@lilttownmommie (1473)
United States
December 11, 2006 4:14pm CST
What were your children's first words, and how old were they? When did they take their first steps? Anything else you want to share with the mylot community about your children? Everything goes :) Lets Be Proud Parents :)
My son's name is DJ, and he said mama at 4 months old, he was "standing" in my lap and smiling at me when he said it, he took his first steps at 13 months old. My son developed more of his verbal skills before motor skills. He will be 5 in march and will be starting K-5 next August.
My daughter, Lily, will be 5 months old next week on the 19th, she said her first word last night, Daddy, kind of sounded like Daa-dee but there was no mistaking what she said, as soon as he walked into the room she got an ear to ear grin and said it, before that she had been saying daaa daaa daaa. She has not walked yet, but she is trying to pull herself up to a sitting position right now and she can roll and scoot, but she only scoots on her back, lol. Silly child, she is too much like her daaadee.
23 responses
@foxxeechocolate (525)
• United States
13 Dec 06
my daughter is six months old and she is starting to talk. she says her brothers name, grandpa and jump. she will not say mama though, go figure
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@lilttownmommie (1473)
• United States
14 Dec 06
you would think that they would all say mama first lol, as much as we do for them :)
@lilttownmommie (1473)
• United States
12 Dec 06
awe, how old is she? sounds precious
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@sunrisekn (1466)
• United States
12 Dec 06
My son will be 9 months on the 17th of Dec. His first word was "hey" at 5 months because when I would pick him up from his crib I would say-Hey baby-how did u sleep? He now says ma-ma, da-da,heyo(hello),and duckaducka (i think thankyou because it's after I hand him his bottle. He got his first tooth about 2 weeks ago. He is crab crawling and taking small steps away from things so I think he'll be walking by the end of the year. Thanks for letting us brag a little.

@lilttownmommie (1473)
• United States
12 Dec 06
he is so cute :) I know that all parents love to talk about their kids :) I think its a pride thing but o well hehe

@gknott (936)
• United States
12 Dec 06
I have 5 children, they all said daddy 1st. I think it must be an easy word to say, then of course I had to work on them with mommy you know. I remember my oldest boy saying "dotdog" instead of hotdog. I love hearing them say there 1st words for a couple years. It is awesome to see someone learn and show the things they see to you by talking.

@lilttownmommie (1473)
• United States
12 Dec 06
i think that the kids associate dada or daddy with fun and play and mama with all the normal routine things, and things they hate, we are more the bad guys and daddy gets to look like the knight in shining armor

@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
14 Dec 06
I help raise my niece and when she was little she she did a few words but nothing major, mama, doggie, no. Then one day she spoke her first sentence."I go mall with grandpa." She was a shopper at heart even at that age.
@lynnpamelago (64)
• Philippines
12 Dec 06
my daughter was 2 years old when she started to talk. yes, 2 years old! before that, all she did was point and do some sign language. for some time, we were thinking of taking her to a therapist. then my husband and I decided to wait until her 2nd birthday...voila! when her birthday came, she started to talk, in sentences. We were so surprised and happy at the same time. Now my daughter is almost 5 and is in nursery.
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@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
12 Dec 06
Aww i know it is so nice to hear from babies growing up
its like god's grace shining at its best and to make things more mesmerising its the way those innocent little cuties speak the first word
The ones you have been carrying in your arms for days and months speak the Wonder word MAMA and DADA
Really its soooooooooooo nice to hear
@chiquita1977 (1706)
• United States
12 Dec 06
well my two year old first word was mommy she was 10 months old.she was a year when she started walking she just recently started talking alot before she only said a handful of words.she is so attached if we leave her with grandma so we can shop she pulls a fit because we are not taking her she has been throwing alot of fits lately i guess its the terrible two' my 8 month old son can sit up scoot he likes to scream since he found his voice.he has three bottom teeth and his two top ones are comming kids are the best they do the cutest son is always hugging and kissing me my daughter thinks stuffed animals that dance and sing are real one day she asked one if it wanted to go bye-bye with her it was to cute.
@lilttownmommie (1473)
• United States
12 Dec 06
awe, how precious :) my daughter screams alot too, I tink shes just trying to get attention lol, she even screams at her toys if they dont just come to her lol
@ljmc24 (413)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Mine is 5 months old and keeps saying Daa, so I figured dada is coming soon. My first one said MaMa and wouldn't say dada till she was colse to 8 months old. My first walked at 10 months and could run by 12 months. She also could scale the couch by 9 months, could pull herself to a standing position with the furniture by 6 months. And at 13 months I could not keep her in a crib because she learned how to hook her heel on the edge of it and vault herself out. She is really tall for her age and always has been, if they go by their height at 2 they say to double it, well she would be well over 6 foot tall.
@amber81 (288)
• United States
12 Dec 06
I am glad you brought this up.. i have two step children but werent there when they were that young... they are now 5 yrs old nad 3 yrs old .. and i cant wait for my first to come in febuary... i love to hear what you all have to say.. i know what i got to tlook forward to!! THanks for starting this subject!!!
@lilttownmommie (1473)
• United States
12 Dec 06
congrats, cherish every moment they grow up so fast
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
12 Dec 06
My daughter had her first word around five months. She said "DADA" and her second word was "DAMN" and it was clear as day. She started doing the army crawl when she was around six months and took her first steps around eleven months. She is now four years old and in Pre-K. She is a character. She is the light of my life.
My son, he is just a little guy. He is eleven months and he likes to talk jibbers. Sometimes it sounds like he is saying "HEY" when he is trying to get attention. It's cute when he does it because he makes his voice sound deep. He also only crawls, but is on his way to walking soon. He is showing signs of wanting to walk. He is so much different then his sister. He is into everything, so was his sister, but he is much faster and more pushy. And I swear I heard him say "I love you" once. He also loves to give kisses and hugs. He is starting to wave bye, bye when people leave.
I guess I should stop, I can go on and on about my kids. I'm sure every mother could. It's our favorite subject!
@lilttownmommie (1473)
• United States
12 Dec 06
awe, so cute :) thanks for sharing, yes we can, i think it is a right we have lol, especially after giving birth to them :)
@shraddha_chandwadkar (135)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Speaking about milestones. My son is now 18 months old. He is all around the place....climbing on almost evrything. Speaks quite a few words now. He has a mind of his own. Shows lot of independance. Wants to do everything himself. Has his temper tantrums at times and is very playful. He had his 18 month appointment yesterday. He has lost quite a lot of weight. Doesnt want to eat much. He kjust wants to play. Its real fun to watch him grow.
@Rosy001 (363)
• South Africa
12 Dec 06
I am a 1st time mom and hating every minute being at work. never ever thought that i would wanna be a stay at home mom, but i so want that. i am missing out on toooooo much. not getting to hear all the gurgles and jurgles, wont know when she take her 1st depressing! she chose to say daddy or dah before mommy and not mama or roza if she's in a mood. will probably miss the day she actually says mommy. probably cynical, but why have a child if you dont intend to care for them? granted circumstances will decide that but its just not fair......she's my responsibility, mine to look after :(
@lilttownmommie (1473)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Im sorry, I hope that you don't miss her first steps or any other important milestones, did you feed her first solid, or were you there to see her? That is one of the important ones that my husband was there for, and he was there to hear her say daddy, other than that, he has missed her milestones, but with my son, I worked 2 jobs and was a college student and I was still able to see his first steps and first words, Just believe and things will work out
@BuDell66 (46)
• United States
12 Dec 06
I don't have any children but I have 2 nieces. They are 2 years apart. The youner one didn't talk for a long time, she let her big sister do the talking for her. I don't remember how old the little one was but her first word was sh** no lie, that was her first word and she would say it over and over again. Sometimes it seemed that she would say it at the appropriate time LOL. So she wouldn't talk and we were starting to think there might be something wrong with her hearing or something. Then one day when she was 3, I had her and her sister in the back of the car and I was talking to her and her big sister was answering for her. And I said don't do that she needs to learn how to talk for herself. So now no one was talking and it was quiet. All of a sudden the little one starts singing the theme from 'Cops' bad boys..bad boys...watcha gonna do LOL it was the most I have ever heard come out of her mouth in 3 years. I said Alexis is that you? She said yep, I said okay and from that day on she talked...strange...go figure
@Pmcbride (1081)
12 Dec 06
I have 3 kids (1 is my Stepson,16) Boy 8 & girl 6, My boy's first word was "dada" when he was about 1, my daughter never spoke until she was about 1 1/2, we were all away for holidays in our caravan, i was making them toast, i gave all the kids 2 slices each and i put more on for myself while it was cooking i lifted one of my daughters slices and started to eat it (as she was the slowest at eating) and she stood up on her seat and said "EAT YOUR OWN" i stood there gobsmacked for about a minute, then started laughing and couldn't stop, it was sooo funny. She hasn't shut up since, although i dont complain as my kids are really funny and make my life as great as it is.
@anna11292 (564)
• United States
12 Dec 06
I can't remember when my daughter said her first word, but i know it was dada. But I know she took her first steps at 8 months. I know that was soo early, she started to walk at 8 and a half months. and she climed the stairs at 7 and a half months. she is my she is 14. But my youngest is 2 and a half now. her first word was dade too, but she started walking at 11 months old. but she is very smart. she speaks really well. they grow sooo fast. We should enjoy every minute.
@lilttownmommie (1473)
• United States
12 Dec 06
i agree, we should enjoy every moment, they grow up way too fast :)
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Hello! I responded to one of your other posts too! You are like me, you want to talk about kids all the time, do we even have anything else to talk about, lol????
Well, I have 5, 4 boys, and finallly got my girl....she's 2. And just 2 days ago she started to repeat EVERYTHING that I say!! AND I MEAN EVERYTHING, lol. She was only saying about 15-20 words, now she says EVERYTHING. So, I have to be extra careful about the things I say now!
My 8 year old wrote out his Christmas list the other day...this is some of what he wrote...
1. laptop for my mom.
2. laptop for me.
3. sell foan (cell phone)
4. $50 dallers
5. metes for Olivia (mittens) lol
6. snowbord
7. new wenter coat
8. more pans, lol, I think he meant pants! But, hey I want the pans! lol
I think it's adorable to try to read the things that they write at this age!!! They are too cute! My kids are actually asking for clothes, can you believe that????? lol
Thanks for posting this, I love talking about my babies!!!Have a great day!
@lilttownmommie (1473)
• United States
12 Dec 06
that is so cute :) I can't wait until my lil man starts writing lol I love talking about my kids :) I think its a mommy thing lol
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
12 Dec 06
My first child said Mama. I guess that comes easy to babies as they seem to make mm mm sounds quite a lot. I used to spend a lot of time trying to get her to say mama and when she sucessfully said it, both mu husband were overjoyed. I can't remember how old she was at the time, it is such a long time now, but this post is just bringing back so many happy memories.