Why are guys so obsessed with a girl's body?
By lilabytes
@lilabytes (33)
December 12, 2006 9:16am CST
I know girls are not maniacs or more of we could control it. I wonder why guys really couldn't resist? I hate it when guys would check on girls even when they're married. Why can't they be fully satisfied with the one they have? I hate thinking about it and you know what, my dad is just like that. He's almost 60 and he's so obsessed with women especially young girls. I hate him! He even told me that men are just like that and that I should expect my husband to do the same. Heck! I disagree. I don't want my husband to be like that. If he is, I'd kill myself.
67 responses
@heartonfire (4119)
• Denmark
12 Dec 06
ah,yes i forgot to add something,i am sorry if your father is like that..mine isn't...he sais he likes bautiful women but i never saw him stearing at one on the street,or commenting about one,he just says he likes shakira but he sais it in a funny way...he sais that old guys looking at young girls are not normal because when he looks at a young girl he only sees her as his daughter,as i am alreasy 21...
and when i see a 40-50-60 years old guy looking at me on the street or telling me something,it disgusts me...i keep thinking about his poor wife that must be at home ,and maybe he has kids my age...it's sick if you ask me..i dont know how far normality goes nowadays
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@wyrdsister (584)
• Canada
12 Dec 06
Men are given permission in this society to oggle women regardless of whether its rude, obscene, or disgusting. Your 60 year old dad is doing what society permits him to do.
I can totally understand how upset this makes you! I hate it when men stare at my body for no good reason. What I've stared to do is to stare right back at them. Usually they don't notice at first because they're looking at my chest or butt. But when they see me "catching them in the act," they usually look embarrased and look quickly away. Men who act like that are usually cowards, anyway.
@micheller (1365)
• United States
12 Dec 06
i agree with you but no matter what they are gonna look at other girls. as long as they just look and don't touch. i don't know why they just can't be satisfied with looking at their own wife's body. but to be honest, there are some girls like that too.
@lilabytes (33)
• Philippines
13 Dec 06
It's okay if they just look but let's face it, guys are not just looking they also want to touch. Why do married guys or guys in a relationship still go to those places where strippers dance and do those silly things? Yes, some women do that too but you see very few women do that but most guys think it's just okay to do it. I hate the fact that there is a double standard in our society.
@scorpius (1792)
• India
12 Dec 06
well the ugly truth is that men are like that to a certain degree.well it is more like we cannot help looking at others.it is kind of like within us.in our nature.so i am sorry to say but your father is right!any man who says that he does not look at other girls even when he is in a relationship is either lying to you or he is gay!

@santhoshbww (15)
• India
13 Dec 06
Well, even if a person is in some relationship and if he watches another women then its natural. But it should end in only apriciation. Just like we apriciate all beautifull flowers we see around us, nothing wrong in that

@edelweiss (1929)
• India
13 Dec 06
Umm.. Ok I am guy. And I am not going to say for all the guys just for myself.
I think its my habit to check out girls not for the curves she has, nor to judge that she needs my approval, but does she meet my standards. Not that I want to get her into bed or anything.
I have some ideal image for girls and I simple compare her with that standard. Thats it.
I dont comment on how she looks to her. or to anyone else. Its just a momentary though that cross my mind.
I dont personally judge a person by how many curves she has or how she dresses... unless i have talked to her or any guy for that matter you cant say she or he is a good girl or a bad girl.
@hsvgrl86 (194)
• Australia
13 Dec 06
Men! I hate when they look at other chicks, and are so open about it, when ur in the car and talking to them but they are checking out chicks walking down the street really frustrates me. especially when they are ooooh she has a nice butt or nice boobs, it makes us women feel so degraded and that we are not good enough for them. The rule" u can look but u can't touch" is stupid. if men were not so open about it, there would not be such a big problem its because they tell u wanted they like about other women. they should be us what they like about us.
@lilabytes (33)
• Philippines
16 Dec 06
Exactly. Why are men so obsessed and thinks that it's just ok?
@neilf49 (809)
12 Dec 06
I think its just one of those natural things that things or people with beauty attract the eye. I am very happily married but I do find other women also physically attractive, fortunately my wife finds this amusing and teases me about it.
My motto has always been, and always will be, look but don't touch unless I can afford it - the price?? divorce, half of what I have and a miserable life in the future.
@lilabytes (33)
• Philippines
12 Dec 06
Well, it's a great motto and I applaud you for that. Yup, it's normal to just look and not touch. My dad on the other hand, well he's a look and touch kind of guy. Just thinking about him makes me sick!
@nishanity (1650)
• India
13 Dec 06
hmmmm...answer is quite simple.. its coz ladies bodies are more beautiful than a guys'
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
13 Dec 06
Hey, that's a good answer. Maybe right a little, but that isn't the whole reason. I already posted what I thought.
@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
13 Dec 06
yes i m agree with you too.. i hate those guys who just feel girls body as a part of their hot discussions... they have no respect of man at any age.
by the way my hubby not at all like this he not only respect woman he also not intend to shake with them or stare at them without any reason. He is a true muslim and respect the women as it is described in our religion.
@taymouse (585)
• United States
12 Jul 07
Everybody is saying it's natural but I don't think it's right, especially if the man is married. I mean, girls don't do that. Girls don't turn all googly eyed over every guy they see, especially not if they're married. Guys need to learn to control themselves and that marriage is a commitment to one person. Even if you just look, and you don't touch, it's still not right to fantasize. It's not loyal.
@clocks123 (1225)
• United States
10 Jul 07
guys are programmed that way from birth they just naturally look at someone attractive once ok it is their instinct twice come on be respectful of your wives girlfriends significant others please don't kill yourself!
@alphabeata (106)
• Philippines
8 Jul 07
Must be the hormones! I would welcome their appreciation but never the obsession.
@exchange (947)
• Australia
13 Dec 06
well you better go kill yourself
you cannot tell me that you never look at guys
if you say you dont then i will call you a liar
you must be too young to understand biology (younger than about 8) to not know such things
i recomend that you stay at school un til you are at least 15
@forfein (2507)
13 Dec 06
It is the way we are made!
Let me put it this way......
In all the other Animal Kingdoms, the MALE is the pretty one, and the female is the "Dowdy" one
Look at the Peacock !!
Most of the Paradise Birds!
The Lion, and the Lioness
There are lots more, but at the moment I cannot think of them!
Take Mankind......... Why do they call it Mankind and not Womankind???
Woman is the pretty one!!!!
Therefore, the Male looks!!!!
@TasksGirl (216)
• United States
18 Dec 06
@amitkumar83 (15)
• India
13 Dec 06
do u know that it is a common phenomenon amongst the boys but it is fast catching up with the girls also.In my view it all is basically how u take it.If once in a while someone checks out anyone then its all right but it shouldnt be made a habit.I too had a same habit But I got over it and it all happened since I fell in love .I made a conscious effort to neglect this habit whenever I saw some one Hot passing by I avoided starring at her and made myself busy in some other thought.And I finally got over this sick habit.It all begins for the sake of havimg fun and then it becomes a habit .i guess those who are into it donot want to give it up.Try to reason with them and give some of my tips to them so that they could overcome this habit.
@jhunfiers (67)
• Philippines
13 Dec 06
well, as i see it, men are always men..its their nature, to get so obsessed with a girls body..they may look at it as a way to pull out their stress..or maybe they would see it as a pleasure(as always..) we cannot merely trust a guy when he's out of his home!!he can do anything..anything with girls, specially..they really think thier "macho" when they have a lot of girls fooling around them opps, who will be fooled by them rather..they love to fool gurls, specially VIRGINS and MARRIED gurls!!!!heheheheh
@bibotanks (42)
• Philippines
13 Dec 06
well that's a man and it's natural for a man to look at the body of a woman...