Do you Fear...................?

United States
December 11, 2006 8:36am CST
I have one fear that keeps me from enjoying great times with friends and family. And that fear is FLYING! I literaly hate any and everything that FLIES (birds and bugs with wings are NO EXCEPTION) My husband's family reunion is coming up pretty soon and driving is not an option for his family. They are planning to fly and I crinch at the thought of having to get on a plan. My friends are always saying they want to fly to NY or CA for a shopping trip and I just back away from the conversation although I want to be there with them. Many people have said to take a small trip somewhere that's may an hour or less. I just can't imagine myself boarding a plan at all. I get nauseated thinking about it. How can I get over this fear????????
2 responses
@farocop44 (447)
• Canada
11 Dec 06
My fear is being sticky. Its a phobia, I absolutely cant stand being sticky or getting something sticky on me, syrup, glue, tree sap. All drive me nuts.
• United States
11 Dec 06
That's funny because when I was a child I loved to get the elmers glue on my hands and just peel it off! LOL!
@tanujarneja (2829)
• India
11 Dec 06
Yes i fear from god and destiny