What is the best solution of Kashmir Issue?
By Xrated
@Xrated (3765)
December 11, 2006 3:51pm CST
1:Attach with Pakistan.
2:Attach with India.
3:Give Independence to Kashmir.
4:Accept LOC as International border.
5:Give the right to kashmiries to select With Which country they want to Attach.
In My personal Opinion 5th option is right,
Give the right to kashmiries to select With Which counry they want to Attach.
What is your personal opinion about this Major Issue between Pakistan and India?
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10 responses
@vijay12 (1642)
• India
11 Dec 06
The real problem,between the two, is religioous difference and emotional past.
Kashmir was never part of Pakistam.
Hence the best solution is,for Pakistan,not to rake it up as a "PROBLEM".
Even,if,the so called "Kashmir probelm",(according to me it is not the problem at all)is solved,Pakistan will ceate problems,for India.
The real reason for this is that Pakistan, treated the people of its erstwhile eastern wing badly,and lost the territory.India,was a party in the Liberation of that part.
@Xrated (3765)
• Pakistan
11 Dec 06
I am talking about political issue not religious issue understand
it is a major problem indian army are raping kashmiri ladies beating men and women and also children and u are asking this is not a issue get a life man
kashmir is a part of india understand kashmir is not a province of india
this is a very critical issue between these two country dont think as a indian
I post this dicsussion because I want to know what is the best solution If I think like a Pakistan I simply say that kashmir is province of paksitan
@shi_2000_21 (2680)
• India
20 Dec 06
xrated I think you don't know this history of Pakistan. This land was given to you in alms.
And you are talking about muslim soldiers, I think you forget the battle of Longewala where just 125 Indian soldiers thrased your whole tank regiment of pakistan.

@skratkini (79)
• India
17 Jan 07
Kashmir issue has always been a strange issue.
1. India was divided in to two based on the muslim and hindu majority
2. So historically Pakistan itself is a part of India. But India never claims Pakistan to be annexed to it.
3.If muslim majority is the sole criterion for annexing kashmir to pakistan, then there are so many parts of India with muslim majority. And it will irrational to annexe all those regions to pakistan.
4. India was divided saying -- pakistan is for muslims and India is for hindus.If this was implemented fully, then at the time of partition itself all the muslims from kashmir would have shifetd to Pakistan and kashmir would not have been an issue at all.It is just because of our kind attitude of allowing the muslims who were willing to stay back in India, lead to all these problems.
5. Bangla desh was officially considered a part of pakistan before 1971. It is full of muslims only. Instead of claiming back that larger region which is full of muslims and which was officially given to it, I dont know why pakistan is trying to grab the smaller kashmir which was not given to it officially. My personal opinion is that all these are just to create unrest in India. May be someone else is behind pakistan.
6. How will you explain the exodus of Kashmiri pandits in this context?
7. The rapes which someone mentioned are stary incidents and should not be made a political issue. It will happen wherever the army is employed whther it is kashmir or someother part of India. It is totally a different but serious issue and dont link it to the kashmir issue.
8. India is a country of diversity. If you want to give independence based on regions, people, language etc then there will be no India but at least more than 30 different countries. So the issue of giving independence to kashmir does not arise.
9. What is the solution then?
Media should not highlight kashmir issue and make it look like a serious one. UN should impose sanctions on Pakistan for giving shelter to terrorists.
Except Pakistan and Bangla desh, all the other regions are and will be part of india.

@skratkini (79)
• India
19 Jan 07
Why are you not trying to get Bangladesh back which was officially part of Pakistan for 24 years and of course it has muslim majority
@Xrated (3765)
• Pakistan
18 Jan 07
dude u dont know the procedure of including the states in india and paksitan that who was set by british govt in 1946-47
and by that rule or what every u can say kashmir is a part of pakistan but india capture it by force in 1948
and as well as other parts of india is consern in that particular rule it said that states will take dicision of including in india or pakistan on the geographical basis so I think they cannot include in pakistan even if tey want to
now u are talking about UN did india accept UN resolutions on kashmir issue han?
no India never did this and you are talking about terrorists if u have the avidence show it to the world what are u waiting for han?
india just talking about terrorism coz they want to show kashmiries dont want independence
and plz plz get some info about the history of sub continent before posting a commit
@hiveenu (521)
• India
19 Jan 07
Hi Xrated, the truth is, kashmir wanted to be independent during partition. Instead of trying diplomatically, pakistan induced the tribals in its border to invade kashmir, the HINDU king ruling Kashmir asked for India's help. India said it will, but only if he agrees to join India. He agreed, and India started to chase the tribals out. But for some inexplicable reason, Nehru wanted the troops back inspite of Sardar Vallaba Bhai's pleas that within one week, entire kashmir can be driven out of pakistani infiltrators. So Indian army was called back and both parties settled at what is now known as LOC. In my earlier comment, I said I wanted kashmir to be independent because, while pakistan used force, India used coaxing to get Kashmir. So, morally, none deserve it.

@shi_2000_21 (2680)
• India
20 Dec 06
Till now there was no indian in this discussion. Now a great Indian has arrived in the scene. The first and foremost India should do is send Pakistan back to stone age. Becuase this "Macchar" is creating trouble not only for India but also for whole of Universe by harbouring criminals like Bin Laden and Dawood Ibrahmim "The doggy".
In fact the area was never ruled by any muslim ruler, It was always with Hindu Ruler, Even when India was ruled by Muslims.
@Xrated (3765)
• Pakistan
20 Dec 06
hhahahah man this the most funny post lolz!
if u think u are great and cappible of then do it we will show u what we are!
and what u think why your govt not attacking on pakistan dude they are afraid of our army U also know a when we did with you in 1948 and 1965
bacsisally your army is fraid of pakistan's army who is one the best armies in the world and child get some information
dawood ibrahim is a mumbai's don and mumbai is in india not in pakistan right dude?
that is your area and this show how wea k your country is lolz!
and dude ask your teacher and parents about mughal's who were they they were muslims the great muslim rulars and they rule sub-continent more then 1000 years
and plz next time post some quality responce and give some proper avidence and right information ok tc
@sweetie88 (4556)
• Pakistan
13 Dec 06
I'll like to agree with urs fifth option. As i think that its the best solution of the Kashmir's issue. As Pakistani people themselves decided to get freedom from hindus in the sub-continent. Similarly, Kashimiris too have right to solve their problem themselves.
@sweetie88 (4556)
• Pakistan
14 Dec 06
No, u r n't right. English goverment cheated both nations and also gave rights to both nations but hindus liked to make Muslims their slaves. I am sure that if u'll read history in details then urs this misconception'll remove.

@skratkini (79)
• India
13 Feb 07
The answer is
1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. No
6. Unification of India and Pakistan - Yes this is the solution for all the problems.( do you think Kashmir is the only problem between India and Pakistan)
@hiveenu (521)
• India
15 Jan 07
Hi, xrated. I'm talking neither as a pakistani nor an Indian. I'm also not in favour of any particular religion. My sole purpose in responding to your discussion is to stop further bloodshed there. First, under UN supervision, both India and Pakistan should withdraw troops completely from Kashmir. Then, a UN referendum should be conducted with the kashmiri people. Give them 3 choices. One-join with India;two-join with pakistan and three-want independence. I want them to choose independence because I feel they suffered both under India and Pakistan. After choosing independence, they should graciously call back all the kashmiri pandits who were displaced to other regions of India by terrorists. I want Kashmiris to embrace democracy and allow Indian and Pakistani tourists without visas. Let the friendship between us and pakistani people occur through kashmir. And finally in the above process, if evidence emerges that pakistan occupied kashmir was used for terrorist training, then the UN should persuade pakistan to atleast handover the most wanted 20 criminals list given by India to Pakistan for extradiction.

@Xrated (3765)
• Pakistan
15 Jan 07
dude I also want this and I am very happy to know your opinion on this
dear I want that people should think about this critical problem and I got the first right and good answer from the india I mean a opinion from indian side and I hope so that Government also think like me and you I hope so
thx for the responce
@hiveenu (521)
• India
15 Jan 07
Finally I want to add that if no evidence emerge regarding the terrorist training camps then the Indian Government should apologize unconditionally for misleading the world on Pakistan. Pakistan should do the same besides making sincere attempts to hand over the wanted criminals if they are hiding there.

@sunflowergirl (3064)
• United Arab Emirates
11 Dec 06
since i am a Pakistani kashimri....i will strongly agree with the 5and the point 3!!!!thay always had the rite to chose and most likely they will prefer to be independent!!!!
@gadituzair (985)
• Pakistan
13 Dec 06
yeah no one can decide on behalf of Kashmiries!they have to decide themselves,India should accept that but of course its possible for any Indian Government to take such a strong action bcoz if the game went wrong not only the government but the whole ruling party will be effected....
Otherwise its pretty logical that Kashmiries had their birth-right to go with whom they wanted
@Ravirocks (489)
• India
13 Dec 06
i think option 5 is the correct one. This is not about india or pakistan it is a decision for the kashmiris & they should have the right to choose which country they want to opt. So people time has come to take decision india or pakistan.