By rebeka
@rebeka (364)
December 11, 2006 5:44am CST
do u belive in magic?Contrary to what those who choose to persecute or lie about us wish to believe, Wicca is a very peaceful, harmonious and balanced way of thinking and life which promotes oneness with the divine and all which exists.
Wicca is a deep appreciation and awe in watching the sunrise or sunset, the forest in the light of a glowing moon, a meadow enchanted by the first light of day. It is the morning dew on the petals of a beautiful flower, the gentle caress of a warm summer breeze upon your skin, or the warmth of the summer sun on your face. Wicca is the fall of colorful autumn leaves, and the softness of winter snow. It is light, and shadow and all that lies in between. It is the song of the birds and other creatures of the wild. It is being in the presence of Mother Earths nature and being humbled in reverence. When we are in the temple of the Lord and Lady, we are not prone to the arrogance of human technology as they touch our souls. To be a Witch is to be a healer, a teacher, a seeker, a giver, and a protector of all things. If this path is yours, may you walk it with honor, light and integrity.
Wicca is a belief system and way of life based upon the reconstruction of pre-Christian traditions originating in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. While much of the information of how our ancestors lived, worshiped and believed has been lost due to the efforts of the medieval church to wipe our existence from history, we try to reconstruct those beliefs to the best of our ability with the information that is available.
Thanks to archaeological discoveries, we now have basis to believe that the origins of our belief system can be traced even further back to the Paleolithic peoples who worshipped a Hunter God and a Fertility Goddess. With the discovery of these cave paintings, estimated to be around 30,000 years old, depicting a man with the head of a stag, and a pregnant woman standing in a circle with eleven other people, it can reasonably be assumed that Witchcraft is one of the oldest belief systems known in the world toady. These archetypes are clearly recognized by Wiccan as our view of the Goddess and God aspect of the supreme creative force and predate Christianity by roughly 28,000 years making it a mere toddler in the spectrum of time as we know it.
So what do u think? Can we work out our problems trough magic? Or do u belive in the power of the mind?
46 responses
@hasuydam (3)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I do believe in Wicca. I would like to learn more about it. I do believe in magic and the power of the mind. I do get premonitions. Unfortunately, they usually come to me via dreams and are not always clear. What happens after that isn't always right on the money, but very close. Also, I believe I am an empath. I feel emotions from people very strongly. I am very sensitive to the feelings of those around me. If my close friends are not ready to discuss something with me, they avoid me because they know I will pick up instantly on their mood. I am also a Christian. I read in one of the books I have that you could believe in God and Wicca at the same time. Wicca is peaceful.
@dustyland87 (148)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Wow I believe that everyone is born with a certian level of stupidity however I think you've proven that there are those of us who have an over abundace of it. I think by far that had to be the dumbest thing I've ever read.
@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
11 Dec 06
Well i dont believe in magic but doesnt wicca relate to witchcraft and satanism
thats all greek in nature and then why do they say that they are against the devil when what they are performing is satanic in nature?
But then i like one of its concept
Whatever you bear is what you do
if you fail that's cuz you didnt do any attempt
If you were successful its for you
Everything and each consequence of your life depends on what you do!
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Wicca, paganism or similar has nothing to do with the devil or satan. The devil and satan are Christian beliefs and have nothing to do with the practice of witchcraft. You must realize that the actual religion bears little if no resemblance to what the Church and others put out for years. There are many good sites on the web where you can find information on this including The Witches Voice: http://www.witchvox.net/ they have a great deal of information and can help you research it more.
@rebeka (364)
• Romania
13 Dec 06
wicca an dwitchcraft dosn't relate to satanism. it dosnn't matter what kind of magic u make it matters what u want to achive with that. if u have a good heart u do good things but if u are evil and worship satan u can be a wiccan but at the surface but deep down u are bad.
@BellRose (31)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Yes as a matter of fact I do believe in Magik. As I am a "baby pagan/wiccan" as my friend calls me :-). I remember when I really saw evidence that it was all real. My b/f, (who got me into it more), & his family were camping in the Redwoods; and after dinner while my b/f and I were on a walk & my stomach started hurting to the point it hurt to walk. So he sat me down on a bench in an ajoining (sp) campsite; and as he began to kiss me, he then pulled away and blew into the wind. When I opened my eyes I could see this large mass of blackness disapate into the air. It was within only a few seconds that I instantly feelt better. :-) It was a really awsome experience.
But keep in mind for anyone else that is reading this; it is true that in order to fully see such blessed & awsome moments you need to first at least believe that it's a possability. Entering into Wicca/Paganism w/ an open mind is such an amazing thing. There are so many good things involved with the wiccan/pagan religon. And as you said there are so many differnt branches of the religon..
I as myself know that I have much more to learn. As I have even heard from a dear friend, (who's been practicing for over 10yrs now), who still finds himself learning new things all the time. I can't wait to continue to grow & learn everything possible :-)
Brightest Blessings,
@utsadetti (4589)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Is wicca similar to subud?
I know a bit about subud but wicca is something new for me.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I am a Pagan/Wiccan and I believe ina ll that you said above. I have been studying for 1 full year, I have been accepted into an internet coven and they are the most wonderfull people I have ever met. As far as working problems through magik. Yes. A coven sister and I did a prosparity rituel together and shortley after she had a huge sale through her ebay store and I found mylot. I truly believe it works you just have to give it time to take its course.
Merry Meet
Happy Holidays
@rebeka (364)
• Romania
13 Dec 06
than please share youre knowledge with us. I study white magic for 5 months by myself. I couldn't find a teacher here in my country because if u say that u belive in magic u look like a wierdo. Even if u practice yoga u are a wierd...so think some of us...i don't know why.
@mansha (6298)
• India
11 Dec 06
This is quite a lot to grasp.I am amazed is it true does it really work.Can you help people using this.I do not doubt the existence of such powers but in my mind i had always associated it with some kind of black magic thing.I read that we can message you and ask for help,can i do so too? will you help me,i do not wish to harm anyone only stop them from hurting me.I want them to get busy in their own lives and leave me alone for the time being.can you help me?
@ddnj2006 (652)
• Philippines
12 Dec 06
Yes, I do believe in magic. But all I know, people who will have this ability are those chosen one. They can't make by themselves alone. Chosen disciples are those evaluated if it is qualified to have it or not, based on its own way of living, of its view in life, heart, etc.
Some may not believe in it, cause magic is one of the hidden facts that not everyone can prove. (,")
@arman9890 (452)
• India
12 Dec 06
i really dont believe in magic.. i dont think its all true.. if it is.. then why people dont learn that? thousands of people are millioner.. they should go and learn all those things to get earn much more money.. why corporate is like what we see.. Political? and why no magical?
@gkrisiyer (393)
• India
11 Dec 06
I dont beleive in magic.Magic is a pure eye-wash.An illusion you may call it.People are just fooled into believing what somebody wants them to believe.That's whats magic.Even an optical illusion is magic.What David Blaine does is Magic but it cant cure any problems or resolve any issues or relieve u from any pain.
The mind is powerful.that is why some people can use this power and fool others(in a good way) and call it magic!
@rebeka (364)
• Romania
13 Dec 06
mind power id very strong indeed. but here i'm not talking about illusion. of course u can cure something but i have to belive in it. Did u know that even in bible u have the answers to all problems. For example Psalms if u read the right psalm and light up the right candle u can solve youre problems.
@gokufatherofgohan (72)
• United States
11 Dec 06
The practitioners of this mystery art may be called magicians, conjurors, illusionists or prestidigitators. Artists in other media such as theatre, cinema, dance and the visual arts increasingly work using similar means but regard their magical techniques as of secondary importance to the goal of creating a complex cultural performance.Its really quite interesting.
@LadyRae (12)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Please note that I readily admit I know very little about Wicca as I have never legitimately practiced it in any organized fashion yet I chose to respond because it fascinated me and always have. I really believe that wiccan ways came naturally to me as far back as I can recall. I was raised in a traditional baptist church which aside from the fact that I believe in God, the ways of the church I always found to be for lack of a better term, "frightening". I find the respect and love for our Mother Earth to be as important as anything I've ever learned in church. I would truly like to belong to a wiccan group and learn so much more about their ways but have no idea how to go about it.
@angeliamj (632)
• United States
11 Dec 06
One of my best friend is Wiccan. I didn't know much about it before meeting her other than what you hear (which is rarely positive). I now have a great understanding for it and respect for it. I don't really believe in a magical aspect of it, but I do believe in the power of nature and harmony and I love the concept of Gods and Goddess'. I do believe that everyone take a different stand on it. I feel that it's a subject everyone, especially the critics need to study more before downing it.
@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
11 Dec 06
Sorry, I do not believe in magic. Never saw it working. Never saw one theory that could explain how, why it could work. Never. It doesn´t make sense. It has its roots in past tradition of ignorant people that did not understand what was going on around the world (the thunder is a god, and so on).
But if you believe it and are happy, good luck to you. I respect your right to believe anything you want to be true.
@brendalee (6082)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I have an interest in learning more about it. My boyfriend has been studying the Wiccan for awhile now. Its really quite interesting.
@utsadetti (4589)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Yeah 100 percent I believe in Magic. I am from Indonesia, the third country, which still has so many magical beliefs all over the nation. I myself had learnt a little about it. So in Indonesia is just like an Africa like Voodoo or other magical power.
@DiosaMorada (115)
• United States
16 Dec 06
What an interesting discussion. I have officially been a pagan for 10 years now, but have questioned organized religion since I was a small child. Every faith has it's fanatics, sceptics and nay sayers. I think the worst of them all, though, are those that insult people from their own faith for trying to educate other people and themselves. I was asked to joina coven because of my open mind and willingness to learn. I declined, though because in one of my initial meetings I was heckled for my beliefs by another pagan. I did not feel it would be a positive learning experience if I had to constantly argue. I am not saying everyone should agree with me, but do not insult me for not knowing enough. Teach me instead. So I have moved on to toher who can teach me, very positive people who are thrilled to teach what they know. Go that route, and those that criticize, they will be taught some day the rror of their ways. What goes around comes around.
Blessed be.