o my god i am so glad that you are ok!!
By urzicutza
@urzicutza (1971)
December 11, 2006 1:45pm CST
and now you come home with 7 children and 4 dogs?what hapent to you?where have you been?butt you are totaly changed?you face is not the same!you hear is not the same?only you voice remaind the same and you eyes!!!i want the hole story right now!lest sit down and tell me everything!!!!
(well now is you turn...let you imagination fly away...:) the good responces gets rated and the best of all will be the best respons)but dont forget that i can ghange when ever i found some beter story so manage to be the best of all)
5 responses
@eu_ursuletzu (1197)
• Romania
12 Dec 06
hellooxx...OH MY DOG!!! so here i am right now,in the swiming pool where there is no water,only air,and i am flying over the swiming pool whit my laptop on my stomache,eating a white coffe,whit the moon making my sking browner and browner,and the stars singing to me "what a beautifol day",the moon-glasses on my eyes are very transparent but they are on my eyes protecting me from the big light on the moon,and the pinguins are swiming next to me,and the flamingo birds are making me wind,and the elephants are acompanying the stars on theyr beautifol song,and i imagine myself on another planet,stauing in the bed whit my computer on the desk and my keepord on my stomache,drinking a black coffe,lisening to turkish music on winamp,whitout glasses on my eyes,whitout condtionat air in my room,and no animals near me.And i am still dreaming becouse i know that here from the DINGHI-LINGHI planet where i am now i cant get on the place that i sayed before...so i'm laughing and im laughing again and again,and i have tears of sadnes on my face....
@axe_effect (799)
• Philippines
12 Dec 06
i would call a cop and arrest you.. hehe.. joke.. :) merry christmas
@braveheartpt (3037)
• Portugal
12 Dec 06
After that best response I lost my new ideas to that story it´s really a good one. Congratulations for this discussion.
@eu_ursuletzu (1197)
• Romania
12 Dec 06
So...you cant bellive what happend to me.As i was walking to my frineds house,lisening to music on my walkman,sudently i saw a big light!!!Istarte to shake in that moment and try to see whare the light is coming.I was looking up throw the sky and saw a big "thing"like a plate,i couldent see very well what that was becouse the light was very powerfool.The next thing i remember was that i was laying down on a white table,whit white walls,no windows,many lights in the room,and my hands and legs tight on that table.Iwas whit my eyes opened of course,else i couldent see where i was.In a couple of minuts the door that was exactly in front of me was opened and 4 "guys" dressed in white,not very tall,not very small,whit very big green heads,big black eyes and long fingers came throw me,and started to talk like robots,in a language that i never heard in my life and voices like there wore holding there nouse.
Iwas afraid of corsebecouse they wore looking exactly in to my eyes and i dident knew what was about to happend next.Very curios was that they was untighting me and let me get up from that table.In the next moment they sudently start to talk in english,asking me what is my name.Isayid"mmmyyy naaameee iisss Ellliizzzaaa"(whit a very shaking voice).They told me then that i am "the one".I asked "what for"They just sayed i was the chosen one and i have to do what they are telling me.
I was there for a very long time,they wore very good whit me,havend done anything bad to me.They told me that they will let me go home when they are gona be done whit me.So it was but i had to do some things before going back home.They told me that i have to change my face in another one,my hair,my hole body was about to be change,only my eyes and my voice remained the same.So there i was in the midle of nowere looking like Pamela Anderson.
I was about to go home,but it passed 9 years from when i was taken by them.They maked me 7 babyes.Of course i dident maked love whit them!!!!They wore implanting me something in my stomache and i got pragnet whit 7 babyes in the same time,very curious is that my stomache was not big at all,but i had to wait 7 years till the babyes wore about to be born and another 2 years till i wa about to go back home.How this was not enough they gived me like a present 4 little dogs,that i was about to take care of.
So here comes the day that i go back home.I was allrady on the earth.Nothing was changed,i was exactly on the road thay i was when they took me,except i was not about to continue my way to my friend,i was going back home whit my new 7 kids and my 4 dogs...
@RaZZvaN (169)
• Romania
9 Jan 07
They told me then that i am "the one".I asked "what for"They just sayed i was the chosen one and i have to do what they are telling me.
I was there for a very long time,they wore very good whit me,havend done anything bad to me.They told me that they will let me go home when they are gona be done whit me.So it was but i had to do some things before going back home.They told me that i have to change my face in another one,my hair,my hole body was about to be change,only my eyes and my voice remained the same.