My favorite teacher
By bb00100bb
@bb00100bb (193)
December 10, 2006 7:45pm CST
My favorite teacher
The teacher who I want to introduce to you is my favorite teacher. He is about 38 years old. He worked hard and always told me how to learn English effectively.
He is an experienced and successful teacher who may make every student in the class feel special. when the student receive less than a perfect score, he will point out what they have mastered and declare firmly they should learn what they have missed. He never scolds but gives lots of praise instead and Talk about what has been done right. He makes his class lively, every student in our class loves him very much, though he is strict with us. In the class, if you complete a difficult task, he will praise you in public so that you often feel encouraged and feel confident. He always says this: “learning is a process of trying and failing and trying and succeeding. Not to fear the mistake or failure, you will learn faster and achieve success at last”
In the spare time, we often plays together. By his word, I know that knowing the best way to play is really a better student. In the proper time you play, you can do your homework more quickly.
He is not only my teacher, but also is my friend. When I meet him in the street, I always smile to him. I think we are friend forever.
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65 responses
@the_vicar (1477)
• United States
11 Feb 07
It has been many many years since I was in school, but you never forget a good teacher. My favorite teacher was my 5th grade science teacher who was so interesting that we were riveted to our seats. He melped us make chocolate covered ants, brought a cow's stomach and eye for us to dissect, and we got to use microscopes for the first time. I thought he was very cute which, I guess, helped with the attention thing!
@poppoppop111 (5731)
• Canada
11 Feb 07
i had an amazing teacher in 9th grade. she was my math teacher. i used to be a real trouble maker in school and one day i started acting up in her class. she kicked me out, now not just for that day but the entire semester. i was so mad at the time and hated her. but not being able to get away with anything from her really got me thinking. the following i had her again, but this time i was good. this was the first and only class where i listened and didn't act up cause i knew i couldn't get away with it. anyway after this she was very nice to me when i was nice to her and she really made things positive for me. even when the following year she changed schools she would come and tutor me cuase i wasn't doing good in grade 12 math because i was so used to the way she taught and didn't like the other teachers. then when i moved out on my own at 17, i was still in high school and on welfare. she would get me to babysit her kids cause she knew i needed the money and then send me home with containers of food so i always had something to eat. she was amazing and i'll never forget her.
@teufelskind (813)
• United States
12 Dec 06
My favorite teacher is the german teacher i had in high school man he was the coolest he realy motovated me to learn german. I was his student for 4 years. We keep in touch and email eachother he still helps me he sends me notes that i need. We see eachother once in awihle. he is a good man and i to think we will be forever friends. he has also helped me with a lot of personal buesssnis that happend when and after i was his student.
@feathers26 (865)
• Philippines
12 Dec 06
My favorite teacher was my elementary and high school teacher she treats us well,she encourages to study well and good persons.
@mrathlon900 (252)
• Italy
11 Dec 06
My favourite teacher was PIPPO.. my Italian teacher in HIGH SCHOOL
@raveendrareddyc (20)
• India
11 Dec 06
My favorite teacher is Mr.Murali mohan reddy Who taught to me. I studied Mathematics in standard 8th under him.He is one of the best teacher during my life.There are various reasons for that.He had a lot of experience in mathematics.He had done his post graduation from S.V.University.He repeated the things twice so that even an average person could understand it very easily.He was always there to help each and every student at anytime.I didn't go to school regularly,but he encouraged me,I was initially very weak at mathematics as my formula's were not clear.He sat with me for certain days and absolutely helped me clear out my logics..He was quite understanding, loving and caring. i definitely attribute my mathematical skills to him,so definitely he had changed my life, I appreciate him forever........
@raveendrareddyc (20)
• India
11 Dec 06
My favorite teacher who I want to introduce to you is my favorite teacher. She is about 30 years old. She worked hard and always told me how to learn English effectively. He is an experienced and successful teacher who may make every student in the class feel special. when the student receive less than a perfect score, She will point out what they have mastered and declare firmly they should learn what they have missed. She never scolds but gives lots of praise instead and Talk about what has been done right. She makes her class lively, In the class, if you complete a difficult task, She will praise you in public so that you often feel encouraged and feel confident. She always says this: “learning is a process of efficiently getting activities completed through and succeeding. Not to fear the mistake or failure, you will learn faster and achieve success at last” In the spare time, we often plays together. I know that knowing the best way to play is really a better student. In the proper time you play, you can do your homework more quickly.I'm very happy with her teaching. She is not only my teacher, but also she is my friend. I always smile to her. I think we are friend forever.
But i don't follow with every movement. when you have to change in different situations after that definitely you will get on... but you don't follow every movement, that's the important for u...k...all the best.....
@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
11 Dec 06
yes teacher's personality put a great impact among children. my favourite teacher was my math teacher at school, he not only teach us our subject but also told us so many things related to everyday life. he was so kind that we always felt free to talked with him. :-)
@alecsing (445)
• India
11 Dec 06
Good teachers can do wonders for children.
I will tell you people a personal experience of mine
I like football and love to play in goal. My football teacher trains us on Wednesdays after school. What is best about him is that he really knows what he is doing - how to play the game. The best thing about football is the medals - if they gave them out for maths or English, I'd be the best. Also, it is very entertaining.
"Once we had a supply teacher and he knew nothing about the game. And it was worse that he didn't care. It is a problem if teachers don't know their subjects very well.
"Football is the only thing that will get me out of bed in the morning. I get really bleary-eyed. I like to attend school but I wish it started at 11.
"I plan to go on to college or university and do whatever it takes. I'd like to be a doctor or a footballer. I'd be willing to work harder at school if I felt that I had a good chance of becoming a doctor.
"My favourite teacher is my form teacher. She is good at explaining the work, and if she catches you talking she goes rawr-rawr-rawr! Just like a tiger.
"My favourite classroom subject is handwriting - that's because I got 95 per cent. I get into trouble sometimes and I get detention, and I think it's not fair. I wonder why and it gets to me. I will try to change my reputation in the future.”
@akash_sky51 (32)
• India
11 Dec 06
The best teacher that I ever had was a woman named Monica Little, she teaches at Lithonia High School. The reason I say that she was my favorite teacher is because her class was always so fun, don't get me wrong we stayed busy with work and her class was just like any other class but it was the way she taught it. Mrs. Little was always real with our class, she never sugar coated anything and that's what I loved about her. In her class sometimes we didn't even work in class she just sat down and talked to us about life and how it is in the real world. I feel like she really prepared me for life after high school. One time when she was talking to our class she broke down and started crying, she really cared about us she was just like a second mother.She started crying because she said that we weren't taking our education seriously and that she was scared that we wouldn't be prepared for the real world . That's why I loved Mrs. Little even though she taught me in my freshman year it still feels like I was in her class just yesterday.
@dharmendra_pawar23 (907)
• India
11 Dec 06
My favorite teacher was scary and mean -- but only in the eyes of those who had never been in her classroom. Those of us who were her students encouraged
@vishnukompella836 (160)
• India
11 Dec 06
yes i also wnat to explain about my teacher too ,because my teacher was an etrordinary man and he is my maths teacher .he used to teach in a different maner.