Ilegal aliens affecting the economy
@RealityChecker (290)
United States
December 10, 2006 9:57am CST
We have a situation with ilegal aliens in our area that is starting to get out of control. There is a strip of houses ( 15 ) that house at least 30 individuals each. I feel bad for these people as they are here to try to make a better life for themselves and their family. Unfortunately, the money that they make is
#1 not taxed ( big problem with that )
#2 sent to their home contries for their families
( big problem with that too)
So the money is not being taxed or even being pumped back into our economy. That hurts this country.
What do you think?
34 responses
@DorianPrice (16)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I dont think that you have actually sat down and thought about what it would be like without ilegal aliens helping this country. Because I doubt that most of us white collars would ever want to do the jobs that they do. Do you feel like spending 10-12 hours a day picking grapes or harvesting lettace? We have become pampered and if we started getting ride of the people who do actually bust there humps ever day to make a little bit of money even tho they send it back to puru or mexico or where ever, we would never have anyone to fill those jobs. I live in California and you dont know how many people make the ignorant comment of MEXICANS are taking over california. The reason I call that an ignorant comment is because CALIFORNIA use to be part of mexico and we were the ones that came here.
People need to think deeper into this ilegal alien work discussion, because truly do you see any homeless mexican bums? ones that originaly came from mexico sitting infront of walmart with a tin can NO there in a field and making there money the right way.
send some of OUR white people (yes im white so i can say this) that are begging on the streets to a field and pay them .10 cents an hour to pick grapes, I bet you they would turn it down in a heart beat.
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@sexysilver (928)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Thank you! I was raised a Cali girl & we were taught (it was a heated debate in our public school) that the jobs we were "losing" were ones we already avoided. They are simply picking up our slack & getting a drastic paycut (compared to what legal citizens would make).
@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I agree that we don't want to pick our own food, mow our own lawns, etc, I don't complain about the fact that they take "good American jobs" as so many put it. None of us want those jobs, lets be honest. But, they should come in through the legal channels. They should also contribute to our economy by buying things in the US. I know how bad it is back in Mexico, I've been there. I know they need to send money home to their families... but they aren't giving back to the economy they are taking from. And it really irks me that they come here illegally and wave their Mexican flags from their cars and say "Viva Mexico" if you like Mexico so much - Go HOME! Don't come here where there is better oppertunity and say Viva Mexico. That's ridiculous. I think the idea of putting up a fence along the border is ridiculous as well. We need immigrants in this country. We should be allowing more to come in legaly.
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@RealityChecker (290)
• United States
10 Dec 06
You o speak the truth in that many whites (me too so I can say it) snub their noses up at physical labor it's true. But that does not change the core fact that they are note here legally they do not pay into the SS system but they do draw from it. My sister works at the SS office here and they all come in to get services and get approved. There are a few loop holes in the way business is conducted there. Do you realize that they are taking sevice that you our a member of your family may need?

@Bevsue (251)
• United States
11 Dec 06
At this point it is a numbers game and we have reached the saturation point. We simply cannot have uncontolled hoards of people flooding into the country. There HAS to be some sort of regulation of this. The quality of life is diminishing for all of us.
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@sexysilver (928)
• United States
10 Dec 06
Your right, we should be offering all those good paying jobs they are stealing from LEGAL CITIZENS. LEGAL CITIZENS should have axxcess to those jobs first.
So all of you LEGAL citizens, post here if you want help finding a good job. We got ones here picking berries from dawn till way after dark (must supply your own flashlights) - but it pays an amazing $4 / DAY!!!!!!!! Imagine what you can buy with all that money people!! (PS don't forget to put some of that $$$ back to pay your taxes with, cuz we don't take it outta your checks.
Also we have other good jobs cleaning other peoples feces up from ruptures sewer pipes. You'll make an amazing $30/day on this great, hot, sweaty, smelly, job. If we can we will cut hazard pay. :)
Apply now before we give away these great jobs to illegal aliens!
@RealityChecker (290)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I will not argue the point that they do do the jobs that most people find distasteful
@sexysilver (928)
• United States
10 Dec 06
Thank you & the other point I had is they do these jobs for very little. Not because they are unquilified (like for picking berries), or that these are high in demand jobs, but they get such little pay because they were born in another country. If they keep the cost of friuts & veggies down in the supermarkets, why are we willing to pay more for our food instead of just makeing the sacrifice of living with them???
@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Get real sexysilver... most American's would rather sit back and collect unemployment than pick citrus, work in the kitchen, mow lawns and the other jobs Mexican immigrants do. They aren't stealing jobs from legal citizens. Give me a break.

@sammy1128 (241)
• China
11 Dec 06
i dont think so ,the illegal alens somehow is good to the local economy as cheap labors.being illegal immigrants they earn little for their hard work which local residents never acceptive ,and live badly,of course they should de in good control.

@1producerswife (65)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I think that American citizens need to step up to the plate and quit patronizing businesses that employ them. My husband and I have been doing some remodeling in our home. We hired a flooring company that only employs US citizens. We had to pay a bit more but as strongly as we both feel about the issue it was worth it. I have no problem with someone wanting a better life but just because you want it does not give you the right to take it. I want a Maserati. Should I just go down the street and claim my neighbors? And when she discovers that I have it tell her , well I have it now so that makes it mine but you can keep paying the insurance on it. Sounds ludicrous does'nt it?
@RealityChecker (290)
• United States
11 Dec 06
good for the local economy? how is that? the ss office is flooded. There's a bunch of them hanging out on corner's and in parking lots. Can we discuss the affect on the environment when there's 30 in a house with cesspools? Cheap labor yes but that only works out for their bosses (landscaping companies and the like) it does not help the economy. One thing that it does do on a positive note... better and larger selection of authentic foods in the ethnic section.

@edras_2 (299)
• United States
11 Dec 06
After reading your post,I decided to read some of the responses.I see that a lot of people are saying what they see on the news , which may or not be true.I'am married to a Mexican man,who entered this country legally,so I am little closer to this situation.Fisrt of all ,let me say that even though I'm married to a Mexican,I have little sympathy for the illegals.Because,1.Most hispanics have little or no respect for Americans.2.The idea that they are working low paying jobs is FALSE!I have worked in restuarants where the illegals made MORE than I did,And worked LESS!ALL of the ones I make between 10$ &15$ per hour!They live 7 to 12 poeple per apartment,drive NEW trucks and get food stamps,government paid healthcare,HOW?I couln't get help for my healthcare and I couldn't afford health insurance at the time because I made 7.50 per hour!I don't know why they even bother to send their kids to school, they aren't learning English!My husband didn't speak English either, but studied two hours every night,after working 2 jobs,until he learned.If they were all like him, it would be ok.I think one thing that would help ( the first thing)would be if employers and apartment managers VERIFIED their papers and SS numbers before hiring & renting to these people.Aren't they supposed to?If the illegals found it a little harder to find housing & jobs they wouldn't overrunning us the way they are.

@edras_2 (299)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Thank you for best response.This situation has affected me personally and I have the last two tears doing research into this and I think that if I,a private citizen can do this on my own time and find out the things I have,that the government could and SHOULD,too.
@RealityChecker (290)
• United States
14 Dec 06
I love what you have to say! I never select "best response because then maybe no one else will respond and then that's the end of communication.

@RealityChecker (290)
• United States
10 Dec 06
THey do provide a service but the bottom line is they are here ilegally and do not pay into the system.
@ekelly (5)
• United States
11 Dec 06
As far as I know, you have to have a social security number to file a tax return. So, if illegals are filing tax returns......they are doing it with FAKE SS numbers!!!!!
Which means they are continuing to break the law!
@remaster74 (4064)
• Greece
11 Dec 06
Ok, this is a great problem in my country also. the economy is very badly hurt by the illegal immigrants. And the government pays them to start their own business, they pay them if they have no money to live with, they pay them in order to buy a house. And for Greek citizens what there is? Nothing! I think all this help thing will make us all immigrate somewhere else!
@RealityChecker (290)
• United States
11 Dec 06
sounds like this is a world wide problem. Yes here too they will get food stamps and rent vouchers
@RealityChecker (290)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Hello? Have you read any ofthe 4 pages before you or are you just a random poster?
@rjbass (1422)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I agree with you mostly.
I don't have a problem with them sending the money home to support their families but I do have a problem with their "ender the table' income when I am paying 25+% in income taxes plus state income tax plus social security.
My main issue with this topic is that they are undocumented. I don't care about the ethnic origin or the number but when our government has to dump so much of our tax dollars into ineffectivly controlling unlawful border tax dollars could be put to better use.
@RealityChecker (290)
• United States
10 Dec 06
The the ethnic origin of undocumented workers is of no concern to me but as you said controlling unlawful border crossings it's just not an answer
@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I agree with you on this - but they also spend almost no money while they are here. They share housing, buy very little food, clothes, etc. They are not giving back to our economy what they are taking.
@moneytree (188)
• India
11 Dec 06
Let them make money and you find some other way to make more money.
@RealityChecker (290)
• United States
11 Dec 06
HELLO! Have you not read any post prior to your own? It's not just about money and ss services. It's about flooding the school with children that don't speak the language holding back the education of the children that are here. It's about unhealty and unsanitary living conditions that breed disease.
@TasksGirl (216)
• United States
10 Dec 06
They do pay taxes. Many do get taxes taken out and many do file taxes every spring. Not all but a great deal do.

@rjbass (1422)
• United States
31 Dec 06
As mentioned above, in order for an imigrant to pay taxes, they would need a Social Security Number. If they have a valid one, then the would be documented and hence not be considered illegal. They would also then be qualified to receive for that states minimum wage.
@RealityChecker (290)
• United States
10 Dec 06
That still does not solve the economic problem that SOME follow the rules of this country.

@xdanger (4)
• Greece
11 Dec 06
i studie economics and can tell that the currencie of the country is increased and that is good in normal values
sorry for my bad english :)
@lilliput (32)
• France
10 Dec 06
That’s only a one-sided outlook on the scenario.
It’s a proven fact that the American economy can absorb the repatriation of minimum wage by "alien" to their countries. Theerfore, there isn’t a distinct or definite economical issue concerning these aliens, unless of course they are dependant on the State for aid. Take for instant all the unemployed non-native Muslims in France, now French by virtue of ID cards, who adds to National Debt of that country. Think also: despite the fact that the “aliens” in America may not be contributing to the tax pool, it’s never really "free" to live in the US regardless of who you are and the money you make. So a good chunk of their minimum wage is in fact being pumped right back into the economic pool.
Secondly, "illegal alien" working for next to nothng, simply makes the cost of living a whole lot less for teh general public, including you, where production costs (etc...) are concerned.
So if there is a problem of "illegal aliens"....i'd say its "crime" and "violence" - social as oposed to economic.
@RealityChecker (290)
• United States
10 Dec 06
You do realize that most of the individuals I speak of are drawing SS benefits that they have not paid into the system to receive right?
@justbreethe78 (1)
• United States
3 Sep 09
Do you realize that California holds 39% of this country's welfare and that ILEGAL ALIENS hold 26.8% of that? Not our problem my butt. California is going down because it can't afford to support them anymore. They are sucking our economy dry and their crime rate is violent and rampant. We need a "Great Wall of America" to keep them out. With millions out of work, there's our new jobs, building a wall. And when they come over pregnant their illegal kids need to be called illegal too, not citizens.
@steffylikewoah (1762)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I completly agree with you. I won't even get started on the whole illegal alien thing.. because the whole situation pisses me off. But you're sooooooo right.
@RealityChecker (290)
• United States
10 Dec 06
unfortunately, being right doesn't solve the crisis that this country is in over the situation
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Politicians are making it worst. They should stop it long time ago.
@RealityChecker (290)
• United States
11 Dec 06
exactly what are you saying? should stop what? are you just a poster?
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Yes it does. and you should not feel sorry for them. They wanted to comehere. You should really report them. I know its hard to do, but if you dont you are helping to add to this terriable situation.
@RealityChecker (290)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I think what I am about to say is gonna get me in trouble:
I really am not concerned about conditions from their countries. I am concerned aboutthe condition of my country. America land of the free home of the brave. Our country is being crippled by the pressure on the SS as well as the economy as a whole. My landscaper does not use undocumented workers. My contractor was forced to show me papers on his workers before I would allow the project to continue. Come here they way my great great grandparents did. Legally entered via ellis island thank you very much. They didn't speak english and had to learn HELLO!!!!
@1producerswife (65)
• United States
11 Dec 06
In my opinion when you choose not to follow laws and rules you have to pay the consequences. As far as I'm concerned this matter should not even be up for discussion. When an illegal alien requires medical attention,has an automobile accident or commits an additional crime, (other than residing in the US illegally)US tax payers are forced to absorb those costs. We are not given a choice as to whether or not we want to contribute. These examples only scratch the surface of a problem that is completely out of control.
@RealityChecker (290)
• United States
11 Dec 06
So where do we go from here. Each day more and more borderhopper arrive. INS does not deport so what's left?
@dnorris1369 (7)
• United States
10 Dec 06
illegal aliens are a huge problem i believe they have a right to come over and work and earn money as long as they live by our RULES but of course as everyone knows that sure is not what is happening
@RealityChecker (290)
• United States
10 Dec 06
And from the way things are going it's only goingto get worse
@grasshopper5257 (438)
• Canada
12 Apr 08
I agree! The last numbers I heard were that there are 20 million illegal alien in our country. I also heard that American funds are the number 2 income for Mexico with Oil being number 1. Now that is huge to me. That means that illegals sending American funds to their Mexican families is a greater number than any other business, including farming in Mexico. And that money isn't coming back up north anytime soon either. A big share of our manufacturing is going south to Mexico so they are not buying American goods with our American money.
Now as far as them not paying taxes on the income that they are making is very true, even though the liberal media would like for you to believe otherwise. The only money that they are paying in is what is withheld and believe me, they are not claiming only one or two dependents, they are claiming as many as they can and having the least amount taken out of their checks. They would be craxy to file at the end of the year for a refund, their phony Social Security number would get kicked back at them as invalid and their address would be on the form. That would make them an easy target for ICE to come visiting.
So, Yea, they do hurt our economy and Country.