I Need your ADVISE plleeeeeaaaaaassseeee!!!
By sweetbabe77
@sweetbabe77 (224)
December 10, 2006 2:00am CST
I have been separated from my husband since april this year due to some personal problems...He is too irresponsible, no job at all and flirty..but i admit i also have some shortcomings when it comes to our relationship, then i decided to broke up with him leaving me with 2 sons..financially, his parents giving me support then my father in law passed away last month. My ex-husband approached me asking and telling me that we should get together again..and now im confused, but i told him that he should fix himself first and prove to me that he can support us(his family)...THE QUESTION IS... AM I THAT TOO SELFISH??? AM I UNFAIR??? OR AM I TOO BITTER..WILL I GIE HIM ANOTHER CHANCE??
76 responses
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
10 Dec 06
My ex thought he could waltz back into my life after we split up too. Do they think that we will forget the bad times and why we left them in the first place. Our final separation came after I had left him many times and took him back. Each time he promised to change, but the change was only for a brief time and he quickly reverted to his old self.
I commend you by asking him to prove himself first. A big hug to you. It takes courage to stand up for yourself my dear. Make sure he truly has changed before you give him another chance. Life is too short to be in a relationship where you are not happy.
He is being the self-ish one by wanting to you to take him back without him changing himself. He needs to change not only for you and your sons, but for himself too. Change can happen. Tell him that he will be a better man for it and self-pride is important too.
Good luck to you!
@sweetbabe77 (224)
• Philippines
11 Dec 06
whew!!! this advise really touch my heart. thank you for giving me more strength to face this kind of trials. inspite of these trials, im still very thankful..because i learn to express my self unlike before.. i would stay in one corner hoping answers will approach me. but not, you really have to face evrything and live life to the fullest.. GOD Bless
@magnaestveritas (94)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Divorce is such a sad event for both spouses and their children.I don't know if it is too late,but have you tried marriage therapy to see whether you can work out your problems with a neutral third party.God bless .
@reeseyj (906)
• United States
10 Dec 06
A man is suppose to take care of his family financially and if hes not doing that then theres no reason for him to be there. Flirting is also unacceptable. If those r your only complaints and he can fix those you should probably give it another try.
@sweetbabe77 (224)
• Philippines
10 Dec 06
yup maybe i should give him anohter try but i think NOT NOW... im not yet prepared for it, waht if we failed once again??? we both need more time to go for seoncd chance,, isn't it???
@soldenski (2503)
• United States
10 Dec 06
If my husband did not take care of his responsibilities and flirted around, guess what...his butt would be out of here. I would give him another chance if he fixed himself up but not before.
@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
11 Dec 06
Well I think that he needs to prove to you that he has changed and is making an effort..he needs to step up and have a good job and stop flirting! When you see that he is changing and making an effort then maybe you can give him another chance..but you need to think of yourself and your children first...
@nobodyspecial (1011)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I would assume there is more to the separation than you have presented here...
Fixing himself is a good idea, so is fixing yourself, since you admit to not being perfect.
Why doesn't he have a job? Is he looking for work, attending classes to better his prospects?
What do you mean by flirty? Did he ignore you and give all his attention to other women? Did he flirt and increase someone's self esteem by doing so?
How other than not having a job is he irresponsible?
@wahmoftwo (1296)
• United States
11 Dec 06
No one is perfect. It is normal to have some flaws in a relationship, although everyone can strive for improvement.
@jostays1 (5)
• India
11 Dec 06
see all u need to do is spend some time with him..try takin to him and ask him whether he is intrested in u or not???and y???
and 1 thing u can alwaz do is to pray...believe me it really works...but u need to believe...
@blitzzz (128)
• India
10 Dec 06
Well I would say that everything is in your hand.You can make him a good man and can lead a happy life. I think you can give him a chance to prove himself as a good husband and father for your children. Because it is not like he is the only person in this world who is irresponsible,jobless,etc. I would say most the men get responsibilities only when they come across some bad and critical situations. Why don't you think like he has crossed from those bad ones because some mis-understanding is required for good understanding...
@sweetbabe77 (224)
• Philippines
13 Dec 06
im doing my best to help him change but due to his pride he wont accept it.. he still believes in superiority as a man but the thing is, he doesnt know how to manage it.
@sexymuma (1261)
10 Dec 06
if he still has nothing to add to the table,than why does he deserve another chance,if its his parents supporting you.maybe he is jealous,of the money you receive for his children,even though its not him its coming from,if he can not prove to you that he can support you all,so NO you are not being selfish,or unfair,its you and your children who need to come first.x
@sweetbabe77 (224)
• Philippines
13 Dec 06
you're right, but does he still deserve respect from me/??I NEVER thought of revenge. i still love himbut as a friend though.. that's the best thing that ican give him for now, ihope he could let go off me..
@merrie (58)
10 Dec 06
I have the exact same problem, my irresponsible ex wants to come back and I have the same decision to make. Try to separate what is best for you and what is best for your sons. Life as a single mom is tough I know, and it's easier when there's 2 of you sharing the parenting, is he going to be a help to you? Has he changed? Ultimately what do you really want, will you regret it if you don't give him another chance? Or are you and your sons happy without him? So many questions I don't really have the answers either. In my situation I'm giving my ex another chance for my children's sakes. But I'm not looking at it forever (and I still haven't forgiven him). We'll just take it day by day.
@sweetbabe77 (224)
• Philippines
11 Dec 06
yes, single parent is a tough obligation to make but im more at peace since we broke up...i already forgiven him and accepted what he did but it doesnt mean that i'll give him another chance right away. like what most says, he needs to prove that he is capable of supporting his family and has changed for the better of his family.id rather have him as a gud friend than to have him as a husband.
@whitefeahter1956 (70)
• United States
10 Dec 06
Well sweet i've raised all my kids by myself there dad was a jerk. and i was in the same postion and i know it's hard but you got to remeber what makes you happy and you got to remember your kids are your kids for 18 years and they start living for there selfs. you have to know you have worth and your kids do to. I know it hard being a mom alone but in reality you got out of your relationship becuase you didn'tlike so what is going to make it better you'vebeen there has it changed since you've been gone has he remembered your worth and your kids worth and his worth..this is what i did i said to my ex if i see you have all the things we need in 6 months then i will come back if i see you get a plant and it's alive when i come over from time to time and it's still alive then we can work something out well it never did he couldn't do it..so he is and ex becuase it was worth it. yes i'm happy i'm older now but it was worth knowing what i can do with out him and getting someone greater it was worth it. love is storng and you still feel it but things can happen in other ways and you have to depend on god he knows more about us then anyone. you have to be strong for yourself and your kids and your worth and what is going to make you happy...if you want your ex back well that is fine but if i were you i'd make him prove himself to you and your kids. do what makes you happy and remeber your worth ....i know you still love him and you got out for good reasons but don't get back to a place that isn't going to make you and your kids happy. remeber what you left for and if that hasn't changed don't put yourself back there it will only be harder for you to leave or out. so stay where your at and just give him your altamadum ok good luck i hope the best and god bless and happy hollidays....whitefeahter
@sweetbabe77 (224)
• Philippines
11 Dec 06
that was an awesome advise...you are really brave person i hope i can do the same raising the kids alone.. its hard on my part coz my kids are special; hearing impaaired and autistic.hard to handle but its challenging. it's making me a better person than what i am before... there'sa lot of changes in me since then...God is good, He'll never let me down
@susangpyp (40)
• United States
10 Dec 06
NO that is not selfish. IF NOTHING CHANGES, NOTHING CHANGES. It definitely has to change. Plus, it is very dangerous to rekindle a relationship in the midst of an emotionally charged time like losing one's parents. Both of you need to work on your stuff and maybe down the road it can work out, but not now. I think that what you told him (to fix himself) is a good thing and you could probably use some counseling too. Good luck! - Susan (http://GettingPastYourPast.wordpress.com)
@sweetbabe77 (224)
• Philippines
11 Dec 06
Of course i am, all im wishing is a long lasting, ideal and strong relationship. whom i can share my good and bad sides, accept me as i am, explore all the adventures of life and shre my blessings.... thanks for you good advise...
@arvee17 (730)
• Philippines
10 Dec 06
you've got the right to deny him if you want too and also leave him. the husband has the soul responsibility to take care of their family. i hate to say this but i think most filipino men are lazy in nature. that is why there are a lot of women in here who are working their butts off instead of the guys. serve him right for leaving him... you have to control yourself for a moment and don't give in yet... he has to learn to change first and if he really loves you, then he will change. be selfish for a while or you will loose in the end. we can only have our lives once so it is better for you not to waste your time with people who doesn't wanna change. help yourself too... you can do it...
@piesmeralda (388)
• Philippines
11 Dec 06
I think Arvee here is right. Most filipino men are lazy in nature, that's why most filipino women are starting to fill in the gaps to save the family. And it has been the trend nowadays that the wife becomes the breadwinner and the husband stays at home. And maybe some families in foreign land is the same, but we can only speak to what we have witnessed and experienced. Leaving the man will be a big challenge, it entails much risk of breaking the family, losing your love, your children will feel the space he left. But I hope it's the right thing to do, and it will successfully make him change to be the right one for your family.
@budi_hermanto (28)
• Indonesia
10 Dec 06
From ur story I'm sure that u were very hard to take this decision but.. in this case u should take the best decision for u, and your kids.
I think if he is willing to change his life then the 1st step you should take is forgive him for what he is in the past. Then see what he do for a couple month or more or until u were sure that he can suppor his family (u and ur kids)
after all this is ur decision to make for a better life an support dor u and ur kids.
@sweetbabe77 (224)
• Philippines
11 Dec 06
i already forgave him, past is past i know he'll change but i dnt when, i have two special kids. my children is my first priority because they need special attention i hope he would realize that..thanks anyway for the support
@hanz_cell (72)
• Philippines
10 Dec 06
you're not selfish nor unfair and bitter as well. giving him another chance is a good thing but you just want to be sure that he is capable and man enough to raise his family. you just want a better future for your kids and you want your husband to see that. just give him another chance, a good talk and a better understanding and trust is the key :)
@sweetbabe77 (224)
• Philippines
11 Dec 06
thank you for the inspiring advise i hope im doing the right thing for now...
@harsh1985 (593)
• India
13 Dec 06
well you are not wrong.. is anybody there who can take the responsibilty of your ex-husbund. my suggestion is that first you observe him very carefully and then take the decision because it is question of you and your children.
you are not selfish and unfair don't think that best of luck!!
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Make him prove to you that he WANTS you back, give him a timeline to get a job and make enough money to support you and your chldren, if he does not comply, walk away with the satisfaction that you gave him an opportunity without hurting yourself and your children by having him come and go from your lives
@monu9829777982 (96)
• India
11 Dec 06
In life there are a lot of ups and downs comes, you must take care of each and everything. In this case I think u must give him a chance to fix himself. warn him before moving to his house that if she treats me as his wife then only i will stay with him otherwise I am pretty happy alone. No, You are not selfish dear. You are even fair. I don't think you are wrong. Thanks
@monu9829777982 (96)
• India
11 Dec 06
In life there are a lot of ups and downs comes, you must take care of each and everything. In this case I think u must give him a chance to fix himself. warn him before moving to his house that if she treats me as his wife then only i will stay with him otherwise I am pretty happy alone. No, You are not selfish dear. You are even fair. I don't think you are wrong. Thanks
@meanbernabe (134)
• Philippines
10 Dec 06
Youre just doing it beacuse you want you're sons to have a good future and also to teach him to be responsible for his family..Do you still love him?
@sweetbabe77 (224)
• Philippines
10 Dec 06
i think i love Him as a friend but not as a husband.. i lost my respect for him. but i still want him to be my friend and maybe we are not really meant for each other... right???
@Mitch_Miyaka (797)
• Philippines
2 Feb 07
your not..what you've done is just right..if that is the case he wants to go back to you..think of your children first..you think he can support them now?..whatever decision you are going to make just be sure all of you will be benefited