What do you think of the Illuminati?

The All Seeing Eye on the Pyramid.. - 

on the back of our one dollar bill.
Are the Illuminati active?
What are they up to?

The story of the pyramid on the back of our one dollar bill goes like this..
the top of the pyramid is the All Seeing Eye..a symbol of the Illuminati..the top of the pyramid represents the Illuminati and the bottom seventy-two[72] bricks represents common folk/regular people.

The Illuminati believe they are above all and supreme in nature and in everything they do.

The Illuminati was established in 1776..shortly before July 4,1776.
You do the math.

For more..
research Illuminati..Free Masons.. Masonry..and Skull and Bones.
United States
December 9, 2006 2:35pm CST
Real or fake? Once exist but long gone? Still functioning?
2 responses
@DanKannel (1063)
• Brazil
9 Dec 06
• United States
10 Dec 06
• United States
9 Dec 06
A sort of sidetracked discussion but I think that it's absolutely fascinating that our society has suddenly become SO interested in secret societies like the Illuminati or pseudo societies like Opus Dei. I think that it really speaks to a growing feeling that the world is out of control and that individuals no longer feel like they have the capacity to change their lives because there are these "secret societies" working behind the scenes to thwart our every move. I think that when we give creedance to the idea that there are "things beyond our control" we feel more comfortable failing. Don't get me wrong though, I think there are these things, I don't doubt that there are forces that make life difficult and even unlivable but I think those are things like discrimination and poverty that are correctable if we really wanted to fix those things. Of course, I think that there are certainly powerful groups of people (like politicians) who do control more than we can even imagine but secret cults and things are a little of a stretch.
• United States
9 Dec 06
check out my other discussion about the Skull and Bones. I'd recommend researching them, Free Masons/Masonry,and Illuminati..and the ties between the three..