School and Mobile Phones....
December 10, 2006 9:44am CST
Well,my son is 14 and has taken his mobile phone to school as he has to leave very early in the morning and I thought it was safer for him to do so,plus if there was an emergency we could contact him.During lesson hours his phone was switched to silence/vibrate.Lately the ruling has been changed to NO phones in school due to some children having them ringing during lessons.....I'm extremely annoyed about this as he leaves in the morning to catch the bus at about 7am...I told him to still take it but hide it in his bag during lessons but now a ruling that any child found with one will be punished-I think this is unfair and dangerous for the children who have a real need.Any thoughts?
86 responses
@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
11 Dec 06
I agree with you completely. They are not allowed at my daughters school either. I would love her to have one for an emergency. Look at the one girl that was abducted and they found her because she was able to secretly text message her mother. I think they should be diciplined only if it's ringing at school otherwise it shouldn't be any of their business. That's my two cents anyways.
• France
11 Dec 06
I hadn't heard about that incident-that strengthens the case in my opinion.Thank you.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I grew up living in the country and had to walk some distance to the bus stop. When I went to school my parents were already at work. I didn't have a cell phone, actually they didn't exist at the time. If my parents had to get in touch with me at school they would call the school and the faculty would get me the message. If I needed to get in touch with them we had pay phones there and we could also go to the nurse's office if we were sick and they would call them. It doesn't sound like your son really needs to have it there.
Today's society seems to be over dependent on cell phones. I can understand having one for safety reasons, however I see people who won't leave the house without one. These same people are in their 80's, I live with a lot of seniors around. They lived for 70 years without a cell phone. Doing everything they wanted without one there with them when they went to church or bingo and yet now they can't go to the corner store without one.
I don't think they belong in school. Yes it's one thing to have one in their back pack in case of after school activities that run late or early. They need to be picked up due to schedule changes but otherwise no they don't need one. The schools in my area allow them to have them in their packs but not on, at all. No vibrate, just turned off. They are allowed to use them before and after school not during the day at all. The reason for this? Class disruption and cheating by using text messaging.
Leave the cell phone at home and teach him how to use a pay phone.
• France
11 Dec 06
I think he knows how to use a payphone,but none available at the moment and unfortunately the world isnt the same as it once was.Just in the backpack for after school is agood idea.Thankyou.
@superbeeeyatch (688)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I have to say that I don't like the thoughts of kids today bringing cell phones to school, CAUSE WE NEVER DID. But todays world have changed very very much and I believe that the kids should have one for safety reasons. Keep the phone off while in class, check in between classes, lunch, potty break...ect Anyways, if the child is proven to be not following the rules at school then have the teacher take it to the office where the student can pick it up after school or have a parent come in a pick it up with the understanding that the parent will talk to their child. SAFTY is the #1 concern for kids...
• France
11 Dec 06
Safety is the issue-thank you for your reply.
@hcprasad (1012)
• India
11 Dec 06
This is because the parents try to take too much of care than what is warranted.
In our days, even public phones were not there and no money was given. I also used to leave by 7.30 in the morning and come back at 7.00 in the evening. Even today though I am able to keep mobile, I am not keeping it with me. I own at home, I own at business and one more mobile phone is there which will be used only when we go out of station. Hence children should be taught to be brave in life and should not be tied too much.
• France
11 Dec 06
Unfortunately I believe the amount of nutters in the world has increased hence the need for more protection.i don't believe the act of bravery in a child would deter an adult?
Thankyou for your comment.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I totally agree with you. Kids in highschool should be allowed a cell phone for emergency purposes only. The problem is parents are giving the kids the fanciest phones that are out there. Cingular has a kids cell phone called the FireFly. It has NO numbers on it but it has an address book and the parents have to program it for there kids. It is great for the 10-15yr olds and for those who are not all that responsible with calling time.
My son is 11 and he has the firefly. Since he is only in elementary school he is not allowed to take it to school plus someone is always at home so if anything happens either the school can be contacted or the school can contact the person at home easily.
• France
11 Dec 06
That sounds a great idea-thankyou for your reply.
@roadromeo (376)
• India
11 Dec 06
Hi tinkerbellfairywings,
I believe that you are correct in your doings. There should always be a way to communicate with kids no matter where they are, at least until they become mature and independent enough to take care of themselves. In today's big bad world, there is nothing that can be judgemental upon. We should be in constant touch with our loved ones and I guess that mobile has been the best technology to almost evade the communication gap between people. Schools should definitely allow students to carry mobile phones however, there can be a restriction on the ringing and accepting of calls as in that any mobile found ringing during the class will be confisticated for a week or the child will be suspended for a week, Why do other students suffer just beacuse of a small bunch of children not adhering to the rules? I hope you agree with my say....
• France
11 Dec 06
Can't be fairer than that-thank you for your reply.
@ayushthedevil (3147)
• India
11 Dec 06
na i dont think children should carry a cell phone to school. coz if there is any emergency the school authorities can always call up the parents. college is different so they may carry a cell phone out there
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
11 Dec 06
At every school shooting that has occurred, it has been called in first by a cell phone. Half the time the school "authorities" are clueless about what's really going on inside the school. So if the gunman doesn't go to the office first and check in like he's supposed to by rules (lol), they're clueless that he's even there!
@dellakitty (792)
• United States
11 Dec 06
i just know that schools go overboard sometimes to make their rules enforced. i would think there is a parent teachers association that you can complain and discuss this with.
@wahmbrendamh (576)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I think that there shouldn't be any cell phones in school because they are too disruptive. I actually don't believe that children should have a cell phone at all. I don't think there's any need for them to have one.
• France
11 Dec 06
It's a hame that the world has become so dangerous that dilemmas like this are necessary.Thanks for your response.
@ghazal2k5 (920)
• India
11 Dec 06
in school mobile phone should not be allowed that's good for emergency but not the time of study.
• France
11 Dec 06
I agree ,not in the hours of study.Thanks for your response
@naughtysexy (110)
• India
11 Dec 06
When i was in school even i wasnt allowed cell phones,but i used to still carry it as i used to return home late after my tutions and it was a neccessity.The teachers used to confiscate it,and the parents later had to meet the teachers.Luckily,nothing of this sought happened to me as i used to keep my phone on silent and use it only after school hours!Rules are rules and you have to abide by them.The teachers dont like the students getting disturbed in the classroom,that is the reason they say no to cellphones.As far as the students are not disturbing the class and showing off with their cell phones it is completely alright.Even after that if there is a problem then you must meet the teachers and request them,also state your problem.Im sure they will understand,after all you are a concerned parent and care for your child's security.Tell your son not to remove his cell in the school premises.You have given him the phone to keep in touch with you,so dont give him a fancy and stylish one with camera,music,bluetooth,etc. just give him a simple piece which only has messaging and calling in it.It will be better for you,for him,as well as for the teachers.Most importantly tell him to keep his cell phone on silent mode.
• France
11 Dec 06
Thankyou,it is the out of school hours that worry me
@michaelray (29)
• Ireland
11 Dec 06
There are 2 sides to this issue. First of all children are in school to learn, so they should not be making/getting calls during class. Let alone playing games or sending text messages. I believe that all schools have rules that forbid children to have phones switched on in class.
From a safety point of view as a parent I would like to be able to reach my children before and after school hours.
If the schools would provide lockers then the children could put their phones in there while in class and pick them up before they go home. I don't see how the schools can object to this. Furthermore the school has to provide parents with a contact number which the parents can call in case of an emergency.
• France
11 Dec 06
Thankyou,my son does have a locker-I'm not sure if he can access it before he leaves but I can check.
@katcarneo (1433)
• Philippines
10 Dec 06
nowadays almost everybody has a mobile phone and maybe that's why school are imposing these kinds of rules. it;s just that sometimes phones can be a cause of trouble not only when it comes to ringing in class but also issues like showing off that may eventually lead to stealing that may eventually lead to beating up....well, it has happened to some. I'm pretty sure your son isn't a show off but maybe the school's just being cautious. Because even if a kid's phone is in vibrate mode and it rings in class then most probably he'd go and take a peek to read the message or ask permission to go out and take a call which is exactly what the teachers don't want. but if you really have concerns about this maybe you should bring it up in parent-teacher mettings or something.
@ravi_080888 (781)
• India
11 Dec 06
But some children are playing games during the class hours by hiding it.Then how can they listen the class.?...IF any emergency occur,u can call to the school and u child can be informed....
• France
11 Dec 06
On my sons phone he can't play any games but I do understand that others may do.Thank you for your reply.
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I would say yes, but only if phone can have only 2 numbers to call:
Home and emergency
no games, no camera and no video.
@Kaorin (756)
• Australia
10 Dec 06
I agree with you, however isolated children who decide that its cooler to message and play games on their phone in class instead of listening to the teacher have ruined that. When I went to high school that was the rule too, however no one obeyed it, and the teachers turned a blind eye, as they knew the stupidity of the rule that was made up by the principal of the time, who was kind of out of touch with kids...
All I can say is that they're not going to be frisking your son, and they're not going to have spot bag checks to search for mobile phones. You need him to have the phone because you like him and yourself to feel safer about where he is, and that's fine. If he can't carry it on him, get him to put it in his bag, inside his locker. No one will ever know, and I guarantee you that every other child with a worried parent like yours ill be doing the same thing.
If you're really concerned, contact the school principal and voice your opposition to the school rule.
@RealityChecker (290)
• United States
10 Dec 06
That is your child and you have the right to be in contact with him as you see fit. Now yes phones ringing in class is a problem. eeping it hidden is a good idea and should he get caught it will be up to you to go to the school and not allow the punishment. Remember you are the parent YOUR taxes pay the school They work for you
• France
10 Dec 06
They were my thoughts exactly-I agree that phones ringing is a problem and I think the child who owns that phone should be punished but this ruling irritates me.I think I will speak to the school.thank you for your comments.
@mcptf3 (14)
• United States
10 Dec 06
it seems that you are the one with the real need. why must he have his phone with him? everyone has "possible" emergencies everyday. what makes your situation so special? u cant expect people to believe that you want him to have his phone because he leaves early. does that even make sense? cut the cord mom, he doesnt need his phone at school and for emergencies, you can contact the school and they will gladly let you talk/ leave with your child.
• France
11 Dec 06
Thanks for your advice and actually the cord was cut at birth.