do you belive in ghost?

September 19, 2006 7:19am CST
yes.. i do... coz its in my hostel....
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4 responses
@netty79 (991)
• Indonesia
2 Jan 07
yes i do but never saw it
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Sep 06
yes i do...very much so..
• Janesville, Wisconsin
2 Jan 07
I belive in Ghosts and Spirits I know they exist I work with them often. They are around us more than we realise some of us are hyper sensitive to be able to see and feel their presence. At times it can be unnerving or annoying, most of the time though they are very respectful and polite, although there are man Spirit pranksters. They love to knock on the doors on me when I am taking a shower or try to sleep them my family all thinks I am losing it cause I am yelling at them to stop when none of them are doing anything lol... But then I laugh as they try to get the bug out of their hair that is not there, as I see a spirit gently tickling their head. :) So it's fun. - DNatureofDTrain
@nextgen (1888)
• India
29 Sep 06
I have found no reponse to this post from last 1 Weeks... I have seen many user's post does not get any resonse. Some say its because they dont find the post quality one. But I have seen many post which are interesting but no response. And in some other cases, the post may not be interesting but member look out for some specific information. So just thought if we can respond to this post and make it alive... So request all to put up their valuable reply and make each and every post of mylot interesting. Thank you
• Philippines
6 Jan 07
yes, i do! although i haven't seen one. but i just believe in the fact that we all have souls, so we will become ghosts too in the end of our lives.