By midnightuser
@midnightuser (252)
United States
December 9, 2006 7:39pm CST
My boyfriend has two fishtanks. At first we were justing putting a few fish in at a time. I decided to buy to black mollies, a male and a female. That was my first mistake, they mated, and then they mated. No we have a fishtank full of mollies, we are thinking to find out if we can sell some of the babies back to the petstore does anybody know? does Petco buy mollies from people? What are your fishtanks like? we have many different types of tetras with quite a few neon tetras but the most we have the black mollies. we have two algae eaters and some cory fish. All small sized fish. What size fish do you have how many?
28 responses
@adams03605 (436)
• United States
10 Dec 06
My first suggestion would be this, if you do not wish to be overrun with these little blackies.. seperate them QUICK!!
I have had mollies before and I have platties now. These are LIVE BEARING fish, which mean just that, they give birth to little baby fishies. They don't lay eggs. If you can't separate them, turn your heater down in the tank they are in. Down to about 70-72. If it's too warm (around 76-82) they will just BREED BREED BREED!
I am not sure if your local pet store will take them in for trade/store credit or not. Some places will do so, but you should talk to them first and ask.
You could also post little fliers around your town and maybe sell them cheap. It is almost Christmas, maybe people would buy them for the kids as an easy carefree pet... hint hint.
I would take some off your hands, but you probably live to far away from me.
I wouldn't suggest ebay however, as someone before me did.. pretty likely that you would upset buyers when they got their items and they were all floating belly up!
@ShadowWalker (969)
• United States
10 Dec 06
This might sound a bit drastic but you might consider putting some type of fish in with the mollies that will eat some of the newborn fish. Besides of that do some calling around to local pet stores and see if they might buy some off you. I doubt the chain stores will do it. They already have a vender that supplies them with fish. As another poster posted seperate the males from the females. That will definitely help out a lot.
@midnightuser (252)
• United States
11 Dec 06
there are so many of them we can't yet seperate them because we can't tell if they are male and female they are still pretty small and it's hard for me to tell. we're definitly going to try and go to a small petstore and trade them in or give them away.
@tigrashadow (1086)
• Australia
11 Dec 06
if you ask your local aquarium shops and pet stores they will often buy fish babies...just have to ask them though it might not be heaps of money
good luck
@midnightuser (252)
• United States
10 Dec 06
how big of an aquarium? like in a building for the public? what's the difference between an aquarium and a fishtank
@steffylikewoah (1762)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I had some Mollys that mated a few years ago.. the male killed the female.. and ate the babies. So I'm no help to you. If petco wont take them, try an actual fish store.
@ljmc24 (413)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I used to have an African Ciclid that was terrible to the other ones in the tank, so I traded him in for another one. Depending on how big of a tank you have you could just get an Oscar or some Ciclids, they will take care of the over population problem really quickly. We used to keep an Oscar and would catch minnows out of a pond next door and feed him that, he was the coolest fish ever.
@influential (24)
• United States
11 Dec 06
hm. I'm not quite sure about Petco, but local pet stores might. I had bought two hamsters, and quite frankly, we didn't know what gender they were , and well within 5 weeks I had 21 hamsters on my hands. Luckily we were able "exchange" them if you will in return for two oscar fish. I'm not aware if they can be SOLD , but perhaps exchanged :)
@vmoore709 (1101)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I have sold fish back to pet stores before, but I've never tried mollies. It doesn't hurt to try. I have a 45 gallon tank for my cichlids.
@jsnapp (137)
• United States
10 Dec 06
We have tiger barbs, ruby barbs, neon tetras, zebra danios, and some silver and black tetras that I can't remember the name of. We have about 25 fish in a 50 gallon aquarium. I don't know if Petco will buy mollies from people or not. I would guess not. They probably only buy from suppliers.
@RealityChecker (290)
• United States
10 Dec 06
You may want to put a posting on craig's list (free) and see if people will take them off your hands for either their own tank or as feeder fish for their fish ( oscars ect )
@superbaaz (133)
• India
10 Dec 06
never keep females of any breed as they tend to produce very, stay with males if u like your fish tank to be clean and spacefull.
@tennistar (2)
• India
10 Dec 06
well my fish tank is huge but i only have around 8-10 fishes
that pretty small compared to the size of my tank lol
i have a vide variety from goldfish to cory fish
@coradpooh (31)
• Philippines
10 Dec 06
We have six red pacu ( about 7-8 inches each), one flower horn (about 12 inches) and lots of gold fish of different sizes (more or less 30 pieces)
@kris_cyborg (88)
• India
10 Dec 06
someone or the other has an interest in mollies just scan and u'll find the right person here only and by the way if u can manage their upcoming u can sell them once they are grownups
@tennistar (2)
• India
10 Dec 06
well my fish tank is huge but i only have around 8-10 fishes
that pretty small compared to the size of my tank lol
i have a vide variety from goldfish to cory fish