The Veil
By babykay
@babykay (2131)
December 10, 2006 9:55am CST
I am just wondering what other people's opinions are.
The Veil (Niqab in Arabic) which some Muslim women wear covering the face, should it be allowed? I should say that I mean the veil as opposed to the headscarf. Should Muslim women be allowed wear such a thing in public?
I think that nobody should be allowed wear a veil in a public institution such as a school or government building, particularly if the lady wishes to be a teacher. This issue was recently debated in the UK as I am sure some of us remember. I don't believe this is anti-Islamic, but a matter of public safety. It seems important that the identity of a person needs to be known also when the person goes to the bank.
What do others think?
42 responses
@killailla (1301)
• Canada
13 Dec 06
I think that they should be allowed to wear them whenever and wherever they like, it is a part of the culture and religion. I know I really like to cover up sometimes when i am out.

@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
14 Dec 06
Hi Chiquita, You are ascribing me views that I do not hold and did not express so lets just rewind for a moment - I most certainly never said I do not like veil wearing ladies, this is untrue. The reasons I have issues with the veils - and not the ladies behind them - is as I already said, security. You have not addressed this in your response.
In my ideal world people can wear whatever clothes they like, surely if you are a freedom loving person you would think the same? I can't understand why you are likening the wearing of a piercing or a tattoo with the wearing of a veil. Afterall, anyone having either a tattoo or a piercing is becoming more distinctive whereas a lady wearing a veil is the opposite, without identity.
@marvit79 (341)
• Italy
10 Dec 06
To many people, the Muslim veil represents a form of female oppression. I don't think anyone has any problem with someone that chooses to wear a veil. It's not hatred against Muslim. It's hatred for what we feel is the poor treatment of women. I know most non Muslims and especially Americans know very little about the Muslim community and/or religion. Maybe you could help educate me? Why should one of allah's/god's/or anyone's creatures ever have to be hidden behind a veil? Why do Muslim women wear veils while Muslim men do not? Do Muslims feel their men hold more value and ability than their women? Why do we hear stories of Muslim women being raped and tortured for showing their face? Why do some sects of Muslim not allow women to be educated or even learn to read? These questions are the first to come to mind. This shows you how much I know about Muslim. I'd most certainly would think differently if I knew more. So I choose to make no judgements at this point in my life. The problem is: Muslims, Christians, Hindu's, etc don't know enough about eachothers religion to promote religious tolerance. And as humans, we fear that which we do not know.
@rajeevsaxena7 (36)
• India
11 Dec 06
Come on, poor treatment of women is not something alien to another communities. Secondly veil is not a compulsion in Islam so far as I know. Only women are supposed to dress modestly which is the best way to dress for women. Thus they can avoid any bad remark or any lustful sight falling on them. Whats wrong with it?
And where u heard stories of muslsim women being raped for not wearing veils? plz share with us if these are not isolated incidents. And if they are plz refrain from generalization of the vast community based on stray incidents.
@SirPyan (429)
• Malaysia
14 Dec 06
Correction, Veil is compulsory in Islam. BUT, if a women decided not to wear a veil, it's her responsibility, NOBODY CAN FORCE her to wear one, it's between her and God, not her and other human. Any incidents that show women being tortured or harassed because showing their face, is a barbaric act by people who don't understand and deny their own belief, these people have given Islam a bad reputation.
I believe, if a women is being given liberty NOT to wear veil, why not they get the liberty of doing opposite things also. I don't think wearing veil would bring any harm. If the women don't wanna wear it, it's her liberty. If the women wanna wear it, we shouldn't reject.
@umair2hot (1220)
• India
11 Dec 06
It shud b allow , every women shud cover herself any of her body part like abdomen or hands shud b hidden....ok now i gonna tell u one thing if bad peoples will neva c any ladies's face who is beautifull he will not think abt her wrong because he doesnt c her face or any thing like any part of a body....if u r not in veil den every one can c ur body part den he will think wrong abt a u temme wat do u think reply me back !!
@umair2hot (1220)
• India
11 Dec 06
It doesnt mean that u have to beautifull for vein no u shud wear niqab in any condition !
It is in our relegion and i m Muslim !
@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
11 Dec 06
Firstly i was thinking, why peoples need to thinks of this knid of thing........For me either with veil or without anything, if someone wants to make crime,...they will do it.....Why peoples keep link between the muslim dreesing with the criminal....
Marvit79, Do you really know Muslim?.....may i know where did you get such information that some sects of muslim not allow women to be educated or even learn to read?........i really want to know that because as a Muslim, i never heard that there are any such restriction in our religion. R you sure about it?.......please dont get confuse when you want to intepret on anything which you seen or read.......As i have told you, I am a muslim by religion and now am doing my prostgraduate study here in my university. And it not a sin for a muslim women who go for any education. Peoples only know to comment anything which is look strange to them. If you really know about muslim then you will know why the muslim women wear veil.
Teenal, answering your comment, do you think all the criminal in your jail wore like a women dress/veil when they did the crime?.....There is nothing to identify here.....
Kiiizu,.....I don't have the idea that criminal in european countries wore like a muslim women dress up. I just want to know, if the criminal in your country all done by the criminals who dress up like a muslim women, are they?.....Please, don't simply make such statement where peoples can justify your comment is not too strong enough.
02angle82, May i know from where did you heard that muslim women not allowed to drive?....Is it really like that?......Did you get it from the al-quran?....As i mention earlier, please do not simply make a comment and do not confuse when you making a comment,..are you sure that in muslim religion women are not allowed to drive?......where did you read it?........I am a muslim and i have a valid driving license.........and there is no restriction for muslim women to drive.
Why we keep discussing about muslim peoples,...thinking like other religions are the best,... There is nothing wrong if a muslim women want to wear veil in public. If there is a case where the robber wear veil during robbering, then it's not the fault of the veil it self. The mistake was from the robber to wear veil. Friends, please open your mind, i believe you all a very smart peoples,...but why when come into the religion matter you become dumb,...make sure you know what exactly happend and have a valid words then you may make a comment. This religion matter are very sensitive case, some peoples may think it's true if they don't know anything about what you comment and they simply believe it.

@kiiizu (1901)
• Estonia
11 Dec 06
It seems, it's a clash of civilizations we are having there, a la Samuel P. Huntington. Don't get me wrong, please. Just for information: in western civilization NO ONE is covering his face, except criminals, when they are robbing a bank, for example. The only accepted place to wear a mask is a fancy dress ball... And when somebody covers his/her face just walking down the street, there's no wonder we are confused, and are thinking about worst things. A person's face is a first character to identificate him, and it has to be seen. The immigrants are welcome, and we are trying to understand them, and help them but when we are opening the doors of our home, we are expecting from them a bit understanding also. How can they assimilate without accepting our customs, laws and rules of life? There is an old Russian proverb about it, the approximate translation would be: when you are going to another abbey, don't try to establish there the rules of your's.
@chiquitita (1226)
• Indonesia
11 Dec 06
That is very true what you've just said. I cover my head as well, and that is our identity as a muslim. I am comfortable with it and find no problem. I live in the biggest muslim country in the world, and I have a job that I can be proud of. Says who women are not allowed to get education? it is completely untrue.

@guesswhomsa (1168)
• India
15 Dec 06
veil doesnt mean covering ur face it means covering ur body it should not b any problem for any1 if a person chooses to cover their body coverin the face is optional in a hijab (i.e., usin d scarf is optional)
@sidooo1986 (393)
• India
11 Dec 06
I am not a muslim by religion but still would like to comment on that.It might be written in the holy khuran to cover your entire body.But its the 21st century now, its not possible to follow to each and every ritual,custom in your religion.someday its going to lock horns with other people.Its time to change.Also, as rightly pointed out by Babykay,it may aid terror elements to work freely under the cover of the veil.
@Nazo75 (56)
• Pakistan
11 Dec 06
I respect your comment but allow me to clarify this a little. Although Quran was revieled 1400 years ago, but what it has, it has for our guidance till the end of time, as after Quran, no other book will be revieled.
It will make my comment too long if I go in depth, but just to give you a flavor, there are several things written in the Quran that were revieled 1400 years ago, but scients have discovered them or proved them true now within the last 100 years or so. This means Quran has so much for us to learn and to take lessons from and there is no expiry date.
Veil perhaps was not as important at the time of the introduction of Quran or Islam. But now it is more. Just throw a blind guess that how many people out there are wolves by nature and attracted towards women. And this attraction starts from the face. As the time is passing, the population of the world is growing and due to the media and movies, the thurst for women is increasing day by day in the most of the men.
If a woman is hiding her face, she is in fact protecting herself from results that could lead to many unethical deeds in the society.
As I have written in my earlier post, who does not want to expose her beauty. I think everyone. If she is not doing so, she is doing it in someone's love and respect and that is the love for her God and respecting the order of God.
@ozangel82 (753)
• Australia
11 Dec 06
I think that in a few of the muslim countries the women don't have to wear the veil or Burqa unless they want to, I'm not an expert on the subject but I do know that Jordanian women are given a choice, and those that do choose to wear them are proud to, not made by force or oppression. We in Australia not long ago had a similar debate as a muslim woman in Adelaide wanted to wear her Burqa on her drivers licence, which in the end she was allowed to do. I dont find this fair as I was under the impression that muslim women were not allowed to drive, so if she is unwilling to break the tradition of wearing her burqa, then why is she so keen to break the tradition of not driving?
@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
11 Dec 06
I don't think that many people in the West want to dictate to women what to wear or not wear. But no matter what anybody says, people in public covering their faces are very difficult to identify, therefore this practice poses a security threat. It is ironic that more Muslim countries such as Turkey have banned the burqa and veil already. Another thing to note is that while some women wear the veil as they wish to maximize their religious piety, others wear it as they fear ostracization from their families and communities or perhaps more serious consequences. It is not always a woman's choice to wear such a garment.
There is no obligation upon women to wear a veil covering their faces according to Sharia law or the Koran, therefore it cannot be considered a religious duty for any Muslim women. Using the language of open mindedness to endorse repressive practices such as covering a human being's face, thus annihilating their identity is indeed a perversion of the liberalism some people seem to think they are propogating.
For those in the west who think they are being open minded and wanting to respect Muslim culture, how do you feel about female genital mutilation, also endorsed by alot of women who see it as an expression of their culture? Would you be happy about your daughter marrying into such a culture? No I didn't think so. The freedom we enjoy in the western world has limits, and it has to, if it is to be maintained.
@chiquita1977 (1706)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I think they should be able to wear veils if they want to it is their choice and nobody should be able to tell them that they cant its their choice and nobody should be able to tell them what they can or cannot wear.
@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
11 Dec 06
i dont think that children going to school should have to wear the veil.
but well another thing is i dont care if they just wear them and stick to themselves etc but well i wouldnt send my child to a school which his teacher is wearing a veil. so if the ladies want to be a teacher they shouldnt be able to wear a veil.
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
11 Dec 06
What does wearing a veil have to do with her teaching your child? What if she were blind and teaching, would you not send you child because she has no eyes? Why would you teach your child that there is only one right way and it's your way or no way? This is a free country for a reason. I'm certain a veiled face can teach just as well as an unveiled face. The only exception would be if it's a deaf child trying to learn to read lips!
@preetshweety (1046)
• India
11 Dec 06
Veil hides identity of a woman. She is supposed to cover herself so that others can't see her. But that really works?
May be they feel comfortable in their veil. But Personally I feel that its their religious matter. So we can only respect their religion and nothing else.
@nobodyspecial (1011)
• United States
11 Dec 06
The wearing of veils and/or chadors (I think I got that right) is actually a cultural item that in some way was incorporated into some of the religious sects.
While there are all kinds of justifications for it, and some arguements against it, it started as a practical matter.
In desert countries the air is very dry for the most part. This robs moisture from the skin. Covering up flesh to avoid sun burn was another issue, thus the veils were at one time a 'beauty aid'. Helping women keep their skin moist and soft.
Today with the cremes and oils such a need isn't so great, so the 'justifications' stand firm.
If a woman works, banks or is a public figure, I do agree she should be subject to identifying herself by showing her face, fingerprints etc whatever method works within the confines of the local tradition.
@teenal (1400)
• Dublin, Ireland
11 Dec 06
I believe very much in live and let live and have no problem with the veil from a relegious point of view but you make a very good point about being able to identify somebody. Not just for school children but for society in general.Couriers are expected to remove helmets when delivering anywhere for security reasons and we all need to be able to identify who we are dealing with.
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I've never seen any courier remove their hats here in the U.S. and I've worked with them for years.
@coolcager (496)
• Costa Rica
14 Dec 06
Yes they do wear it always. even if they are in public places. bec. its there religion i think.
@chiquitita (1226)
• Indonesia
12 Dec 06
I agree with rakinitin, you're right! I think no one should make any rules about what to wear and not to wear. USA claims to be the most advance country, but cant accept that single little fact that we are absolutely free to choose our religion? Why should be veil connected to public safety? Because you never know who's inside? Do you always know the people around you at the bank? Do you know all of them exactly? It's indeed offensive. I am sure Americans are smart enough not to be so close minded.
@rms2727 (815)
• India
11 Dec 06
I've always found this custom adopted by Muslims to be quite funny. and in fact it is truly a greater threat to the security Of the general public, because you never know who is behind The Veil.
To begin with this should be banned at least in important public places and high security areas.
even in general this is just a strategy to torture females so I guess it should be removed on humanitarian grounds as well
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I think the veil is most stupidest thing I have ever seen. Thankgoodness I dont come across it much,because I live in the USA.
@umeshpr (4)
• India
11 Dec 06
Every country has its beliefs & cultures which has to be respected.
In Muslim countries,even foreigners do wear a veil to respect the local cultures & traditions.Similarly people should respect other countries traditions when living there or visiting while maintaining their culture.
@honestbike (8)
• India
11 Dec 06
I dont think muslim women should be allowed to wear this type of viels in the public. because we live in a common society. and we have to see each other in person.. while they talk or communicating to each other..