What if gays went on strike? How would it effect the economy?
By Pigglies
@Pigglies (9329)
United States
December 10, 2006 9:22pm CST
I was listening to the radio tonight and heard that tomorrow on A&E, there will be a special about what would happen if gays went on strike to get their rights for gay marriage.
I thought this was an interesting topic, so I wanted to see what others thought would happen.
Here's what I think would happen:
1. Not everyone would participate because a lot of gay people (probably most) are not out at work.
2. If everyone did participate, it would greatly affect the economy, but especially in creative sectors.
My girlfriend thinks no new fashions would come out if gays went on strike. What do you think would be most affected?
31 responses
@cachitodemialma (1313)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Honestly, I think it's incredibly lame that they even have to do such a thing. I think your comment about the creative sector & fashions being affected by it are stereotypes. I personally KNOW a lot of gay men and women and they don't doo EITHER! I worked a hotel where 75% of the people working there were gay...all living different types of lifestyles. Lots of business everywhere would be affected...there are more gays out there than people would like to admit.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I know those are stereotypes. ;)
I don't even know any gay people in those sectors. I know: biologists, web designers, office managers, landscapers, and social workers. :)
I think most sectors of the ecomony would be affeced IF people who weren't out of the closet at work would come out for the strike.
@cachitodemialma (1313)
• United States
11 Dec 06
IF they do walk out, Id walk out too! Its a right I truely believe they should have. I would def walk in support of them.

@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
11 Dec 06
It's an interesting concept, and it's very sad that the gays feel they have to resort to this type of strategy to be granted the right to be happy.
I think that most openly gay people WOULD participate- look at the impact that the Gay Pride parades have in all of the major US cities. As a group, the gays have been forced to unify, which will be good for their cause. Another example is the "Act Up" movement to demand awareness and support from politicians and citizens for AIDS awareness in the 1980's.
You need to realize that gay people are everywhere- they don't just style hair and design clothing. Gay men and women are doctors, lawyers, engineers, laborers, architects, accountants... The whole economy would be affected.

@charlesming (1865)
• Singapore
11 Dec 06
agree that we are everywhere indeed. actually i still dont know why some people look at it is a problem when there are so many problems out in the world to be solved. we dont hurt anyone and we just wanna be happy like everyone else. we dont blow people up or crash planes. but a mindset is a mindset i guess. like how it is in Xmen..
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I agree with you that most openly gay people would participate. But I think there is still a greater number of gays in the closet at work than those out of the closet.
I would absolutely participate. But when I was not out at work, maybe I wouldn't have. Actually, I probably would have come out for such a massive movement. I think a lot of people would, but others would not. The full effect that could be seen probably would not be seen because of those who do not participate out of fear or just because they don't feel like it.
I think some professions do have a higher percentage of gay people working in them, but yes, we are everywhere!
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I love the way you put it; you just want to be happy, and you don't blow people up or crash planes... That should make people stop to think. Why can't people just be people, instead of everyone being categorized into some group? I have been working in this field for a long time, and find that I get very passionate about gay rights, even though I'm not gay. I guess you've got another advocate- as if you need another big mouth!!

@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
11 Dec 06
If gays went on strike, it would hardly affect the economy at all. Why?
First off, gays will tell you, and they right, that gays are found all over the economy, in all walks of life, and that they are a very diverse group.
Secondly, and most won't tell you this, they at most are about 2% of the population.
Sure, there are specific locations where the % is much higher as it is not unusual for similar people to seek each other out, but check the serious sociological research on this. 2% is a little on the high side for the % of overall gay population.
Now, if its true they are about 2% and they are a very diverse group, what would it matter if they all took off?
Any large business can function with 2% of its people gone. Most do so every day anyway!
As to gay marriage, I say let them! I think the countries that have allowed gay marriage found no determintal consequences. In fact, they found that when gays were allowed to marry, most still did not do so. Why not?
The push for gay marriage is mostly a cry for attention. Most don't even really want it. But if they do, so what?
I predict that if gay marriage were allowed without any fanfare, the number of gay marriages throughout the country would be relatively small. And that the % of gay divorces would be quite high as they discovered what marriage is really all about.

@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
12 Dec 06
I mean about 2% of the population is gay at most, either in or out of the closet. There have been serious studies on this. You can search them out yourself. They are hard to find because this is not a PC fact. Many people just do not want to believe what a small % of the population is gay.
As to the strike, I say, " Let them, no one will hardly care after a few days.".
As to gay marriage, I say, " Let them get married.".
In countries where it has been done, few gays marry.
Mostly the noise from gays about marriage is childish attention getting tantrum behavior. For the most part the gay life style is not about monogamy, commitment, or emotional stability. All these are required for marriage.
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Forgot about the divorce rate!
Last figures I saw, the hetrosexual divorce rate was about 50%. Yes, I predict the gay divorce rate will be much higher then 50%. Why?
It is because of how the divorce rate is calculated. Suppose we consider 4 hetrosexuals and 3 of them marry one time for their entire lives. Let's suppose the 4th one has 3 failed marriages. That's a total of 6 marriages and 3 or 50% failed! This happens to be exactly how the divorce rate is calculated. So, even though 3 of 4, or 75% of our hypothetical hetrosexuals had successful life time marriages, the divorce rate was 50%.
Now that we know how the divorce rate is calculated, what do you think will happen with gays?
Consider that gays are living an unconventional life style to begin with. Gays, by their very existence, prove they are less swayed by cultural norms than most people. Divorce is simply likely to not hold the stigma for them that it does others. Couple this with the gay tendency for promiscuity and I predict a divorce rate around 75%.
This may sound harsh, but we have the example of what has gone on in other countries that have already tried this experiment.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Do you mean 2% as far as how many gays are out of the closet? I think that the number is always going to be higher than estimated so long as their is prejudice against the group. People aren't going to come out and say they are gay if they know it will mean they'll be discriminated against.
Not all gays are going to get married if it's allowed. Not all straight people marry either. It just depends. But I'm with you that the option should be there and it isn't detrimental to anyone.
I don't agree that gays don't know what marriage is about. I think many people realize the commitment. The straight marriage divorce rate is quite high, I'd be surprised if gays could top it.

@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
11 Dec 06
If you went by the stereotypes... you would have to cut/color/style your own hair, design your own clothes, decorate your own houses, coordinate your own parties, and turn your own men into metrosexuals (you know like Qu eer Eye For the Strait guy).
But honestly... I know a lot of gay people and only a few cut hair. The rest are lawyers, realtors, doctors, firefighters, construction workers (it's fun to stay at the ymca), store owners, etc.

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
11 Dec 06
true enough....In fact most of the gay community that I know ahve nothing to do with fashion or any industry of the like..in fact I can only think of two men I know that were hairdressers back when I was a kid...everyone else I know is in politics, law enforcement, education, medical, construction, computers, retail etc etc..
as for the show, if I've not missed it yet I'd like to see it because I'm curious what they came up with..as for striking...well I'd walk in a heartbeat....partly because its time soemthing was done and partly becaue I'm part of the g/l/b/t community ;-)

@charlesming (1865)
• Singapore
11 Dec 06
the implication is that, the number of homosexuals is significant. enough to cause a stir, assuming a vast majority of the people do take part.
it wont happen here in my country though that is for sure..
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I cannot believe that in the year 2006 someone asks "How do Gays contribute to the economy".
Don't you view gays as contributing members of society??
Get used to it, because they are everywhere, and they are not going away...

@charlesming (1865)
• Singapore
11 Dec 06
yes indeed. people dont believe when one is so manly that he's gay. cause it just doesnt seem so. and i ask them, u mean u can tell when someone is gay just by looking? Even though we have such thing as gaydar, it is not always accurate. what makes them think they know who is gay and who is not. it is just stereotypes. and it is all the media's fault too! :)

@FrostBittenFruit (69)
• United States
13 Dec 06
I guess I'm falling behind on this particular topic but felt the need to throw in my two cents anyway. I agree that most people have not come out to everyone in their lives yet. Whether or not this is the right cause to do so, I'm not so sure. I think everyone should do what makes them happy. There is nothing in the world better than being with someone who accepts you for who you are. That is not limited to being gay or straight. Happpiness comes from all different sources.
Marriage was originally a way of enforcing a contract. The father of the bride got paid in exchange for the servitude of his daughter into the groom's family. A female was property and sold/exchanged as such. A virgin was worth more, etc., etc.. Later these exchanges had more to do with the mutual benefits of the families involved. Over the centuries, religion has become the center point of marriage. Once again in order to enforce the religious agenda, when in reality, it was really to enforce political agendas.
I think it is forward thinking for mankind to finally go beyond those preset notions of marriage. If the union of two people for the purpose of true happiness is not good enough than what is?
Divorce use to be against GOD's will, as with adultery!
I think it's about time we think for ourselves and not what society deem as proper.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
13 Dec 06
So true! I think marriage should be more about love and happiness than being between opposite sexes. I think the problem is, a lot of people who don't even read the Bible think that they believe in it, so when people use it to tell them that something is wrong, they'll believe it (especially if they are already prejudiced). So rather than thinking for themselves, people would rather believe an outdated religious book (that doesn't even say half the things people seem to think it does).
@tigrashadow (1086)
• Australia
1 Jan 07
not everyone would be 'out' at their workplace but im sure that many staight people would also walk out if they agreed....it would affect such a wide spectrum of sectors in the workforce...i think it would put a bigger dent in the economy than people realise
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I agree, I think it would be bigger than people realize. And still, not everyone would come out.
In the civil rights movement for African Americans, there were also many white supporters that helped. I think it will be a similar case on this issue (many straight people would support gay marriage).
@AlmightyBigfoot888 (553)
• United States
12 Dec 06
it would destroy our economy, but our economy in the US is about as bad as any other country's, no matter how you look at it.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
12 Dec 06
I don't know if it would destroy the economy. Think about the 1918 influenza pandemic. That did some huge damage because of how many people were killed, how many home from work, etc. but the economy wasn't destroyed. Or World War II when a lot of people were taken from the workforce. Effected, but not destroyed.
I hope some people will comment who saw this show too. I thought it was good, but kind of superficial since it went by stereotypes mostly.
@Script (592)
• Australia
13 Dec 06
If the gays went out on strike the world would cease to exist as we know it!!!
We are everywhere, even in places that some people forget to look...
Could you imagine the spectatular visual display as we marched to get the same rights as everyone else. (Which is a whole topic all of it's very own).
The whole spectrum of the rainbow out in force. Teachers, doctors, designers, artists, mums and dads, kids of the mums and dads, acrobats, waiters, surfers, artists, farmers, coal miners, computer programmers and any other career you could possibly think of.
Any one occupation you can think of would be represented. Therefor every part of society would be effected even if it was only in a small way.
I for one would like to be a part of this day. I believe a lot of gay people feel very strongly about gay marriage and equal rights and would love to see a day like this organised so they can participate.
When future generations look back at all that we have achieved I hope they read the struggle for gay equal rights in the same way they read about gaining the vote for women, negro causes, peace and equal rights for women (which I hope will be achieved at the same time!)
What an amazing world that would be. I'd love to be a part of that and hope to see that in my lifetime...
@cajundharma (641)
• United States
1 Jan 07
In my area, I know of one mental health agency that would have to shut down because its executive director and two of its social workers would be on strike. The fundraising coordinator for the local United Way office, the head sales rep for a company that manufactures parts for oil rigs, the owner of a bed and breakfast, a school that offers horseback riding classes to disabled children, their director would be on strike. Personally, I know a lot more GLBT people in the mental health and social work field than the fashion industry.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
29 Dec 06
I love this A&E movie. I have it recorded on my DVR; I share it with folks all the time. I think the creative arts would be affected, of course. But I also think that lots of LGBT folks are in many professions that most people wouldn't "suspect", whatever that means. I think a lot more folks would come out if "gays on strike" happened.
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
11 Dec 06
I think the whole suggestion of a strike is ludicrous.
They may a valid argument on the grounds of legislation not condoning gay marriages, and I would even support them on that point because if I am allowed to get married then so should they. However, this has no relation to employment and I fail to understand how a person can go on strike from the railways or a cafe etcetera for such an unrelated reason. If anyone in my employ refused to attend work for such a reason then I would have no alternative but to start disciplinary action for absenteeism.
Would you go on strike because the TV licence went up or because you was refused a passport?
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I think the purpose of the strike would be to get people to see how much gays really affect everyone. We're not second class citizens that you can just push aside because people think there aren't many of us. Even if for one day no one who was GLBT went to work, it would be a lot of people not working that day. People would see that, and have to rethink how much we mean to society.
There was a day awhile back out here where illegal immigrants and their families/relatives etc. didn't go to work. But I think a gay strike would have a far greater impact than that.
@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I don't really understand what that means, they're going on strike. from their jobs? Well isn't that just hurting them selves. Please explain this to me.
@Truewater2 (322)
• United States
11 Dec 06
First of all, I do wish folks would stop treating those who engage in an alternative lifestyle as if they were separate beings from another planet. The distinction only serves to enforce separatism.
In response to your question, if any large segment of a given population boycotted a particular market, the natural result would be a substantial decline in revenue for the boycott's targeted products and its related industries.
@dexterous21 (1180)
• Philippines
11 Dec 06
They will be affecting themselves because they are going to strike for their own interest alone. If gays compose the biggest investment in the economy and the business sector then it might affect the economy.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
13 Dec 06
Even if they aren't the biggest part of the economy, they'd still have some effect.
They could affect themselves positively by winning the right to marry. Or just lose money. But at least it might make people realize how many gay people really are out there.
@vinaykant (812)
• India
11 Dec 06
i think the strike is the last option for employees but before go on strike they must have to think about the effects of the action taken by them.