings, why is the American Flag blowing in the space there is no wind...this is just one example of a question that was asked to NASA that they could not and would not answer.
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@josephperera (2906)
• Sri Lanka
9 Jan 07
This is more or less like trying to prove, that the Moon landing never took place because the Moon is supposed to be the property of some religious fanatics. Now there is an attempt to say the holocaust never happened. There is an email going round that the Tsunami was an American creation.
You can bring out a topic and find everything you need in your favor. The book "Chariots of the Gods" is wonderful and is convincingly written to prove that God is an alien. There is also a book that is contradicting this book, and is equally effective in proving its point.
Bin Laden must be having a good laugh, listening to these stories.
@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
15 Oct 07
Oh yeah, Bin Laden is definitely having a good laugh, because until now, 6 years after 9/11, he's still a free man.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
28 Dec 06
OK, I will clarify again.....I DID NOT SAY THAT I BELIEVED IT...I DID NOT SAY THAT LOOSE CHANGE WAS ALL FACTS. I was simply asking if anyone had seen it and what they thought about it. So READ and UNDERSTAND before you respond to any more of my posts.
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@Boatman1338 (74)
• United States
10 Dec 06
If you want to believe that your government did the 9-11 attacks, thats your perrogative.
I just have a hard time believing that our government would do something like that, to its own people. I don't think they would even do something like that to our enemies.
conspiracy theorist can find a conspiracy is anything. Just like some claimed that the government bombed the levees in N.O. to eliminate black people. Even though the government, noaa, and all the experts on the news coverage warned people to get out, because the levee's could fail.
Perhaps the caller that left the message for his mother, is from a family that servral (Bills) in the family and he just wanted to make sure she knew which one was calling. and in the crazieness of knowing that you might be dying soon, isn't it possible that the person was stressed out?
don't forget it is just a Theory. Not Fact.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
10 Dec 06
"Just like some claimed that the government bombed the levees in N.O. to eliminate black people. Even though the government, noaa, and all the experts on the news coverage warned people to get out, because the levee's could fail. "
To me that is a funny statement. I am from New Orleans. No one ever said the levees could fail, the government said the levees could survive even the strongest huricane. The government did not say the levees were unsafe until after they broke. Ofcourse, after the hurricane it was found that many of the levees did already have problems that were going unfixed because the gornment couldn't decide what agency was in charge of fixing them. In a way the government did sabotage the city to drown, but not for the reason you stated.
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@kris_cyborg (88)
• India
10 Dec 06
hey if u have alink for that video plz share it to me or send me a message
well i laso heard that its all staged
@catsk123 (96)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I saw the movie and some of it seemed possible and shocked me. However, in the movie/documentary it claims that Condeleesa Rice called Willie Brown and warned him not to fly that weekend. I heard Mr. Brown say on his radio show that it was not true, that he does not know C. Rice and has never spoken with her. This makes everything else the movie claims very unbelivable.
Besides, have you seen the video of Bush's face when he was in the classroom after being told of the attacks? The guy was terrified!
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@johnnyz_xr6t (753)
• Australia
23 Jan 07
the 9-11 attack and all the others after happened cause of george bush he is trying to take ova the world, not the terrorist. if i was them i would get bush and leave everyone else alone.
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@sreejithsreenivas (10200)
• India
8 Jan 07
I am an Indain and like America and Americans.We are only against American double satandard policies.
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@iAlicia (758)
• United States
10 Dec 06
OMG! I downloaded this from limewire last night after reading your post. I didn't comment because I wanted to watch it. I ended up only watching part 1, but WOW! They either did a really good job at persuading me, but I do believe it was staged now... an d that makes it even worse, knowing our OWN government did it.
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@EarlNeill (21)
• United States
8 Oct 07
Farenheight 911 is so full of lies. There is not an ounce of truth in it. That would be apparent to anyone who actually checked the facts instead of believing whatever Michael Moore says. I watched it with an open mind, then checked the facts. Michael Moore is a disgracefull liar.
@amit312_18 (638)
• India
10 Dec 06
i dont know you are a good judge or not but thats an interesting fact u have told to everyone here.includin me.
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
29 Dec 06
I just want to reiterate that Loose Change is an INTERNET MOVIE. Its awful that so many people on the internet are being ignorant and stupid enough to be duped into believing something so conspiratal and cynical. This theory has literally NO PUSH IN REAL LIFE. Mention this to someone on the street and you are crazy because it is just that, crazy.
If you had enough time to be brainwashed by this absurd propaganda, then you have enough time to look through real facts:
Loose Change flat out LIES about lots of things. It bends, misrepresents, and flat out deceives the viewers.
I don't have the patience to give the time of day to you people that actually believe this and I don't prefer arguing with terrorist sympathizers or apologists, or anti-Zionist/Semitic paranoid conspiracy nuts on the merits of this idea becuase you are so misguided there really is no use.
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@nimwia (29)
• United States
6 Oct 07
Strange I should end up here tonight. I justed watched a docunerty 9/11 Martial law and police state, there's a web site too, and I really belive we have a possable inside terror attack.
Theres elections going on and I dont trust anything.
What will we face next. That in its self is terror.
I was just amazed at the feeling, every hair on my neck just stood up. Terror from the inside.
I also am stating my oppinion and I do belive ther are many other that would say I'ts very questionable that it was an inside job. I was very interested.
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@nimwia (29)
• United States
6 Oct 07
Strange I should end up here tonight. I justed watched a docunerty 9/11 Martial law and police state, there's a web site too, and I really belive we have a possable inside terror attack.
Theres elections going on and I dont trust anything.
What will we face next. That in its self is terror.
I was just amazed at the feeling, every hair on my neck just stood up. Terror from the inside.
I also am stating my oppinion and I do belive ther are many other that would say I'ts very questionable that it was an inside job. I was very interested.
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@baldingeagle69 (749)
• United States
10 Dec 06
There are several documentaries that support the same basic theories that this one does. Although I haven't watched this particular one, I have watched several, read several books, and listened to several so-called experts. I can't make my mind up completely. There are several things that just don't quite add up, but I don't think that the U.S. government perpetrated these acts.
The "conspiracy theorists" will have you believe that it is nothing more than Bush commiting genocide to have his revenge for his fathers follies, or to gain control on foriegn oil. I think that it is a serious threat to world safety. If it can happen here, it can happen anywhere.
I am not by any means a Bush supporter, nor will anyone ever change my mind. I just can't agree with the theory that it was staged.
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@azadmohamed (128)
• Sri Lanka
10 Dec 06
Hating americans and blasting bush is npot a think in my view bush is a dole and he is forced to do the thinks by some backgound factors. so thir for i think blaming ameican people or bush is not a thing to be done. But we shold have a clear understanding about a Backgorund force working behind american government and they are the people tring to make the world collaps. so we have to work against them.
@nexturl (100)
• Indonesia
9 Dec 06
Do you believe Muslims had done with the 911 attacks (the truth out there)?
No, I don’t. It’s just a big calumnies. And because of that, now all Muslims became dislike. We can now easily deduce that the reason why those five dancing Israeli agents who celebrated the 9-11 attacks were so happy is because they knew that Americans would now become unconditional supporters of their "Israeli ally" and fanatical haters of Muslims and Arabs. In writing this paper, I call for a serious investigation of the hypothesis that WTC 7 and the Twin Towers were brought down, not just by damage and fires, but through the use of pre-positioned explosives. It has not been analyzed in any of the reports funded by the US government. Finally I know, the actors behind is jewish (zionism). I will to show you one of the reason. If you notice the airplane number, there is Q33NY. Then you block it in Ms Word, and convert to Wingdings font, you’ll find the truth!! Israeli wins. And now America becomes the zionist’s power structure.
Relevant informations (visit below):
@kingfisher123 (177)
• India
10 Dec 06
its all crap.Nothings true.they just made up all that news for their own purpose.President bush and the american government lied to the whole world.
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@shireishou (896)
• Indonesia
10 Dec 06
I'm not watch that documentary yet.
BUt I never want to judge country, religion, race as terorist. Why? Because not all people in that country are terorist.
I hate bush.... no offence for his fans.... I have many american friends and they are nice people. but for bush..... I hate him.
I don;t know about 9/11 attack. The only thing that I know is he order his army to kill woman and children in palestine also irac.
I don;t want to discriminate or judge country. like I told you before, I only see 'people' who has responsibility with this. I don;t care his religion or race. As long as he killed and do terorism, i hate him for sure
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