Would anyone else like to talk about MS?

United States
December 9, 2006 2:38pm CST
I was diagnosed 3 years ago and would like to discuss this with anyone else. What are the problems you have been having? Is it hard to get SSD with this disease? Discuss what you would like. Lets keep this going.
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6 responses
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
11 Dec 06
I have had it for 4 years that I know of. I am almost in secondary stages. I was diagnosed on January3,2002.I had a hard time getting on SSd at first but I got on it.
• United States
11 Dec 06
How has the MS effected you? What problems are you having? Do you know anything about the Swank diet? Ive heard that changing your diet helps with the symptoms.
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
11 Dec 06
Well I have to use a cain my walking isn't that great. I have had a lot of vision problems. Up untill this year I was having to have solomedral every 3 or 4 months from going numb.I take rebif for my shot therapy 3 times a week. Also I startrd taking zoccar it is for high cholestral but since I have taken it I haven't needed to have steriods or predizone as much. The only problem I have had this year was Optic Nerutis. I lost vision in my left eye for about 3 weeks but one I took a week of predizone it came back. I am not sure if this helps much or not. What problems have you had so far?
• United States
11 Dec 06
The way I found out I have MS is with optic neuritis, I also went blind in my left eye. So my dr ran a bunch of tests, found the lesions and diagnosed me. I also walk with a cane sometimes and go numb in my right arm and leg. I dont take shots though because I dont know what is in it. I try to use a more natural healing but I do take motrin 800mg 3 times a day for the pain. My vision still sucks but Im not blind anymore. Have you heard about the Swank diet?
@ljmc24 (413)
• United States
9 Dec 06
It shouldn't be hard to get SSI or SSD. I don't personally have anyone in my family with it, but I give all the best to you and hope that everything is ok.
• United States
9 Dec 06
Thank you very much! Im in the process of applying for SSD. Was just wondering.
@ljmc24 (413)
• United States
9 Dec 06
My mother is on it, but she doesn't have MS. She is just a really bad off diabetic with a neck injury from a car accident. They denied her the first two times she applied. My advice is if they do deny you don't hire a lawyer, just keep applying. She applied over and over again and eventually they gave it to her. I think they try to shoot you down at first to see how many people are going to keep applying. Well actually I know they do this since i know someone who works for SS. Just keep trying and don't give up on it.
• United States
9 Dec 06
Cool, this is my second time applying. I dont want to give my money to a lawyer, that makes no sense!
@massaj03 (4367)
• United States
14 Dec 06
Actually I have never heard of this, wish I could help you out. What exactly is this if you don't mind me asking.
• United States
14 Dec 06
MS is an autoimmune disease. Where the body attacks itself. You can do a search on the internet to get more info.
@shmeedia (1044)
• Canada
6 May 07
i have yet to be diagnosed with it, but i am pretty sure i have it. i've always had health problems which i now know are symptomatic of MS. seems that most of my symptoms have really hit hard this past year. i have been having major vision problems, such as seeing a 'white cloud' or a spot between my 2 eyes that basically fade away...it lasts for about half an hour and then goes away. sometimes the blind spot shifts during that time, but it usually doesn't last longer than that. i suspect occular neuritis. i have previously had other eye problems which perhaps nobody linked to MS. scarring and damage to the optic nerve doesnt sound very 'normal' just because i have high myopia ;) i have also always had loss of sensation in limbs, originally thought to be linked to nerve damage from a spinal problem. but now, looking back, perhaps MS is what caused it in the first place. lately i have been waking up dizzy for no apparent reason, feeling minor malaise, i've had bouts with disturbed sleep patterns and minor depression...you name it, i've had it. the only thing left for me to go through is major trouble walking. i do sometimes have trouble, but i always blamed it on my back problem and natural clumsiness due to the bad eyesight. my boyfriend's mom has had MS for over 10 years, but is not wheelchair-bound. apart from fatigue, every time i have met her, she has seemed coherent, able-bodied, etc, but i've heard about the days when she stays home, what we call 'bad days'. i'm not sure which meds she is on, but she definitely has improvement when taking them. as for SSD, i don't think that they would refuse you because you have MS in particular....rather, they do give everyone a real hard time. i was on the canadian equivalent of SSD at the beginning of this year (due to what i thought was headaches, migraines and eye strain, but now i think it might have been the onset of MS), and i had to fight extremely hard to get it. they refused me once due to not having good enough documentation from my doctor and my jobs. i also had a slack@ss agent who i may have gotten fired for her verbal abuse and lack of wanting to do anything to help me. i think they basically want you to give up because it's such a pain to deal with them, but if you persevere, they should eventually give in, if nothing else, at least to shut you up temporarily LOL. good luck with it!
• United States
10 Dec 06
prayers - sending up prayers and support
I have MS also. It started with relapse remitting and moved into a secondary stage and I went on chemo for it (a new treatment they use is chemo now). It did slow it down, but it was definitely a hard time for me, and my family. I would love to talk with others that have ms. I havent applied for SSD because I am not sure if they would go by my hubbys income. One thing you definitely can do is apply for discounts on things like your PG&E (whatever power company you use) they will give that to you no matter your income. I live in southern ca, so here that was a HUGE help. Good luck and youll be in my prayers!
• United States
10 Dec 06
Thanks! I didnt know about the electricity discount, I'll call monday and find out. Ive heard about the chemo. I wont take the steroids though, I told my dr I will just go through the relapse on my own. I have faith I will come through it. Ive also been changing my diet and that helps with the energy. How about you?
@crickethear (1417)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I am always open to talking about MS. There is so much to it, that it is nice to have a support group.