By harshadod
@harshadod (858)
December 11, 2006 12:26pm CST
We as a nation are becoming hypocritical. Our senses are not with us. Leaders have lost all kind of rational thinking. Otherwise how do you explain a person like Dr.Manmohan Singh making a comment that the first right on resources is by Muslims.
If you want to improve some one, do by all means but by not making others inferior.
As a nation, we are hell bent about changing the yardstick of success. We may not feel the repercussions today but surely we will.
Will India ever have a revolution?
22 responses
@neeraj07 (577)
• India
12 Dec 06
U are raising a very valid point with pointing to the caste politics that's followed by our politicians. But you know deaf people can never hear unless there's a explosion i.e. someone of our society revolts against it. And I believe we have become so used to things like caste politics and other social problems like caste reservations, corruption and the like that we don't oppose these things and take it as a part of our life.
Its high time that people of india stand up against these things and stop supporting people who do it. Another point is that its not only Mr. Manmohan singh's govt. but its the case with all of the parties. May it be BJP, who just banks on anti-muslim politics and anyone else. They all are the same so you cant really point out anyone. The whole system has to change and that too very soon.
@vinod_sailes (214)
• India
23 Dec 06
I see no reason why Indian public should become skeptical all of a sudden about a remark attributed to PM Manmohan Singh, who sields the populist mandate, hearing a coalition of parties at the centre and thereby having rightful authority to make a comment on the need of the hour to soothe the exhausted mindset of a community that has had to bear the brunt of a communal hate campaign, emanating from a prejudiced populace (read India) that has been driven to the wall by some stray elements taking advantage of the vulnerability of Indian culture. As a matter of fact, BJP has been fanning fire against this very community (read Islam) for all and every stray incident that emerge on account of a psychologically and communally divided nation, having to cope with unwanted intrusions from across the border. There is need for us to cultivate communal harmony, not only in theory but in our every day aspect and accept the muslims as sons of the same soil and brothers in arms against any extraneous or terrorist related incidents.
The attitude or verbatim comment of a PM therefore, needs to be taken with a pint of salt and not blow the balloon out of proportion as if the rest of the country are going to be discarded by a PM, who is himself a citizen owing allegience to a particular community, namely Sikh. Therefore, I see no need for a revolution in a country which has seen many ups and downs and yet survived every odd through transparency and steadfastness.
As an afterthought it may be said that the communal party whose mindset has been totally against the minorities in the counry and whch was the main reason for allowing a "Pokhran" to override the actual needs of the country, has been creating a wedge not only between two neighbours but also two (or mor) communities of the same country to which they belong. The hate campaign unleashed by the BJP and their ilk ought to be contained and allow the country to progress on peaceful ways.
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@harshadod (858)
• India
23 Dec 06
The skepticism is not about the remark made by our PM, but about our attitude and actions in our day to day life. There is rather a passiveness in our action concerning the nation and the society. We accept whatever standard is dished out to us.
The divide and rule policy is in place. This is mainly employed by the politician.
To bring the marginalized society into the mainstream is a huge task. It requires participation of everybody. It should be a win win proposition .
For that to happen a healthy respect towards humanity should develop.
The thrust should be to improve the health and education of a society and especially females. Education should comprise both vocational and also the initiation to think for oneself.
Our acceptance of corruption and the 'chalta hai attitude' will cahnge only by a revolution.
@mlmpeople (777)
• India
12 Dec 06
You BJP biased people always trying to find fault with Congress.For every petty reasons you guys want to talk all nuts. Your vajpai went and hugged all pakistanis and said all praising them, started bus service to pakistan allowed terrorists an easy way to enter India ? Where were you then.From the very tone I can understand you are a BJP man. Manmohan singh is a gentleman.Much greater than all your BJP leaders put together.What was BJP doing ? Demolish thier masjids and go and lick thier shoes for vote.Congress is not double standard like that. PM has not said anything wrong for you all get boils.
Think anything constructive than just waiting to find fault with congress or any other party.You people dont have any better agenda other than finding fault with the ruling parties.You people cant stand any party or religion but want all the benefits from every where.You cant tolerate America but want jobs there.Afterwards you want green card to stay there parmanently.Where is your rational thinking when you can afford to think only this way, the narrow way ? India needs a revolution now to silence the dirty communal parties.BJP has not done anything to HINDU's.Show me one hindu got benefited by BJP during thier period.Agriculture products lost the market completed. Coffee was 3000.00rs a bag during congress period slashed to Rs.450/- during BJP period.Take the example of cashionut,rubber, aracknut, cadmum... anything, same case.Now again those rates have come back almost.BJP had only one agenda i.e.communal.Big rational thinker varify facts, than finding word by word faults.Congress is also full of Hindus only.BJP is hypocritical always.
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@valmiki9 (1171)
• India
12 Dec 06
congress is in desperate bid to gain power at any cost.For that they are prepared to sell any thing.
manmohan sigh is just amouth piece. He has no opinion on his own. so take it that he has voiced the opinion of the party. The same congress was originally responsible for the split of the country. Now again Sonia gandhi is trying to shift all maldies of congress to opposition.Majority of the voters are illiterate or know nothing of the designs of congress.They have made every effort over their rule to see that eduction becomes as costly as possible so that poor will continue to be illiterate anfd nehru dynasty can rule for ever. My personal belief is God alone can save this country from congress and nehru dynasty
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@tejaswinee (705)
• India
20 Dec 06
yes, i believe there will be a revolution. but, this time i think we all need to work for it instaed of waiting for someone else to work.
@harshadod (858)
• India
21 Dec 06
Yes the revolution is long overdue. It is time we questioned ourselves seriously and acted according to our inner voice.
@vinod_sailes (214)
• India
18 Dec 06
What sort of say have you flashed ? India to have a revolution ? India is already topping some of the most corrupt in the world. Is this money minting not a revolution ? Where on earth is there so mcuh corruption as in India ? Well, not to be harsh about a country where I had to be born but what bout the millions who are migrating to other nations for better pasture ? Does it not amount to a mean attitude by people here where every department and every person, whether in the court, income-tax, police, and other institions are squeezing the innocent and righteous people to get their pockets swelled ? Ominous indeed.
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@banta78 (4326)
• India
11 Dec 06
I definately think Manmohan singh's UPA led government is trying to appease the minorties particularly muslims by playing dirty vote bank politics. I feel letdown by person with clean image as pM Manmohan singh to have made such a statement. I feel sad at the low level of politics in India. And is reflectives of times in the world. I feel all communites be it hindus and muslims shouldn't let these statements flare anti minorites or vice versa feelings as it would only benefit the grand designs of political parties. We should through there dirty games and vote all poltical parties out of power who indulge in such activities nothwitstanding whichever party does it. I think people should concentrate on more importants issues like development of country, fight against aids, fight against terrorism.... and so on.
@harshadod (858)
• India
12 Dec 06
Yes, we should not allow these statements to widen the rift. At the same time it is time that the middle class took an active role in reforming the political system. Our participation at all levels is required. Afraid till today even I have only been talking about it. Each one of us should try to make a difference in whatever possible way.
@cash365days (420)
• United States
11 Dec 06
India is becoming a political mess day by day. Manmohan was very good in the starting as PM. He however have to listen to the AICC. He changed. He is eyeing the Vote bank now.
This is dirty politics. I strongly feel that we should have some young PM & President in India to lead this generation. Some one how thinks into future and develops the attitude in people. He should be a sort of dictator for some time to get things on track.
A democratic government cannot solve these issues in India. We need a one strong man government.
@harshadod (858)
• India
12 Dec 06
I will disagree that Dictatorship is the answer to our problem.
Democracy is a necessary evil. We are yet to develop a better political system than democracy.
@achyuta (2851)
• United States
12 Dec 06
I agree with you. This is 100% vote bank politics. If he ahd said they would have some reservations for economically backward people, I would have been delighted. If more muslims are economically abckward they would be naturally benifited too in that scenario. But deciding to do such a thiugn absed on religion is a brutal murder of democracy.:(
@altair_dip (807)
• India
12 Dec 06
The Indian political scenario is one of total upheaval, attaching a sane and logical thought to is of no use. Corruption, underhand dealings, misuse of power, self gratification is the name of the gameā¦. I do understand that politics in every country is a power game and there is always some amount of corruption, but the constitution takes care that it is curtained. In India the constitution is used by the politicians for personal gains.. The youth of India need to take a call on this.. how is something we need to figure out.
@harshadod (858)
• India
12 Dec 06
I agree with you. But we get what we deserve. How do we change what we get?
@ndraj_2006 (1422)
• India
11 Dec 06
Manmohan singh government eyeing on the vote bank. so, they can do any thing for the minorities. I agree there should be security & special services for minority people . But, this is too much & they are doing it for selfishness. This is not the problem of these people. but, our constitution is inthat way. remember It was written by Ambedkar & He had given many Offers to the minority including Muslims & all other castes.
Constitution should be re-Written.then it would be changed.
If not No use of We discussing Here.
@harshadod (858)
• India
11 Dec 06
Dr.Ambedkar had made provisions in the Constitution only for a certain time period. The minorities should be helped but not at cost to some one. They need education and health. The reservations benefit a select few, who later do not wish to be identified with minority. The crux of the problem is empowerment.
The policy makers should frame policies keeping this old saying in mind.
"If you give some one a fish, he/she will eat for a day, if you teach him/her fishing he/she will eat for lifetime."
@gopalagarwal (518)
• India
23 Dec 06
if this vote banking would be limited to their self needs it would be ok but they are pulling peoples in between them by taking names of the cast
@mlmpeople (777)
• India
12 Dec 06
Only you said it correctly.I have just read different statements.The curse of India is misled people.None wants to think from the progress of India.Narrow minded people want to say they are positive in thier thinkings.If they want to find fault with a Gentle man like Dr.Manmohan singh, whom else will they spare ? We voted BJP once and tried.But they could not bring economy to India. They know only to blame others.They want to blow up petty things. If they fight for good reasons they would have already got recognition.
@harshadod (858)
• India
12 Dec 06
You are right that Dr.Manmohan Singh is a gentleman. The issue here is that , is it right to selectively discriminate on the basis of religion, especially by a so called Secular government.
No body here is praising BJP. In fact you are the only one mentioning about BJP. The merits of having a Congress Govt. is well known. We have been ruled by them for more than 50 years and we owe everything to them.
@gprasad (177)
• India
12 Dec 06
ya its been quite a struggle these days. these politicians just for gettin votes have started to come out with all this new fundas. first they came out with reservations in iim's. i dont know where r they goin to end this. its becomin pathetic day by day.
@samaira (162)
• India
12 Dec 06
wat to say ....actually yes the only problem here is politics....i think if politicians were alright one wud have faced any kind of problem...why make such statements in public....i mean it hurts sometimes...but one thing i wud like to say to the person who started this discussion...manmohan singh is a nice person...i think he made thide this statement only to say that muslims have also got equal rights on all the resources...he must not have meant that only muslims can use the resources...i m not his relative..but we usually misunderstand people....this was regarding wat our pm told...but when it comes to the thinking of people here...i really feel people here are losing values....but one can not say anything against anyone until n unless he himself tries to work for change .....i m trying to do something...i mean i m young n i ll definitely try to enter politics n i really want people of our age to really look into the matter...even i m an engineer...i have got an offer in my hand...but still i wud like to go for ias exams...n do something..people can do something...n people who can do this are we ...the youth of our nation...
@harshadod (858)
• India
12 Dec 06
All the best to you. Let the passion to make a difference burn in you brightly.
@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
11 Dec 06
A revoultion starts with sparks setting a fire from millions hearts of people
It is really wrong on the part of our so called POLITICIANS to comment on others stating other's as inferior when we arent in a good state either
They wont gain anything by this, they will just end up flaring the feelings of other people
Its high time that these corrupt politicians took a standstill!
@harshadod (858)
• India
12 Dec 06
We get what we deserve and probably it is time we change ourselves.
@psyche_shivya (879)
• India
11 Dec 06
well what u say is right...this's nothing but the congress of appeasement and then divide and rule....after all they r the loyal dogs of england in following such things...i don't know what good have they done...they think the'll win votes by this...i don't know why our muslim brothers believe i n them still knowing their intnetions...
@harshadod (858)
• India
12 Dec 06
Yes, we have carried on the legacy of British, divide and rule is still actively pursued. But it is we who give them a chance to do so.
@scorpius (1792)
• India
12 Dec 06
i agree with you.this is is high time that the reservation dilema was bou7ght to a stand still.reservation has been going on for so long that it is hiogh time it is stop-ped.many students are being deprived of thier education because of this reservation is highn time that the supreme court stepped in this matter.whats more giving the resources of the country to just one community is not what our indian constitution is all abt.well thej constitution enshrines the principle of equality and secularism neither oif which are being put into action.i wil not be voting for the congress anymore.that is for sure!
@kishchun (497)
• Oman
12 Dec 06
you are right, we would never expect a person of such stature like Dr.Manmohan Singh to employ such mean means for the sake of votes. that is really why our country is lagging behind inspite of having huge resources in terms of human intelligence, manpower and natural resources. we are a poor nation with all the richness in nature. and just take a look at all those countries around with people not-so-enlightened or skillful, not with much natural beauty to boast of , but still they make soooo much of whatever little they have and showcase their countries in a very big way.
it makes one feel very low and guilty, you know... but, as long as we have politicians like these - and this is one of the very best, i suppose - so long, do we see any glorifying future for India, forgetting just talking great?
@surigarapati (30)
• India
12 Dec 06
man mohan singh ho koi bhi hi jab tak public ka asli batt bahar nahi ayaga india ka kuch nahi hoga,
abhi tho mujhe lagta hai ki india me hindus keliye jaga bachegaki nahi??????????????/................